- Blockchain state
- The blockchain state is the central in-memory data structure maintained on each blockchain node. The blockchain state that tracks and reflects the confirmed and pending state of the blockchain. The state contains the mapping between account addresses and the account balances. The account balances cannot be negative at any moment. There is no debt on the blockchain. The state contains the mapping between account addresses and the account nonces used in the last transaction of each account. The nonce is a per account counter that increments with every new transaction signed from the account. The nonce prevents the transaction replay attacks when the valid signed transaction in intercepted and replayed to the blockchain network multiple times with the objective to perform multiple transfers of funds from the sender account. The nonce resolves the double spending problem by making each transaction from the sender account unique, so the same funds cannot be spent more than one time. The nonce ensures that transactions from the sender account are processed strictly in order of increasing nonce values making the transaction replay attacks and the double spending impossible. The state contains a copy of the last confirmed block that is used to validate the next proposed block that will be added to the blockchain if validated and confirmed
- Confirmed state and pending state
- The blockchain state has two perspectives: the confirmed state and the pending state. The pending state continuously and progressively becomes the confirmed state rejecting invalid transactions. The cycle begins by creating the pending state as a copy of the latest confirmed state. Then new signed transactions are applied to the pending state. The transaction application process validates a new signed transaction against balances and nonces of the pending state. If the new signed transaction is valid, the transaction is added to the list of pending transactions. On the due time a new block containing the list of validated pending transactions is created, signed by the authority account, proposed, and, finally, validated by consensus between the validator nodes. The confirmed block is applied to the current confirmed state that automatically becomes the next confirmed state. Immediately after the update of the confirmed state a new pending state is created as a copy of the latest confirmed state and the cycle restarts
- Apply transaction
- The transaction application process validates a new
signed transaction against one of the pending, cloned, or confirmed state by
performing the set of checks
- Verify the the signature of the signed transaction is correct
- Check the transaction nonce against the state nonce for the sender account
- Ensure that the sender account has enough funds to satisfy the value amount
Only validated transactions that has passed the transaction application process will be included in the next proposed block on the blockchain. If any of the transaction checks fails the transaction is rejected and the rejection reason is returned to the client that sent the transaction
- Transaction life cycle
- The transaction application process occurs four
times during the transaction life cycle on the blockchain
- Create transaction
- The first time a new transaction is applied to the pending state. The new transaction is either sent to the blockchain node by a client or relayed to the node from another node on the blockchain network
- Create block
- The second time the pending transaction is applied again to the cloned state when a new block is created, signed and proposed to validators to reach the consensus agreement
- Validate block
- The third time the transaction from the proposed block is applied to the cloned state during the validation of the proposed block on each validator node
- Confirm block
- The fourth time the transaction from the validated block is applied to the confirmed state when the validated block is added to the blockchain
- Create block
- The block creation process is either scheduled e.g. PoA consensus, PoS consensus, or happens at random points in time e.g. PoW consensus, PoET consensus depending on the employed consensus algorithm. The block creation process in this blockchain happens only on the authority node. The authority node performs the creation, signing and proposal of new blocks to all other validator nodes including the authority node. The block creation process is performed on the cloned state. The block creation process constructs a new block to be proposed by the authority node and validated by other validator nodes including the authority node. All pending transactions are sorted by the transaction creation time to be applied in order per the sender account, validated against the cloned state, and packed into a new block. The Merkle tree of the list of transaction is constructed and the Merkle root is stored in the block. The Merkle tree is used to derive the Merkle proofs for specific transactions to verify the inclusion of the specific transactions into the list of transactions of a block. The Merkle root is used to verify the inclusion of the specific transactions into the list of transactions of a block. The block number is incremented by one regarding the number of the last confirmed block. The parent hash is set to the hash of the last confirmed block from the confirmed state.
