Releases: virtualmin/virtualmin-gpl
Releases · virtualmin/virtualmin-gpl
- On systems without SuExec, fcgiwrap will be used to execute CGI scripts instead for new virtual servers.
- Removed the mostly useless configuration check for in /etc/resolv.conf.
- Added the reset-feature API command and a tab on the Validate Virtual Servers page to reset the settings for selected features of a virtual server back to their defaults.
- Added a configuration option and flag to create-domain to allow SSL linkage across domain owners.
- If using a supported Apache version or Nginx, HTTP2 can be enabled for individual websites or on the server templates page.
- Added support for outgoing SMTP providers like Amazon SES, so that systems with dynamic IPs can reliably send email.
- Reseller access to rename domains, manage extra admins, configure proxies, create, delete and edit virtual servers can now be restricted.
- When backing up, you can now choose to download the resulting file in the browser via a link so that the progress of the backup is properly displayed.
- The location of SSL certificate and key files can now be configured at the template level, and a safer default location can be set in the post-install wizard.
- ZIP format backups now use ZIP for archive files inside the backup as well.
- Added a field to the virtual server creation page to use an existing SSH key for logins, or generate a new key.
- If needed, Virtualmin will configure the exact PHP version required to run scripts when installed.
- Two-factor authentication for Usermin is setup for domain owners at the same time as Virtualmin.
- Added the create-login-link API command to login as a domain owner without a password.
- Massively simplified the SSL Certificate page for services certificates.
- Added a field for entering an SSH private key file for use in backups, instead of a password.
- Mainly bugfixes for issues found in 6.14
- The order of features on the virtual server creation and edit pages is now more consistent and stable
- Let's Encrypt auto-renewal has been simplified and is on by default
- Added an option to rename the HTML directory if changed
- Consolidated all PHP options into a single page, and moved website options to it's own page in the UI.
- SSL certicates can now be generated and managed for virtual servers even when they don't have the SSL feature enabled.
- Added the Cloud DNS Providers page, for configuring Virtualmin to use Route53 to host DNS rather than doing it locally.
- Added support for backing up to BackBlaze.
- Added a cron job to clean up old PHP session files.
- Fixes to creation and update of per-domain Dovecot SSL certs.
- Improved the template page for website options when Nginx is in use.
- Better handle PHP FPM package upgrades done after domains are created.
- Massively improved support for MySQL / MariaDB user and password management.
- Improved and preserved indentation for Apache configs.
- Fixes for IPv6 addresses in SPF and default DNS records.
- Fixed bugs caused by removing domain features in the wrong order.
- Improved locking for domain database files to prevent overwriting.