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Unittest bootcamp

Unittest bootcamp project is aimed on helping to comprehend a unittest framework by newcomers. Describes basics of unittest python testing framework.

Table of contents

All home works from every chapter will be located in it's file.

Chapter one (write test cases)

This chapter consists basics of unittest test cases usage.

Syntax convention

# every test module has to start with `test` prefix like ``
from unittest import TestCase  # import TestCase class object
class TestScenario(TestCase):  # every test scenario has to start with `Test` prefix
    def test_method(self):  # every test method has to start with `test_` prefix

Basic test case example


from typing import List
from unittest import TestCase

class TestListMethods(TestCase):
    """ This test case is verifying basic list data type methods. """

    def test_append(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if given elements are adding to array """

        flist: List[...] = []
        for i in range(1, 4):
        self.assertEqual(flist, [1, 2, 3])

    def test_extend(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if given elements extends an array """

        flist: List[int] = [1, 2, 3]
        flist.extend(range(4, 6))
        self.assertEqual(flist[-2:], [4, 5])

    def test_insert(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if given element is inserted into array """

        flist: List[int] = [1, 2, 3]
        flist.insert(3, 4)
        self.assertEqual(flist, [1, 2, 3, 4])

    def test_pop(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if given element is deleted from an array """

        flist: List[int] = [1, 2, 3]
        self.assertEqual(flist, [1, 3])

Run test case(s)

# Run TestListMethods test case in test module
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_list.TestListMethods -v
# Run test_append test method from TestListMethods test case in test module
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_list.TestListMethods.test_append -v
# Run all test cases in test_basic_data_types test module
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_list -v
# More unittest options
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest -h



from unittest import TestCase

class TestAssertion(TestCase):
    """ This test case asserts for truth """

    def test_truth(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts if object is True or False """


    def test_is(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts if one object is as an other object """

        self.assertIs('', str())
        self.assertIsNot(4.01, int())

    def test_equals(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts the equality of two objects """

        self.assertEqual(8.88 / 4, 2.22)
        self.assertNotEqual(8.88 / 4, 2.21)
        self.assertLess(8.88 / 4, 2.23)
        self.assertLessEqual(8.88 / 4, 2.22)
        self.assertGreater(8.88 / 4, 2.21)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(8.88 / 4, 2.22)

    def test_contains(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts for element membership in given container """

        self.assertIn(1, range(1, 5))
        self.assertNotIn(5, range(1, 5))

    def test_raised_error(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts for correct raised exception """

        with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
            print(1 / 0)

    def test_nones(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts for None objects  """


    def test_regexp(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts for correct regular expression functionality """

        self.assertRegex('400', '\d+')
        self.assertNotRegex('400', '\s+')

    def test_instances(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts for class instances  """

        class ObjectOne:
            """ Some class object. Overall do nothing  """

        class ObjectTwo:
            """ Some other class object. Overall do nothing  """

        obj_one: ObjectOne = ObjectOne()
        obj_two: ObjectTwo = ObjectTwo()

        self.assertIsInstance(obj_one, ObjectOne)
        self.assertNotIsInstance(obj_two, ObjectOne)

    def test_containers(self) -> None:
        """ Test asserts for  correct containers functionality  """

        self.assertSequenceEqual(range(3), (0, 1, 2))
        self.assertListEqual(list(range(3)), [0, 1, 2])
        self.assertTupleEqual(tuple(range(3)), (0, 1, 2))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(range(3)), {0, 1, 2})
        self.assertDictEqual({2: 'two', 1: 'one'}, {1: 'one', 2: 'two'})

Test case outcomes


from typing import List
from unittest import TestCase, expectedFailure, skip

class TestOkBasic(TestCase):
    """ Basic OK test case outcome """

    def test_odd_numbers_with_basic_algorithm(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with basic algorithm """

        odds: List[...] = list()
        for n in range(1, 6):
            if n % 2 != 0:
        self.assertListEqual(odds, [1, 3, 5])

    def test_odd_numbers_with_list_comprehension(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with list comprehension """

        self.assertListEqual([n for n in range(1, 6) if n % 2 != 0], [1, 3, 5])

class TestOkSkip(TestCase):
    """ OK test case outcome with skipped tests """