- Apply block
- The block application process occurs when a new proposed block
is relayed to the validator node from other nodes on the blockchain network or
when the confirmed block is read from the local block store during the
initialization or the synchronization of the state. The block application
process is first performed on the cloned state and, if successful, the cloned
state is applied to the confirmed state and the new block is appended to the
local block store. The block application process performs the set of checks
- Verify that the signature of the proposed signed block is correct
- Check the successive block number against the block number of the last block from the confirmed state
- Check the correct parent hash against the hash of the last block from the confirmed state
- Verify the integrity of all transactions of the block by re-constructing the Merkle tree with the computed Merkle root and comparing the computed Merkle root with the Merkle root stored in the block
Only validated blocks are applied to the confirmed state and are immediately appended to the local block store. Validated blocks and transactions are published to the node event stream. Any subscribed client can read events from the node event stream
- Block life cycle
- The block life cycle takes the block from the block
creation and proposal at the authority node, through the block relay and
propagation to the validator nodes, to the block validation and confirmation
on every node of the blockchain. The block life cycle
- Create block
- The block creation process in this blockchain is scheduled with a random delay only on the authority node. The block creation process happens on the cloned state. On the due time the authority node creates a block by including all validated transactions from the pending state. The new block is signed by the authority account
- Propose block
- The new block signed by the authority account is proposed to the validator nodes through the block relay mechanism. The proposed block reaches all nodes of the peer-to-peer network including the authority node that proposed the block
- Validate block
- The proposed block relayed from other nodes is validated by applying the proposed block to the cloned state. If the block application process is successful that block is considered validated. The validated block is further relayed to the list of known peers. If the block application process fails, the block is not relayed to the list of known peer. Blocks, relayed more then once to the same node, fail the second block application process and are not further relayed
- Confirm block
- The cloned state after the successful block application is immediately applied to the confirmed state. At this moment the validated block is considered confirmed. The confirmed block is appended to the local block store of the node
- State type
- The
type represents both the confirmed and the pending state of the blockchain. The state is maintained independently, but synchronized by consensus on every node of the blockchain network. The state contains the address of the authority account to sign the genesis and all proposed blocks. The state contains the map of the account addresses to the confirmed balances, the map of the account addresses to the per account transaction nonces. The state has a copy of the last confirmed block for the proposal of new blocks and the validation of proposed blocks. The state has a copy of the genesis hash for the proposal and the validation of the first block. The state contains a list of validated pending transactions. The list of pending transactions acts as a buffer for new transactions either sent by a client directly to the blockchain node or relayed to the node by other nodes in the blockchain network. The list of pending transactions is the source of transactions for the proposal of new blocks. Once a confirmed block is added to the confirmed state and appended to the local block store, the confirmed transactions contained in the confirmed block are removed from the list of pending transactions. The state has concurrency safe getters for the account balance, the account nonce, the last confirmed block. The concurrency safe string representation of the state is provided to preset the state to the end user. The genesis is used to construct the initial state. Specifically, the authority account address, the initial genesis balances, and the genesis hash is used to initialize the confirmed state and the pending state- Symmetric confirmed and pending state
- The
type is recursively defined and contains the pending state of the typeState
