Releases: wri/gfw_forest_loss_geotrellis
Integrated alerts for GFW Pro Dashboard
Switch to integrated alerts (from glad alerts) for GFWPro Dashboard.
The processing costs may be somewhat higher, because of a higher resolution grid. We are keeping the glad_* column names for now, since we will adjust them again later when adding confidence levels, etc.
Switch to licensed WDPA dataset, Oct 2023 for GFW Pro analyses
Switch to licensed WDPA dataset, Oct 2023 for GFW Pro analyses
Add Argentina-specific overlap analysis to FCD
Add Argentina-specific overlap analysis to FCD
Overlap computation with WDPA categories and Landmark.
Also made the fetching of tiles be lazy (tile is only fetched on first actual use in analysis code).
v2.3.8: Address AFi bug
- Fixes AFi negligible risk bug
Switch to licensed WDPA dataset, Oct 2023 for GFW Pro analyses
Switch to licensed WDPA dataset, Oct 2023 for GFW Pro analyses
Disable splitFeatures for forest_change_diagnostic
Currently, splitFeatures is forced on for forest_change_diagnostic, but
for the big admin/protectedAreas list, this is too slow to run in EMR.
So, we are presplitting the files, and must disable splitFeatures for
the Geotrellis EMR run.
GFW Pro Diagnostics with TCL 2022, but without Prodes split
- GFW Pro diagnostics with TCL 22
- Includes AFI as a completely separate analysis
- Excludes PRODES split by Brazilian biome, which is not being done yet on Front end
Update GFW Pro diagnostics with TCL 22
- Update GFW Pro diagnostics with TCL 22
- Add new sample fire.tsv file
- Includes AFI as a completely separate analysis
v2.3.3: Merge pull request #186 from wri/feature/afi_analysis
- Adds natural forests, GADM rasters, and negligible risk
- Implements AFI analysis
- Not a production release