+{"Station identifier": "DDC", "Station number": 72451, "Station latitude": 37.76, "Station longitude": -99.97, "Station elevation": 790.0, "Showalter index": -0.9, "Lifted index": -1.26, "LIFT computed using virtual temperature": -1.81, "SWEAT index": 206.61, "K index": 31.7, "Cross totals index": 20.9, "Vertical totals index": 26.9, "Totals totals index": 47.8, "Convective Available Potential Energy": 557.51, "CAPE using virtual temperature": 611.47, "Convective Inhibition": -362.39, "CINS using virtual temperature": -271.35, "Equilibrum Level": 252.36, "Equilibrum Level using virtual temperature": 252.14, "Level of Free Convection": 524.05, "LFCT using virtual temperature": 539.51, "Bulk Richardson Number": 18.9, "Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV": 20.73, "Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level": 285.09, "Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level": 782.47, "Equivalent potential temp [K] of the LCL": 340.04, "Mean mixed layer potential temperature": 305.79, "Mean mixed layer mixing ratio": 11.36, "1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness": 5789.0, "Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding": 26.16, "quantity": {"PRES": "hPa", "HGHT": "m", "TEMP": "C", "DWPT": "C", "FRPT": "C", "RELH": "%", "RELI": "%", "MIXR": "g/kg", "DRCT": "deg", "SKNT": "knot", "THTA": "K", "THTE": "K", "THTV": "K"}}
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