to support the confirmed and the pending state. Both the confirmed state and the pending state use the same data structure. This design allows to apply transactions, create blocks, and apply blocks to either the confirmed state or the pending state using the same methods without any modifications. After the confirmed state is updated with the application of the next confirmed block, the balances and nonces of the pending state are updated to have a copy of balances and nonces of the new confirmed state. The confirmed transactions are removed from the list of pending transactions - Concurrency safety
- The
type is concurrency safe. To be concurrency safe the state type uses the readers-writer mutex. Concurrent requests to read or to write state come from concurrent processes running on the blockchain node e.g. the transaction application, the block creation, the block application, the transaction and block queries. The readers-writer mutex improves the throughput and reduces the latency by allowing either multiple concurrent state readers with no state writer or a single state writer without any state readers- Read lock
- The read lock is employed in the
, andString
methods - Write lock
- The write lock is employed in the
methods - No lock
- No lock is needed in the
, andApplyBlock
methods as these methods are always executed on a local clone of the confirmed state
mtx sync.RWMutex
Readers-writer mutex authority Address
Authority account address balances map[Address]uint64
Map of account balances nonces map[Address]uint64
Map of account nonces lastBlock SigBlock
Last confirmed block genesisHash Hash
Genesis hash txs map[Hash]SigTx
List of pending transactions Pending *State
Pending state type State struct { mtx sync.RWMutex authority Address balances map[Address]uint64 nonces map[Address]uint64 lastBlock SigBlock genesisHash Hash txs map[Hash]SigTx Pending *State } func NewState(gen SigGenesis) *State { return &State{ authority: gen.Authority, balances: maps.Clone(gen.Balances), nonces: make(map[Address]uint64), genesisHash: gen.Hash(), txs: make(map[Hash]SigTx), Pending: &State{ authority: gen.Authority, balances: maps.Clone(gen.Balances), nonces: make(map[Address]uint64), genesisHash: gen.Hash(), txs: make(map[Hash]SigTx), }, } }
- Clone state
- The creation of a new block and the validation of the proposed
block is always performed on a clone of the confirmed state in order to
prevent undesirable corruption of the confirmed state in the case if some
pending transactions are no longer valid for inclusion in a new block or the
proposed block has some invalid transactions or cannot be validated for some
other reason. The state cloning operation is concurrency safe. The state
cloning operation
- Lock the state for reading
- Create a new state with the shallow clones of maps of the balances, the nonces, and the list of pending transactions
- Copy the authority address, the last block, and the genesis hash
- Create a new pending state with the shallow clone of the list of pending transactions
func (s *State) Clone() *State { s.mtx.RLock() defer s.mtx.RUnlock() return &State{ authority: s.authority, balances: maps.Clone(s.balances), nonces: maps.Clone(s.nonces), lastBlock: s.lastBlock, genesisHash: s.genesisHash, txs: maps.Clone(s.txs), Pending: &State{ txs: maps.Clone(s.Pending.txs), }, } }
- Apply state
- The state application operation is needed to update the
confirmed state with the balances, the nonces, and the new last block from the
new confirmed block after the successful validation of the proposed block. The
validated block is first applied to the cloned state, and, if successful, the
cloned state is applied to the confirmed state. This design ensures that only
validated confirmed blocks are safely applied to the confirmed state
minimizing the possibility of corruption of the confirmed state. After the
successful application of the confirmed block to the confirmed state, the
pending state is updated to reflect the new confirmed state. Specifically, the
pending balances and the pending nonces are assigned the shallow clones of
the respective balances and nonces from the new confirmed state. All confirmed
transactions from the new last block are removed from the list of pending
transactions not yet included in a block. The state application operation
- Lock the state for writing
- Assign the balances, the nonces, and the new last block from the cloned state to the confirmed state
- Assign the shallow clones of balances and nonces from the new confirmed state to the pending state
- Remove the confirmed transaction from the new last block from the list of pending transactions
func (s *State) Apply(clone *State) { s.mtx.Lock() defer s.mtx.Unlock() s.balances = clone.balances s.nonces = clone.nonces s.lastBlock = clone.lastBlock s.Pending.balances = maps.Clone(s.balances) s.Pending.nonces = maps.Clone(s.nonces) for _, tx := range clone.lastBlock.Txs { delete(s.Pending.txs, tx.Hash()) } }
