title | description |
Governor Roles |
Understanding the Governor Manager and Admin roles in Agora Governor (v1.0 - v1.2) |
When deploying an Agora Governor contract, two critical addresses must be defined:
- Governor Manager
- Governor Admin
The Manager role has a focused set of permissions designed for proposal creation.
The Manager has a single but important capability:
- Create proposals without meeting the proposal threshold requirement
- Can be an Externally Owned Account (EOA) or a multisig
- Suitable for active community members or teams responsible for regular proposal creation
- Should be assigned to trusted entities as they can bypass proposal thresholds
The Admin role carries significant power, comparable to the timelock contract itself. This role should be handled with extreme care.
The Admin can bypass the governance process for the following actions:
Proposal Management
- Update deadlines of active proposals
- Cancel proposals
- Update proposal types of active proposals
Governance Parameters
- Modify voting delay
- Adjust voting period
- Update proposal threshold
- Create or modify proposal types (including quorum & approval thresholds)
Role Management
- Update the admin address
- Update the manager address
Module Control
- Enable or disable voting modules (external contracts that can override proposal creation and voting logic)
Due to the extensive powers of the Admin role:
- Strongly recommended to be implemented as a multisig with a high signature threshold
- Typically represents the security council
- Should have strict operational procedures and multiple signers
Both the Manager and Admin roles can be effectively disabled:
- Transfer the role to the zero address (
) - Can be re-enabled through a governance proposal
- Timelock (governance) retains the ability to restore the roles
- The timelock (governance) always maintains access to the same functions as the admin
- Role changes should be carefully considered and executed
- Disabling roles provides an additional security option if needed