diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ee1962d..1b25d67 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# WeConnect
+# WeConnect Client
-This WeConnect repository contains a Node/React/Flux Javascript application.
+This WeConnect Client repository contains a React Javascript application.
Interested in [volunteering or applying for an internship](https://wevote.applytojob.com/apply)? [Starting presentation here](https://prezi.com/p/6iu9aks7zqvs/?present=1).
Please also [read about our values](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12qBXevI3mVKUsGmXL8mrDMPnWJ1SYw9zX9LGW5cozgg/edit) and
@@ -9,9 +9,345 @@ To join us, please [review our openings here](https://wevote.applytojob.com/appl
Our current version is here [https://WeVote.US](https://WeVote.US) and we are working on a new version now!
-## Installing WeConnect - WORK IN PROGRESS
Our installation process is built to allow engineers all over America to contribute.
It may seem complicated, but it allows anyone to be in a position to make suggestions, and get involved.
-Installation on MacOs and Linux
-1. [Preparing the Environment on Your Machine (MacOS and Linux)](docs/installing/ENVIRONMENT.md)
+## Installing the React weconnect-client
+These instruction assume that you are installing on a Mac. If you use Windows or Linux, the installation procedure should be similar.
+This procedure is based on using the free Community edition of WebStorm, which has great Git integration,
+a great integrated Node debugger, and has an excellent editor.
+If you have the paid version of WebStorm the instructions should be the same.
+**If you have some other preferred editor, we recommend that you still do this install, and then use your other editor as you wish!**
+### If you don't already have one, create an account in [GitHub](https://github.com/)
+[GitHub](https://github.com/) is where WeVote stores the source code for our various projects.
+### Download and install WebStorm
+The free Community edition is at https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/
+License it as a free Community installation.
+Once installed, start WebStorm from Launch Pad or Spotlight
+The first step is to press that "Clone Repository" button to clone the https://github.com/wevote/weconnect-client repository.
+Enter the URL and press the Clone button.
+Now the latest code is on your machine.
+### Configure the WebStorm display mode
+If you like the default white characters on a black background, skip this step.
+Access the settings dialog from the gear icon in the upper right hand side of the WebStorm app.
+Set the Theme as you would like, or have it "Sync with OS" (which is my preference), and then save.
+### About WebStorm plugins
+Plugins extend the capability of WebStorm and are worth exploring. If it sounds good, we usually install them, unless the suggestions are for off-topic for what we are useing WebStorm for today.
+Plugins suggested by WebStorm are safe to install, and easy to remove if you don't like them.
+### Run 'npm install'
+If WebStorm prompts you to run "npm install" feel free to do it anytime.
+"npm install" updates all the dependencies (node_modules i.e. libraries) that we import from other projects, and should never be a problem.
+"npm install" will often show lots of outdated libraries, and vulnerabilities ... WeVote gets
+reports on these issues, and we resolve them periodically. Don't worry about the warnings at this poin.t
+### Install Homebrew (If it is not already installed)
+If your version of WebStorm displays a green arrow to the left of the following command,
+click it to install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/).
+/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
+Clicking the command results in the following output in the terminal
+window. You will need your login password to allow MacOS to install
+Homebrew. When it prompts you for an ENTER you can click in the terminal, and press Enter.
+/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
+stevepodell@Steves-MBP-M1-Dec2021 weconnect-client % /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
+==> Checking for `sudo` access (which may request your password)...
+==> This script will install:
+Press RETURN/ENTER to continue or any other key to abort:
+Homebrew will load the "formulae", (their cutesy name for scripts that install all sorts of
+free open source programs). If you already had Homebrew installed, it will update
+any ("taps" which are "formulae" that were already installed).
+When Homebrew completes it will leave the "RunMarkdown" terminal window at
+a MacOS (Linux) prompt.
+You will now use Homebrew to install some more applications.
+### Install Node
+This project has a few scripts that run in Node, get the latest version of at least 22.0
+If you have an earlier version of Node installed, you will need to reinstall it.
+Check your node version via the terminal (This computer was at V18, and needed to be upgraded. Node had been previously installed with
+Homebrew. "homebrew" is in the path to the Node executable (`/opt/homebrew/bin/node`), so we know it was installed with Homebrew.)
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % which node
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % node -v
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client %
+If your computer did not have Node installed with Homebrew, you will have to research how to upgrade your installation of Node.
+If Node was installed with Homebrew or you have never installed Node, continue...
+ stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % brew install node@22
+ ...
+ ==> Caveats
+ node@22 is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
+ because this is an alternate version of another formula.
+ If you need to have node@22 first in your PATH, run:
+ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/node@22/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
+ For compilers to find node@22 you may need to set:
+ export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/node@22/lib"
+ export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/node@22/include"
+ ==> Summary
+πΊ /usr/local/Cellar/node@22/22.11.0: 2,628 files, 83.7MB
+ ==> Running `brew cleanup node@22`...
+ Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
+ Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
+ stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client %
+If Homebrew asks you to make the following 4 manual changes to link in Node. Execute these 4 lines in your terminal.
