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<!DOCTYPE html><meta charset="UTF-8"><link href="blue.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="dark.css" rel="stylesheet" id="dark"><script src="lz-string.js"></script><script src="trimps.js"></script><style>li { font-size: 1.2em }
h3 { margin: 0 1em }</style><title>Changelog</title><h1>Changelog</h1><p id="alert"></p><div class="box" style="max-width: 1020px;"><h2>2.4 — 2018-02-24</h2><h3>Common</h3><ul><li>Support for Trimps v4.7</li><li>Migrated everything from plain old HTML+CSS+JS to Pug+Stylus+Typescript. This shouldn’t change anything visible, but let me know if something breaks!</li></ul><h3>Perky</h3><ul><li>The default target zone is now based on your highest VM clear.</li><li>From z70 to z110, leftover He is now dumped in Bait.</li><li>On Metal² and Trapper², leftover He is now dumped in Moti and Moti II.</li><li>Bugfix: no longer crash when all the weights are 0.</li><li>Bugfix: no longer crash when fixed perks are too expensive.</li></ul><h2>2.3 — 2017-11-30</h2><h3>Common</h3><ul><li>Hybrid notation and extended Standard notation are now supported.</li></ul><h3>Perky</h3><ul><li>Map caches are now taken into account (this shifts the Motivation-Looting balance a bit).</li><li>New presets for the feats Nerfed and Tent City.</li><li>The Trapper² preset now recommends points in Bait when relevant, making it usable mid-game.</li><li>New warnings when using “respec” presets incorrectly.</li></ul><h3>zFarm</h3><ul><li>Stopped recommending BW farming (never worth more than a small map with a resource cache).</li><li>Started recommending Extra Zones maps (only if you can afford them)</li><li>Life and Obliterated challenges are now supported.</li><li>Hyperspeed II is now taken into account.</li><li>New warning against farming on even Lead zones.</li><li>Reworded some messages (hopefully they’re less confusing, now).</li><li>Base loot is now displayed as a percentage of world-level loot.</li><li>New auto-filled input: “Fragments”</li><li>The auto-filled input “Challenge health” now uses multipliers instead of percentages (to avoid displaying Obliterated as +99999999999900%).</li><li>Auto-filled inputs “Agility” and “Hyperspeed” were merged into “Attack speed”.</li><li>Auto-filled inputs for the 3 nature empowerments were replaced by a single input for the currently active nature.</li><li>Bugfix: enemy health is now counted correctly on Lead and Coordinate.</li></ul><h2>2.2.1</h2><h3>Perky</h3><ul><li>“Target Zone” is now saved, like the other inputs.</li><li>More accurate valuation of Pheromones and Bait pre-z70.</li><li>New Overkill valuation.</li><li>The Scientist preset now fixes Coord=0.</li><li>Bugfix: stop assuming block pierce pre-z60.</li><li>Bugfix: don’t crash when a 0 He save is pasted.</li></ul><h3>zFarm</h3><ul><li>Spire II+ handling.</li><li>Bugfix: account for the magmamancermancy cap.</li><li>Bugfix: no longer consider multiple natures to be active at the same.</li><li>Bugfix: switching between trapper² and metal² presets no longer messes advanced options.</li><li>Bugfix: trimp² preset was overvaluing population.</li></ul><h2>2.2 — 2017-10-10</h2><h3>Perky</h3><ul><li>Lots of new presets!</li><li>Stopped suggesting removing points from perks if no respec is available.</li><li>Removed “Weight: Overkill”. This is now set automatically. You can still override it by adding OK to your “Fixed perks”.</li><li>An appropriate preset is now selected automatically when a save is pasted and no weights have ever been set manually.</li><li>Better display on small screens.</li></ul><h3>zFarm</h3><ul><li>Removed the misleading “highest zone where you one-shot everything” message.</li></ul><h2>2.1 — 2017-10-05</h2><h3>Common</h3><ul><li>Small graphical changes.</li><li>Toggling manual inputs now works using cookies, instead of adding <tt>#advanced</tt> to the URL.</li></ul><h3>Perky</h3><ul><li>Helium left over is now displayed.</li><li>Added a “More Info” toggle, to display the cost and total spent on each perk.</li><li>Added a “Share” button.</li><li>“Fixed perks” can now be used to set maximums/minimums for perks, by using <tt><</tt> and <tt>></tt> instead of <tt>=</tt>.</li><li>Bugfix: fixing a perk to 0 now works correctly.</li><li>Bugfix: income was slightly overvalued late-game due to a math mistake.</li><li>Bugfix: selecting the Spire preset then another one no longer messes up your options.</li><li>Bugfix: extremely high helium no longer causes “Health is Infinity” errors (tested up to 1e100 He).</li><li>Bugfix: compatibility with the Pale Moon browser.</li></ul><h2>2.0 — 2017-09-30</h2><h3>Common</h3><ul><li>Added a changelog! Sorry for not doing that sooner.</li><li>Scientific, engineering and alphabetic notations are now supported.</li><li>Unexpected errors are now reported prominently, instead of silently displaying bogus results.</li><li>Renamed “advanced options” to “manual input”. Everything in there is auto-filled when pasting a save.</li></ul><h3>Perky</h3><ul><li>Generated housing estimation is now based on target zone instead of HZE (fixes <a href="">this bug</a>).</li><li>Generated housing estimation is now much more accurate for late-game.</li><li>Fixed a bug where the Spire preset would still recommend Looting and Resourceful.</li><li>Improved the algorithm to limit over-spending on low-impact perks (Resourceful, Pheromones).</li><li>Removed “Round Spire perks”. Rounding is now done automatically, so that perk levels always fit in 3 digits.</li><li>Removed “Devalue income”. Perky now estimates how many equipment levels will be affordable and values income accordingly.</li><li>Moved “Fixed perks” from the advanced options to the main options.</li><li>“Fixed perks” now accepts abbreviated perk names, such as P2, looty II, OK, resi, and many others.</li><li>Added two auto-filled inputs: “Production mod” and “Loot mod”. For metal² and trapper², Production mod should be set to 0.</li></ul></div><nav class="flexbox"><a href="zfarm.html">zFarm</a><a href="perks.html">Perky</a><span class="centered"></span><a onclick="switch_theme()">Switch theme</a><a href="changelog.html">Changelog</a><a href="">Report a bug</a><a href="">View the source</a><a href="">By Grimy</a></nav>