- Apply transaction
- The transaction application operation contributes to the
integrity of the blockchain by rejecting invalid transactions. The transaction
application operation is concurrency safe. The transaction application
operation verifies the signature of the new transaction, checks the correct
value of the transaction nonce, ensures that the sender account has sufficient
funds to satisfy the value amount. Once all checks are successfully passed,
the transaction application operation moves funds from the sender account to
the recipient account, increments the nonce of the sender account, and add the
transaction to the list of pending transactions for its future inclusion in
the next proposed block. The transaction application operation
- Lock the state for writing
- Verify that the signature of the transaction is valid
- Check that the value for the transaction nonce is correct
- Ensure that the sender account has sufficient funds to satisfy the value amount
- Debit the sender account and credit the recipient account
- Increment the nonce of the sender account
- Add the validated transaction to the list of pending transactions
func (s *State) ApplyTx(tx SigTx) error { s.mtx.Lock() defer s.mtx.Unlock() valid, err := VerifyTx(tx) if err != nil { return err } if !valid { return fmt.Errorf("tx: invalid transaction signature\n%v\n", tx) } if tx.Nonce != s.nonces[tx.From] + 1 { return fmt.Errorf("tx: invalid transaction nonce\n%v\n", tx) } if s.balances[tx.From] < tx.Value { return fmt.Errorf("tx: insufficient account funds\n%v\n", tx) } s.balances[tx.From] -= tx.Value s.balances[tx.To] += tx.Value s.nonces[tx.From]++ s.txs[tx.Hash()] = tx return nil }
- Create block
- The block creation operation constructs a new block with valid
transactions to be proposed, validated, and, eventually, confirmed by
consensus between the blockchain validator nodes. The block creation operation
is always performed on a local clone of the confirmed state, so there is no
need to acquire a read lock of the state. The state cloning operation is
already concurrency safe. The block creation operation in this implementation
is scheduled with a random delay on the authority node that is the only node
in this blockchain that proposes new blocks. The block creation operation
sorts all pending transactions by the transaction creation time to ensure
correct in order processing of transactions from the same sender account. The
sorted transactions are applied to the cloned state with the objective to
reject any invalid transactions before their inclusion into a new block. All
pending validated transactions are included in the new block. The block number
is incremented by one regarding the number of the last block from the
confirmed cloned state. For the first block the parent hash is the genesis
hash, while for any successive block the parent hash is the hash of the last
block for the confirmed cloned state. The new block is digitally signed by the
authority account. The block creation operation
- Sort the list of pending transactions by the transaction creation time
- Apply the sorted pending transaction the the cloned state
- Reject any invalid transactions from the inclusion into a new block
- Create a new block with validated transactions
- Sign the new block with the authority account
func (s *State) CreateBlock(authority Account) (SigBlock, error) { // The is no need to lock/unlock as the CreateBlock is always executed on the // cloned state pndTxs := make([]SigTx, 0, len(s.Pending.txs)) for _, tx := range s.Pending.txs { pndTxs = append(pndTxs, tx) } slices.SortFunc(pndTxs, func(a, b SigTx) int { if a.Time.Before(b.Time) { return -1 } if b.Time.Before(a.Time) { return 1 } return 0 }) txs := make([]SigTx, 0, len(pndTxs)) for _, tx := range pndTxs { err := s.ApplyTx(tx) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("tx error: rejected: %v\n", err) continue } txs = append(txs, tx) } if len(txs) == 0 { return SigBlock{}, fmt.Errorf("empty list of valid pending transactions") } var parent Hash if s.lastBlock.Number == 0 { parent = s.genesisHash } else { parent = s.lastBlock.Hash() } blk, err := NewBlock(s.lastBlock.Number + 1, parent, txs) if err != nil { return SigBlock{}, err } return authority.SignBlock(blk) }
- Apply block
- The block application operation contributes to the integrity of
the blockchain by validating proposed blocks including the validation of all
block transactions. The block application operations ensures the integrity of
the blockchain when reading the state from the local block store, or
synchronizing the state and updating the block store from other nodes in the
blockchain network. The block application operation is first applied to a
