diff --git a/docs/guide/inputs/types/group/README.md b/docs/guide/inputs/types/group/README.md
index 5f447a41..8f6cfad3 100644
--- a/docs/guide/inputs/types/group/README.md
+++ b/docs/guide/inputs/types/group/README.md
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ The group input has several unique slots (and matching [Slot Components](/guide/
Slot name | Description
-`addMore` | The add more button when `repeatable`.
_The context object in this slot includes an `addMore` function that should be called to add new items._
+`addmore` | The add more button when `repeatable`.
_The context object in this slot includes an `addMore` function that should be called to add new items._
`default` | Anything in the default slot will be considered part of the group, and become `repeatable` if applicable. _The context object will additionally have an "index" property._
`grouping` | The primary repeatable area, responsible for rendering the inner content.
`remove` | The remove button when `repeatable`.
_The context object in this slot includes the `index` and a `removeItem` function that should be called to remove that item._