Depends on Python 3.5+
Quickstart by forking the main repository
Clone your copy of the repository.
Using ssh:
git clone [email protected]:[your user name]/DeepForest.git
Using https:
git clone[your user name]/DeepForest.git
Link or point your cloned copy to the main repository. (I always name it upstream)
git remote add upstream
Check or confirm your settings using
git remote -v
origin [email protected]:[your user name]/DeepForest.git (fetch) origin [email protected]:[your user name]/DeepForest.git (push) upstream (fetch) upstream (push)
Install the package from the main directory.
Deepforest can be installed using either pip or conda.
Install using Pip
Installing with Pip uses dev_requirements.txt.
$ pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
$ pip install . -U
Install using Conda
Installing with Conda uses environment.yaml.
Conda-based installs can be slow. We recommend using mamba to speed them up.
$ conda create -n deepforest python=3
$ conda activate deepforest
$ pip install . -U
- Verify the installation by running this simple test:
from deepforest import main
model = main.deepforest()
print("DeepForest successfully installed!")
$ pip install . --upgrade # or python install
$ pytest -v
We use yapf for code formatting and style checking.
The easiest way to make sure your code is formatted correctly is to integrate it into your editor. See EDITOR SUPPORT.
You can also run yapf from the command line to cleanup the style in your changes:
yapf -i --recursive src/deepforest/
If the style tests fail on a pull request, running the above command is the easiest way to fix this.
We configure all our checks using the .pre-commit-config.yaml file. To verify your code styling before committing, you should run pre-commit install
to set up the hooks, followed by pre-commit run
to execute them. This will apply the formatting rules specified in the .style.yapf file. For additional information, please refer to the pre-commit documentation.
We use the conda_recipe/meta.yaml to make sure that the conda build can build the package.
$ cd conda_recipe
$ conda build conda_recipe/meta.yaml -c conda-forge -c defaults
Update the Conda recipe after every release.
Clone the Weecology staged recipes. Checkout the deepforest branch, update the deepforest/meta.yaml with the new version and the sha256 values. Sha256 values are obtained from the source on PYPI download files using the deepforest-{version-number}.tar.gz.
{% set version = "fill new" %}
{% set sha256 = "fill new" %}
We are using Sphinx and Read the Docs for the documentation.
We use Docformatter for formatting and style checking.
$ docformatter --in-place --recursive src/deepforest/
The documentation is automatically updated for changes in functions. However, the documentation should be updated after the addition of new functions or modules.
Change to the docs directory and use sphinx-apidoc
to update the doc's source. Exclude the tests and documentation.
sphinx-apidoc -f -o ./source ../ ../tests/* ../
The source is the destination folder for the source rst files. ../ is the path to where the deepforest source code is located relative to the doc directory.
cd docs # Go to the docs directory and install the current changes.
pip install ../ -U
make clean # Run
make html # Run
- Run Pytest tests – seriously, run them now. And Test build artifacts - Run Pytest -v - Run pip install build && python -m build && twine check dist/*
- Ensure HISTORY.rst is up to date with all changes since the last release.
- Use bump-my-version show-bump to determine the appropriate version bump.
- Update the version for release: bump-my-version bump [minor | patch | pre_l | pre_n]. If show-bump does not have the right option, we can manually set it bump-my-version bump --new-version 1.4.0
- Publish the release to PyPi and update the Conda package.
- All releases are done on GitHub Actions when a new tag is push
- git tag v1.0.0
- git push origin v1.0.0
- Post-release, update the version to the next development iteration: - Run bump-my-version show-bump to check the target version. - Then, execute bump-my-version bump [minor | patch | pre_l | pre_n].
Note: Do not commit the build directory after making html.
This version correctly follows reStructuredText (reST) conventions and includes code blocks, inline literals, and proper linking. Let me know if you need further adjustments!
To upload a trained model to the weecology organization space on Hugging Face Hub:
- Train or load your model checkpoint
- Set the label dictionary to match your classes
- Use push_to_hub with the weecology organization name
For example:
from deepforest import main
# Load model from checkpoint
model = main.deepforest.load_from_checkpoint("path/to/checkpoint.ckpt")
# Set label dictionary mapping class names to indices
model.label_dict = {"Livestock": 0}
# Push to weecology organization space
The model will be uploaded to[model-name]
Note: You must have appropriate permissions in the weecology organization to upload models.