    @skip('Skip test without any condition')
    def test_odd_numbers_with_basic_algorithm(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with basic algorithm """

        odds: List[...] = list()
        for n in range(1, 6):
            if n % 2 != 0:
        self.assertListEqual(odds, [1, 3, 5])

    def test_odd_numbers_with_list_comprehension(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with list comprehension """

        self.skipTest('I want to skip this test')
        self.assertListEqual([n for n in range(1, 6) if n % 2 != 0], [1, 3, 5])

class TestOkExpectedFailures(TestCase):
    """ OK test case outcome with expected failures """

    def test_with_basic_algorithm(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with basic algorithm """

        odds: List[...] = list()
        for n in range(1, 6):
            if n % 2 != 0:
        self.assertListEqual(odds, None)

    def test_with_list_comprehension(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with list comprehension """

        self.assertListEqual([n for n in range(1, 6) if n % 2 != 0], None)

class TestFailBasic(TestCase):
    """ Basic FAIL test case outcome """

    def test_with_basic_algorithm(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with basic algorithm """

        odds: List[...] = list()
        for n in range(1, 6):
            if n % 2 != 0:
        self.assertListEqual(odds, None)

    def test_with_list_comprehension(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with list comprehension """

        self.assertListEqual([n for n in range(1, 6) if n % 2 != 0], None)

class TestFailError(TestCase):
    """ FAIL test case outcome with error tests """

    def test_with_basic_algorithm(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with basic algorithm """

        odds: List[...] = list()
        for n in range(1, 6):
            if n % 2 != 0:

    def test_with_list_comprehension(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with list comprehension """

        self.assertListEqual([n for n in range(1, 6) if n % 2 != 0])

class TestFailUnexpectedSuccess(TestCase):
    """ FAIL test case outcome with unexpected success tests """

    def test_with_basic_algorithm(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with basic algorithm """

        odds: List[...] = list()
        for n in range(1, 6):
            if n % 2 != 0:
        self.assertListEqual(odds, [1, 3, 5])

    def test_with_list_comprehension(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with list comprehension """

        self.assertListEqual([n for n in range(1, 6) if n % 2 != 0], [1, 3, 5])

Run every test case outcome

# Run basic OK test case
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_outcomes.TestOkBasic -v
# Run OK test case with skipped tests
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_outcomes.TestOkSkip -v
# Run OK test case with expected failures tests
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_outcomes.TestOkExpectedFailures -v
# Run basic FAIL test case with
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_outcomes.TestFailBasic -v
# Run FAIL test case with error tests
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_outcomes.TestFailError -v
# Run FAIL test case with unexpected success tests
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_one python -m unittest test_outcomes.TestFailUnexpectedSuccess -v

Test case preconditions and postconditions

from unittest import TestCase

def setUpModule():
    """ Setup for a test module """

    print('setUpModule is calling before all test cases in a test module.')

    global module_string
    module_string = 'module string'

def tearDownModule():
    """ Teardown for a test module """

    print('tearDownModule is calling after all test cases in a test module.')

class TestStringMethods(TestCase):
    """ This test case is verifying basic string data type methods for truth. """

    def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
        """ Setup for current test case. """

        print('setUpClass is calling once before all test methods.')
        cls.class_string: str = 'class string'

    def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:
        """ Teardown for current test case. """

        print('tearDownClass is calling once after all test methods.')
        del cls.class_string

    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup for every test method. """

        print('setUp is calling before every test method.')
        self.method_string: str = 'method string'

    def tearDown(self) -> None:
        """ Teardown for every test method. """

        print('tearDown is calling after every test method.')
        del self.method_string

    def test_is_title(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if given string is in titled case """

        print('calling test_is_title')

        titled_module_string: str = module_string.title()
        titled_class_string: str = self.class_string.title()
        titled_method_string: str = self.method_string.title()


    def test_is_lower(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if string is in lower case """

        print('calling test_is_lower')

        lower_module_string: str = module_string.lower()
        lower_class_string: str = self.class_string.lower()
        lower_method_string: str = self.method_string.lower()


    def test_is_upper(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if string is in upper case """

        print('calling test_is_upper')

        upper_module_string: str = module_string.upper()
        upper_class_string: str = self.class_string.upper()
        upper_method_string: str = self.method_string.upper()


Additional materials for chapter one

Chapter two (write test suits)

This chapter consists basics of unittest test suits usage.