clone of the confirmed state, and, if successful, the cloned state is applied
to the confirmed state, and the confirmed block is added to the local block
store. The block application operation is concurrency safe. The block
application operation verifies the signature of the block, checks the correct
block number and the correct parent hash. Then all transactions from the block
are applied to the cloned state to check their validity. If all checks are
passed, the last block of the cloned state is updated with the current
validated block. The updated cloned state will be eventually applied to the
confirmed state, and the confirmed block will be added to the local block
store. The block application operation
- Lock the state for writing
- Verify that the signature of the block is valid
- Check that the block number is correct regarding the number of the last block
- Check that the parent hash is correct regarding the hash of the last block
- Check the integrity of all transactions in the block by verifying that the computed Merkle root from the list of transactions of the block is equal to the Merkle root stored in the block
- Validate all block transactions by applying them to the cloned state
- Assign the validated block to the last block of the cloned state
func (s *State) ApplyBlock(blk SigBlock) error { // The is no need to lock/unlock as the CreateBlock is always executed on the // cloned state valid, err := VerifyBlock(blk, s.authority) if err != nil { return err } if !valid { return fmt.Errorf("blk error: invalid block signature\n%v", blk) } if blk.Number != s.lastBlock.Number + 1 { return fmt.Errorf("blk error: invalid block number\n%v", blk) } var parent Hash if blk.Number == 1 { parent = s.genesisHash } else { parent = s.lastBlock.Hash() } if blk.Parent != parent { return fmt.Errorf("blk error: invalid parent hash\n%v", blk) } merkleTree, err := MerkleHash(blk.Txs, TxHash, TxPairHash) if err != nil { return err } merkleRoot := merkleTree[0] if merkleRoot != blk.MerkleRoot { return fmt.Errorf("blk error: invalid Merkle root\n%v", blk) } for _, tx := range blk.Txs { err := s.ApplyTx(tx) if err != nil { return err } } s.lastBlock = blk return nil }
The gRPC Tx
service provides the TxSend
method to send a signed transaction
to the blockchain node. The blockchain node then applies the transaction to the
pending state and responds to the client with the result of transaction
application. The interface of the service
message TxSendReq {
bytes Tx = 1;
message TxSendRes {
string Hash = 1;
service Tx {
rpc TxSend(TxSendReq) returns (TxSendRes);
The implementation of the TxSend
- Decode the encoded signed transaction from the request
- Apply the decoded signed transaction to the pending state
- Relay the validated transaction to the list of known peers
func (s *TxSrv) TxSend(_ context.Context, req *TxSendReq) (*TxSendRes, error) {
var tx chain.SigTx
err := json.Unmarshal(req.Tx, &tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
err = s.txApplier.ApplyTx(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, err.Error())
if s.txRelayer != nil {
res := &TxSendRes{Hash: tx.Hash().String()}
return res, nil
The TestApplyTx
testing process
- Create and persist the genesis
- Create the state from the genesis
- Get the initial owner account and its balance from the genesis
- Re-create the initial owner account from the genesis
- Define several valid and invalid transactions
- Start applying transactions to the pending state. For each transaction
- Create and sign a transaction
- Apply the signed transaction to the pending state
- Verify that the valid transactions are accepted and the invalid transactions are rejected
- Get the balance of the initial owner account from the genesis
- Verify that the balance of the initial owner account on the pending state after applying transactions is correct
- Test the insufficient funds error
- Create and sign a transaction with the value amount that exceeds the balance of the sender account
- Apply the invalid transaction to the pending state
- Verify that the invalid transaction is rejected
- Test the invalid signature error
- Create a new account different from the sender account
- Create and sign a transaction from the sender account, but signed with the new account
- Apply the invalid transaction to the pending state
- Verify that the invalid transaction is rejected
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.cov ./... -run ApplyTx
The TestApplyBlock
testing process
- Create and persist the genesis
- Create the state from the genesis
- Get the initial owner account and its balance from the genesis
- Re-create the initial owner account from the genesis
- Re-create the authority account from the genesis to sign blocks
- Create and apply several valid and invalid transactions to the pending state.