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/node@22/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/node@22/bin:$P
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/node@22/lib"
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/node@22/include"
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client %
+Then confirm the version of Node is greater than V22, open a new terminal window (with the "+" icon) and type
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % node -v
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client %
+### Set up your Git remotes within WebStorm
+At WeVote we use different naming conventions for `origin` and `upstream` than you might be familiar with from other projects, so you
+will need to rename the default git origin (which at WeVote is your private branch in GitHub
+Edit the origin line, and change the name to upstream, then press OK
+Then press the + button and set up the new value for βoriginβ.
+(DONβT USE SailingSteve β use your GitHub handle β the GitHub username that is in the URL after you sign in to GitHub .)
+You may have to authenticate with GitHub at this point, after authenticating, continue...
+When done, your remotes will look something like this (with your GitHub handle instead of SailingSteve!)
+At this point you are poised to make Git branches and pull requests.
+### Load all the Node packages that we use in the weconnect-client
+If you haven't already done this via a prompt from Webstorm, type
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % npm install
+You can run this command as often as you want, and it will cause no harm.
+### Make a live copy of .env-template to the .env file
+Right-click on the `config-template.js` file in Webstorm, and copy it, then paste it as `config.js`
+Open `config.js` in WebStorm by double-clicking on it
+Modify the `DATABASE_URL` line by substituting your Postgres username and password, and then save.
+Here is a filled in example:
+### Not now, but when you want to add a column in the future
+**Don't do this now!**
+But someday, when you add a column or a new schema (table)...
+After editing or creating your schema/?.prisma file
+run `prisma migrate dev`
+### Add a Run Configuration in WebStorm to start the weconnect-client
+Open the pull-down that initially says "Current File", and select Edit Configurations
+In the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, press the "+" button and then select "Node.js"
+Then fill in the run configuration...
+1) Enter `Start weconnect-client` in the Name field
+2) Enter `weconnect-client.js` in the File field.
+3) And press "OK" to save
+### Create a run config to start postgres
+Next create a run config to start postgres
+1) Add another "New Configuration", this time for a Shell Script (close to the bottom of the list of configurations on the right)
+2) In this "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog, add a name "Start Postgres"
+3) In the "Script Path" paste in `/usr/local/opt/postgresql@14/bin/postgres`
+ in the "Script Options" paste in `-D /usr/local/var/postgresql@14`
+4) Remove any text in the "Interpreter Path" field.
+5) Make sure "Execute in the terminal" is checked
+6) Then press OK to save
+(This run configuration is the equivalent of typing
+````/usr/local/opt/postgresql@14/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgresql@14````
+in the terminal.)
+### Install pgadmin4, a Mac based browser app for the postgres database
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % brew install --cask pgadmin4
+This will take a few minutes, when it completes launch the app from Launch Pad or Spotlight
+Register the server as WeVoteServer
+And in the Connection tab set the Host name as localhost β also add your postgres Username and Password, then save
+On the left pane "Object Explorer" right click on "Databases" and add the "WeConnectDB"
+### Use the Prisma ORM to "migrate" the database and table definitions to the postgres server
+Generate the schema from prisma/schema.prisma to node_modules
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % prisma generate
+Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
+β Generated Prisma Client (v5.22.0) to ./node_modules/@prisma/client in 73ms
+Start by importing your Prisma Client (See: https://pris.ly/d/importing-client)
+Help us improve the Prisma ORM for everyone. Share your feedback in a short 2-min survey: https://pris.ly/orm/survey/release-5-22
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client %
+Initialize the generated schema into the postgres database server.
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client % prisma migrate dev --name init
+Environment variables loaded from .env
+Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
+Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "WeConnectDB", schema "public" at "localhost:5432"
+Applying migration `20241126190549_init`
+The following migration(s) have been created and applied from new schema changes:
+ ββ 20241126190549_init/
+ ββ migration.sql
+Your database is now in sync with your schema.
+β Generated Prisma Client (v5.22.0) to ./node_modules/@prisma/client in 104ms
+stevepodell@Steves-MacBook-Air weconnect-client %
+### Start the app!
+First start postgres via the run configuration
+Then start weconnect-client.js with the run configuration.
+As you can see when you press the Green start arrow, the server starts up in a terminal window where you can see
+logging. Any `console.log()` lines that you put in the code will appear in this JavaScript console for this Node based server (which has no DOM).
+Alternatively if you press the green bug icon, you start a debugging session, where you can set breakpoints, examine threads, and examine data
+in a familiar way to what you might be used to with Chrome Dev Tools (Inspect) or debugging in PyCharm.
+### View the app in the Chrome browser
+When you navigate in Chrome to `http://localhost:4000/` you will see the client view of app (in these early days the UI is
+generated on the server via the Pug UI package), this UI of course is rendered as a DOM within Chrome,
+and as with any web app, right-clicking on the page and choosing Inspect, will allow you to run the Chrome Dev Tools.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/WebstormCopySelection.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/WebstormEditConfig.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/WebstormPaste.png differ
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index c771d6d..2f78ae1 100644
--- a/src/js/config-template.js
+++ b/src/js/config-template.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* eslint-disable */
// Note that we import these values where needed as "webAppConfig"
module.exports = {
- // weconnect React server for the "weconnect" web app
+ // weconnect React server for the "weconnect-client" web app
PROTOCOL: 'http://', // 'http://' for local dev (if not using SSL), or 'https://' for live server