The device hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is an API and specification to enable an oneAPI Construction Kit target to interface with a multitude of compute devices. A HAL separates a MUX target from the specifics of device interaction. By introducing this interface, one target can execute core without change on multiple devices. New devices can also be brought up quickly as they only need to expose the HAL interface.
To form a working OpenCL implementation three elements are required:
- This HAL API
- A MUX target that supports the HAL interface
- A HAL implementation
It should be noted that this HAL interface by itself is simply an API and library of utility code to be used by a HAL implementation. By itself this repository should not be considered standalone and should not be built in isolation.
Currently only the RISC-V oneAPI Construction Kit
target and clik
support and use HAL implementations. The only public implementations of
a HAL are:
reference HAL andRefsi tutorial
HAL - The
cpu HAL
For the specifics of the HAL interface, please read the ([docs/] documentation.