class: gray-background
.left-column50[ .fat[1:] The RSE role
.fat[2:] Toolset
.fat[3:] Courses
.fat[4:] Use cases
.fat[5:] Vision ]
Researchers need to navigate many tools and concepts.
.cite[(c) Scriberia for The Turing Way, CC-BY]
.cite[Heidi Seibold, CC-BY 4.0,]
.. are people who combine .emph[professional software expertise] with an .emph[understanding of research] .cite[]
Often people who grew up in research and liked computing and programming
... or people who come from software development drawn towards meaningful and impactful work of academia
- Society of Research Software Engineering
- Recent conference: RSECon 2023
- Nordic-RSE unconference 2023
Our team
We grew up in research (chemistry and biology)
Interested in software development and computing
Employed by IT department
We are part of Norwegian Research Infrastructure Services
class: center, middle, inverse
- .emph[Code review] (we discuss code in a constructive way)
- Making code .emph[more reusable]
- Good practices for documentation
Git, GitHub, and GitLab
Moving your work/project/code/data to Git
Modularizing your code
Organization of reusable Python/R notebooks ]
Help with software licenses and open sourcing
Publishing code
Packaging and sharing software
Containerization (Singularity, Docker)
PyPI and Conda ]
Improving scaling, CPU, and memory optimization
Porting to GPU
Moving from local computer to cloud or HPC
Helping with running independent steps in parallel ]
.cite[Midjourney, CC-BY-NC 4.0] ]
Version control
Collaboration using Git
Modular code development
Reproducible research
Software licensing
How to share and publish code ]
Typical format: 6 half-days, twice per year, online, free, live-streamed, recorded, archived asynchronous Q&A in collaborative document
Lessons and recordings: ]
Oceanography: speed-up of grid mesh generation from days to seconds by a code rewrite from Matlab to Python+Rust using a more optimal algorithm
SMARTool: The Strategic Mastery of Russian Tool, Using GitHub Pages, JavaScript, and a CSV-based lightweight "database" to simplify maintenance, reuse, and contributions.
Constructicon: Searchable database of multiword grammatical constructions of Russian. Moved a project from a dedicated web server and custom database to GitHub Pages, JavaScript, and a YAML-based lightweight "database" to simplify maintenance, reuse, and contributions.
result = 0.0
with open("data.txt", "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
result += analyze(line)
result = 0.0
with open("data.txt", "r") as f:
for line in f:
result += analyze(line)
class: center, middle, inverse
class: center, middle, inverse
- Provide consulting: good advice is not expensive
- .emph[Code review] sessions
- Work on "smaller" projects and .emph[document use cases]
- Focus on UiT
- Attract more projects
- Be part of funding applications
- Research groups have access to best in class RSE services
- Hire more staff who collaborate on projects
- "Proper" application procedure
- Going beyond UiT
- .emph[Career path opportunities]
class: center, middle, inverse