Basic test suite example

# module

from unittest import TestSuite, TestLoader, TextTestRunner
from chapter_one.test_list import TestListMethods  # use module from `Basic test case example` section in `chapter_one` puzzle

def _test_suite() -> TestSuite:
    test_suite: TestSuite = TestSuite()
    tests :TestLoader = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestListMethods)
    return test_suite

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_runner: TextTestRunner = TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)

Run test suite

# Run test suite - test module
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_two python

Prepare test cases for next grouping into test suite

# module

from typing import List
from unittest import TestCase

class TestFilterOddNumbers(TestCase):
    """ This test case filters odd numbers from a given sequence """

    def test_with_basic_algorithm(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with basic algorithm """

        odds: List[...] = list()
        for n in range(1, 6):
            if n % 2 != 0:
        self.assertListEqual(odds, [1, 3, 5])

    def test_with_list_comprehension(self):
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with list comprehension """

        self.assertListEqual([n for n in range(1, 6) if n % 2 != 0], [1, 3, 5])

    def test_with_filter_function(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if odd numbers are filtered with 'filter' function """

        def check_odds(n: int) -> bool:
            if not n % 2:
                return False
            return True

        self.assertListEqual(list(filter(check_odds, range(1, 6))), [1, 3, 5])

class TestFilterEvenNumbers(TestCase):
    """ This test case filters even numbers from a given sequence """

    def test_with_basic_algorithm(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if even numbers are filtered with basic algorithm """

        odds: List[...] = list()
        for n in range(1, 6):
            if n % 2 == 0:
        self.assertListEqual(odds, [2, 4])

    def test_with_list_comprehension(self):
        """ Test checks if even numbers are filtered with list comprehension """

        self.assertListEqual([n for n in range(1, 6) if n % 2 == 0], [2, 4])

    def test_with_filter_function(self) -> None:
        """ Test checks if even numbers are filtered with 'filter' function """

        def check_evens(n: int) -> bool:
            if n % 2:
                return False
            return True

        self.assertListEqual(list(filter(check_evens, range(1, 6))), [2, 4])

Group test cases into one test suite

# module

from unittest import TestSuite, TestLoader, TextTestRunner
from chapter_two.test_filter import TestFilterOddNumbers, TestFilterEvenNumbers

def _test_suite() -> TestSuite:
    test_suite: TestSuite = TestSuite()
    for test_case in TestFilterOddNumbers, TestFilterEvenNumbers:
        tests: TestLoader = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case)
    return test_suite

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_runner: TextTestRunner = TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)

Group separate tests into one test suite

# module

from unittest import TestSuite, TextTestRunner
from chapter_two.test_filter import TestFilterOddNumbers, TestFilterEvenNumbers

def _test_suite() -> TestSuite:
    test_suite: TestSuite = TestSuite()
    for test_case in TestFilterOddNumbers, TestFilterEvenNumbers:
    return test_suite

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_runner: TextTestRunner = TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)

Group multiple test suite into one top level test suite

# module

from unittest import TestSuite, TestLoader, TextTestRunner
from chapter_two.test_filter import TestFilterOddNumbers, TestFilterEvenNumbers

def _test_suite() -> TestSuite:
    filter_odds_suite: TestLoader = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFilterOddNumbers)
    filter_evens_suite: TestLoader = TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFilterEvenNumbers)
    top_filter_suite: TestSuite = TestSuite([filter_odds_suite, filter_evens_suite])
    return top_filter_suite

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_runner: TextTestRunner = TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)

Run every grouped test suite

# Run simple test suite
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_two python
# Run test suite with separate tests from test cases
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_two python
# Run top level test suite
~/unittest-bootcamp/chapter_two python

Additional materials for chapter two


  • clone the repository
  • configure Git for the first time after cloning with your name and email
    git config --local "Volodymyr Yahello"
    git config --local "[email protected]"
  • python3.6 is required to run the code