ja '[y]|>$0'
awk 'END{print}'
ja '{ix>6}{`0}'
sed '1,6d'
ja '{ix>6}{`0}' -i FILE | sponge FILE
sed -i '1,6d' FILE
awk '{ total = total + NF }; END {print total}'
ja '(+)|0 {|#*`$}'
git ls-remote https://github.com/musikinformatik/SuperDirt.git | grep tags | tail -n1 | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'
git ls-remote https://github.com/musikinformatik/SuperDirt.git | ja -F/ '[y]|>{%/tags/}{`*}'
NR==1{print $NF}
df -m | awk '{p+=$3}; END {print p}'
df -m | ja '(+)|0 {ix>1}{`3:i}'
{ if (length($0) > 180) { printf "%s:%i %s\n", FILENAME, NR, $0 } }
{#`0>180}{sprintf'%s:%i %s' (fp.ix.`0)}
cat /etc/passwd | ja -F: '{`7 !~/false|nologin/}{`1}'
cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '$7 !~/false|nologin/ { print $1 }'
wget https://burntsushi.net/stuff/worldcitiespop_mil.csv -O /tmp/worldcitiespop_mil.csv
ja -F, '(+)|0 {`5 ~ /^\d+$/}{`5:}' -i /tmp/worldcitiespop_mil.csv
awk -F, '{ sum += $5 }; END { print sum }' /tmp/worldcitiespop_mil.csv
As in this StackOverflow answer.
!a[$0]++ && ! /^$/
~.[#x>0] #. $0
BEGIN { FS="\|" }
/ *\^+/ {
p=match($2, "\\^+")
printf("%d-%d\n", colstart, col)
:set fs:=/\|/;
fn printSpan(str) :=
val p := match str /\^+/
val str := option '(none)' (sprintf '%i-%i') p
in str end;
printSpan¨{% / *\^+/}{`2}
:set fs:=/\|/;
fn printSpan(str) :=
val p := match str /\^+/
val str := (sprintf '%i-%i')¨p
in str end;
printSpan:?{% /\|/}{`2}
# awk -f path.awk <(echo $PATH)
BEGIN { FS = ":" ;OFS = "\n" }
{$1=$1 ; print $0}
{. echo $PATH | ja run examples/path.jac
fn path(x) :=
([x+'\n'+y])|>(splitc x ':');
ps u | ja '{ix=1 || `11 ~ /zsh/}{`0}'
This is equivalent to ps u -C zsh
where applicable.
In combination with ttyplot:
sar 1 | gawk '{ print 100-int($NF); fflush(); }' | ttyplot -s 100 -t "cpu usage" -u "%"
sar 1 | ja ':flush; {ix>3}{100.0-`*:f}' | ttyplot -s 100 -t "cpu usage" -u "%"
{ while true; do ja '{|`1:f%1000.0}' -i /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "cpu temp" -u C
{ while true; do awk '{ printf("%.1f\n", $1/1000) }' /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "cpu temp" -u C
vm_stat 1 | awk '{ print int($2)*4096/1024^3; fflush(); }' | ttyplot -t "MacOS Memory Usage" -u GB
vm_stat 1 | ja ':flush; {⍳>3}{`2:f*4096.0%(1024.0**3.0)}' | ttyplot -t "MacOS Memory Usage" -u GB
{ while true; do /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport --getinfo | awk '/agrCtlRSSI/ {print -$2; fflush();}'; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "wifi signal" -u "-dBm" -s 90
{ while true; do /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport --getinfo | ja ':flush; {%/agrCtlRSSI/}{-.`2:i}'; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "wifi signal" -u "-dBm" -s 90
NF == 1 && $1 != "}" {
haveversion[$1] = 1
for (i in haveversion)
printf "have-%s = yes\n", i
(sprintf 'have-%s = yes')" ~.{nf=1 & `1 != '}'}{`1}
{ total += 1 }; END { print total }
(+)|0 {|1}
(+)|0 [:1"$0
/Bloom/ { total += 1; } END { print total }
'(+)|0 {%/Bloom/}{1}'
{ if (length($0) > 72) { res = 1; }} END { print res; }
(||)|#f {#`0>72}{#t}
(max|_1 #"$0) > 72
{ total += length($0) }; END { print total }
(+)|0 #"$0
ls -l | awk '{ total += $5; } END { print total; }'
ls -l | ja '(+)|0 {ix>1}{`5:}'
Posed on StackOverflow:
From StackOverflow:
sed -n 7p FILE
awk 'NR == 7' FILE
ja '{⍳=7}{`0}' -i FILE
See here for an explanation.
{ split($0, a, "-"); res = substr(a[1], length(a[1]), 1); if (res == 1) white++; if (res == 0) black++; if (res == 2) draw++; } END { print white+black+draw, white, black, draw }
fn count(x) ≔
(+)|0 [:1"x;
fn processLine(b) ≔
val pre := (split b /-/).1
val l := #pre
val res := substr pre (l-1) l
in res end;
val iStream := processLine"$0
val white := count ((='1') #. iStream)
val black := count ((='0') #. iStream)
val draw := count ((='2') #. iStream)
val total := white + black + draw
in (total . white . black . draw) end
curl -s https://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/download.html | rg 'less-(\d+)\.tar\.gz' -o -r '$1' | head -n1
curl -s https://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/download.html | ja '[:|>.?{|`0 ~* 1 /less-(\d+)\.tar\.gz/}'
selects the first line in a stream by folding with the constant function [:
curl -s https://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/download.html | ja '[:|>[x ~* 1 /less-(\d+)\.tar\.gz/]:?$0'
This is perhaps not worth the loss in portability but it shows functional programming doing the heavy lifting (instead of toggling command-line flags).
curl https://www.stats.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/Food-price-index/Food-price-index-September-2023/Download-data/food-price-index-september-2023-weighted-average-prices.csv -o food-prices.csv
ja --csv '~.{ix>1}{`8} -i food-prices.csv
From this answer:
awk -F'[/:]+' '{ sub("^www\.", "", $2); print $2 }'
ja -F'[/:]+' "{|sub1 /^www\./ '' \`2}"
openssl version -d | cut -f2 -d\"
openssl version -d | ja -F\" '$2'