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v8.3.0 ‐ Release testing instructions

Danae Millan edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 19 revisions


Is available on the Settings page

  1. Connect the store to a Stripe account under one of the countries that support Klarna, like France

  2. Ensure the store currency is set to Euro

  3. Ensure the Legacy experience is disabled

  4. Go to the Payment Methods tab, at wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=stripe&panel=methods

  5. Confirm Klarna is displayed and available to be enabled

Is unavailable on the Settings page based on the store currency

  1. Go to WooCommerce settings, at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings

  2. Change the currency to an unsupported one, like the Mexican peso

  3. Go to the Payment Methods tab, at wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=stripe&panel=methods

  4. Confirm Klarna has a note on the supported currencies and can't be enabled

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