diff --git a/lib/node-progress.js b/lib/node-progress.js
index 2b62641..56bcf0a 100644
--- a/lib/node-progress.js
+++ b/lib/node-progress.js
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ function ProgressBar(fmt, options) {
   this.curr = options.curr || 0;
   this.total = options.total;
   this.width = options.width || this.total;
-  this.clear = options.clear
+  this.clear = options.clear;
+  this.smooth = options.smooth || 0;
   this.chars = {
     complete   : options.complete || '=',
     incomplete : options.incomplete || '-',
@@ -154,13 +155,37 @@ ProgressBar.prototype.render = function (tokens) {
   /* TODO: the following assumes the user has one ':bar' token */
   completeLength = Math.round(width * ratio);
-  complete = Array(Math.max(0, completeLength + 1)).join(this.chars.complete);
-  incomplete = Array(Math.max(0, width - completeLength + 1)).join(this.chars.incomplete);
-  /* add head to the complete string */
-  if(completeLength > 0)
-    complete = complete.slice(0, -1) + this.chars.head;
+    if (this.smooth) //smooth overwrites complete,incomplete,head (unicode)
+    {
+         completeLength = parseInt(width * ratio);
+        this.chars.complete = '█';
+        this.chars.incomplete = ' ';
+        switch (parseInt(((this.curr-(completeLength*(this.total/width)))/((this.total/width)/8))))
+        {
+            case 0: this.chars.head="▏";break;
+            case 1: this.chars.head="▎";break;
+            case 2: this.chars.head="▍";break;
+            case 3: this.chars.head="▌";break;
+            case 4: this.chars.head="▋";break;
+            case 5: this.chars.head="▊";break;
+            case 6: this.chars.head="▉";break;
+            case 7: this.chars.head="█";break;
+        }
+        complete = Array(Math.max(0, completeLength + 1)).join(this.chars.complete);
+        incomplete = Array(Math.max(0, width - completeLength + 1)).join(this.chars.incomplete);
+            complete += this.chars.head;
+     } else
+    {
+         complete = Array(Math.max(0, completeLength + 1)).join(this.chars.complete);
+        incomplete = Array(Math.max(0, width - completeLength + 1)).join(this.chars.incomplete);
+        /* add head to the complete string */
+        if(completeLength > 0)
+            complete = complete.slice(0, -1) + this.chars.head;
+    }
   /* fill in the actual progress bar */
   str = str.replace(':bar', complete + incomplete);