For each transaction
- Create and sign a transaction
- Apply the transaction to the pending state
- Create a new block on the cloned state
- Apply the new block to the cloned state
- Apply the cloned state with updates from the new block to the confirmed state
- Get the balance of the initial owner account from the genesis
- Verify that the balance of the initial owner account on the confirmed state after the block application is correct
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.cov ./... -run ApplyBlock
The TestAccountCreate
testing process
- Create and persist the genesis
- Create the state from the genesis
- Get the initial owner account and its balance from the genesis
- Re-create the initial owner account from the genesis
- Set up the gRPC server and client
- Create the gRPC transaction client
- Define several valid and invalid transactions
- Start sending transactions to the node. For each transaction
- Create and sign a transaction
- Call the
method to send the signed transaction to the node - Verify that the valid transactions are accepted and the invalid transactions are rejected
- Verify that the balance of the initial owner account on the pending state is correct
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.cov ./... -run TxSend
The gRPC TxSend
method is exposed through the CLI. Create, sign, and send a
new transaction to the bootstrap node
- Initialize the blockchain by starting the bootstrap node with parameters for
the blockchain initial configuration
set boot localhost:1122 set authpass password set ownerpass password rm -rf .keystore* .blockstore* # cleanup if necessary ./bcn node start --node $boot --bootstrap --authpass $authpass \ --ownerpass $ownerpass --balance 1000
- Create and persist a new account to the local key store of the bootstrap node
(in a new terminal)
./bcn account create --node $boot --ownerpass $ownerpass # acc 0a6c57d451f561d6baefe35bba47f8dd682b31da27f0dfdedc646648ea5d12ba
- Define a shell function to create, sign, and send a transaction
function txSignAndSend -a node from to value ownerpass set tx (./bcn tx sign --node $node --from $from --to $to --value $value \ --ownerpass $ownerpass) echo SigTx $tx ./bcn tx send --node $node --sigtx $tx end
- Create, sign, and send a transaction transferring funds between the initial
owner account from the genesis and the new account
set acc1 66d614174909403746df7c3222cd74ca386995e4de11cfc99ca1efe548d33105 set acc2 0a6c57d451f561d6baefe35bba47f8dd682b31da27f0dfdedc646648ea5d12ba txSignAndSend $boot $acc1 $acc2 2 $ownerpass # SigTx {"from":"66d614174909403746df7c3222cd74ca386995e4de11cfc99ca1efe548d33105","to":"0a6c57d451f561d6baefe35bba47f8dd682b31da27f0dfdedc646648ea5d12ba","value":2,"nonce":1,"time":"2024-11-09T10:27:12.871221439+01:00","sig":"V7WHwt0hOvpI+d6RJErDiO45zj3rzmrb3Yaf1YTVc+d1LUwQhdTtz3OKmvD02jtVkG+DQeUYH9SaxcFd/wsl0gA="} # tx 4312eb8f506a00c4f4f111ea8b318a871615115e5b1a49f14784c5f90a04baeb txSignAndSend $boot $acc2 $acc1 1 $ownerpass # SigTx {"from":"0a6c57d451f561d6baefe35bba47f8dd682b31da27f0dfdedc646648ea5d12ba","to":"66d614174909403746df7c3222cd74ca386995e4de11cfc99ca1efe548d33105","value":1,"nonce":1,"time":"2024-11-09T10:27:12.921031364+01:00","sig":"/V/bwvTnYWnU4GrYvDOp44P1rx6sQZl7b9NXiNefcopqqWOsMyZuUAo00hURL2BWs1xUw24U/7gAvHX+FLg2IwA="} # tx bd849704122be82ee588c2abfacb8e12fb5bac0916356babcdb2b1683bbc684e
The structure of the signed encoded transaction before sending to the bootstrap node
{ "from": "66d614174909403746df7c3222cd74ca386995e4de11cfc99ca1efe548d33105", "to": "0a6c57d451f561d6baefe35bba47f8dd682b31da27f0dfdedc646648ea5d12ba", "value": 2, "nonce": 1, "time": "2024-11-09T10:27:12.871221439+01:00", "sig": "V7WHwt0hOvpI+d6RJErDiO45zj3rzmrb3Yaf1YTVc+d1LUwQhdTtz3OKmvD02jtVkG+DQeUYH9SaxcFd/wsl0gA=" }
- Create, sign, and send a transaction with the value that exceeds the sender
txSignAndSend $boot $acc1 $acc2 1000 $ownerpass # SigTx {"from":"66d614174909403746df7c3222cd74ca386995e4de11cfc99ca1efe548d33105","to":"0a6c57d451f561d6baefe35bba47f8dd682b31da27f0dfdedc646648ea5d12ba","value":1000,"nonce":2,"time":"2024-11-09T18:57:30.971595667+01:00","sig":"yiJLHn/buvgPB/sRIc0sQzNoa7U4/0t/vwgzOP+ndBcSSJ/uxBeEb2C6K2Ut7Sn9f5jl1WRVYcgwwvMALgvcTgA="} # rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = tx error: insufficient account funds # tx fa30950: 66d6141 -> 0a6c57d 1000 2