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Releases: wri/wri-terramatch-api

Careening Croton 2024.03.21

21 Mar 19:47
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Careening Croton


TM-690 Total number of employees - increase limit on field

TM-724 Look into workday totals on admin/project overview (PPC)

TM-779 Land Accelerator application export failing due to memory constraints


TM-697 Enable GeoJSON export of Site Shapefiles for a Project for PD

TM-698 Admins should be able to download all project GeoJSONs when on a project's landing page

TM-705 Combine Reporting Tasks and Completed Reports Tabs on Projects Page

TM-725 Create 2 forms fields for site creation

TM-734 Show Feedback Banner first when Selecting Report With More Information Request

TM-737 Generate PPC reports for Q1, 2024

TM-740 Look into Trees Reported Numbers For TerraFund Top 100

Booming Baobab 2024.03.08

08 Mar 20:43
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Booming Baobab


TM-415 Reporting tasks counter not displaying the correct number.

TM-427 completion % is not accurate

TM-542 "Not Started" display issue

TM-552 Incorrect "Awaiting Review" status change

TM-682 Restore French translation of Land Accelerator application

TM-683 Draft UpdateRequests not saving progress.

TM-687 Not able to add additional field options to Detailed Intervention Types (Organisation) on Land Accelerator Application

TM-699 Task status is not displayed on the task report page for PDs

TM-700 "Draft" status on change requests not reflected accurately in the Admin UI

TM-701 A long report title breaks the responsive design

TM-706 Viewing feedback on an approved change request can put the report back into "needs more information"

TM-707 Admin edits are transitioning the entity to "approved"

TM-708 Admin edits don't seem to utilize in-progress update requests.

TM-712 Report Submission Error

TM-713 PD Task view does not indicate reports that need more information.

TM-714 Approving a change request in the admin UI does not update the report data tab.

TM-715 "Nothing to Report" status issue

TM-717 Admins are able to approve a report that has an open change request

TM-726 Site/Nursery/Project submission throws a 500 error

TM-727 Applications data not loading on admin + unable to be created by PD

TM-728 Admins unable to edit approved reports

TM-729 Draft/Approved Projects Not Visible in TM

TM-731 Form Save Issue on Staging

TM-732 Awaiting approval is now green on thumbnails and table views

TM-733 Form Saving Issue - Adding Questions


TM-558 Task / Report Status Alignment


TM-559 Implement DB relationship between Reports and Tasks

TM-560 Add statuses to Task

TM-561 Update and unify statuses for Reports

TM-562 Reflect existence of change request in associated Task status

TM-563 Improve Admin UI for reviewing Tasks and Reports

TM-569 Implement visual diff in admin change request UI

TM-570 Indicate in admin project report page if there is an active change request that needs review.

TM-591 Admin flow for updating reports and UpdateRequests

TM-670 Generate Client code for Dashboard Open API

TM-684 Draft Update Requests should continue to show the "more information requested" banner in the PD UI.

TM-686 UpdateRequest approval applies status updates to report and task

TM-716 Display clear UI to the admin when a site or nursery report is flagged as "nothing to report"

TM-719 Update PD UI for draft reports in the Task list view


TM-669 Generate Dashboard OpenAPI endpoint

TM-679 Export shapefiles as GeoJSONs

TM-689 Add in backdated reports for New TerraFund Sites

Aggressive Acacia 2024.02.22

22 Feb 21:43
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Aggressive Acacia


TM-117 [WRI] TerraMatch - Tables change size on every page

TM-206 FED - Applications - Submission screen - Download application button missing

TM-418 QA - Project Developer - Not able to add Tree Species during PPC Site Reporting and Land Accelerator application

TM-475 "Requires More Info" - Reopened Q's not populating

TM-507 All application data needs to show in PD & Admin views on TerraMatch

TM-512 As a Project Developer I can enter project report edit view but changes does not get saved

TM-513 Staging - PPC project report workday totals not displayed on report overview page

TM-514 Mismatch in workday #s PD vs Admin view - PPC project reports (Project Managment vs Project Establishment)

TM-526 "Other" volunteer workdays not displayed on PPC site report overview page

TM-527 Users can access projects they haven't been added to on TerraMatch

TM-529 TF Saving Issue - Nursery Creation

TM-543 TF Saving Issue - Project Establishment

TM-557 Land Accelerator - Conditional Fields not Saving after Submission

TM-564 Land Accelerator - Date field not saving when in draft state

TM-566 DB Consistency: all reports in the `awaiting-approval` or `approved` state should have 100 `completion`

TM-567 "Has other" toggle (On) not saving in custom form

TM-577 As a Project Developer I should see funding programmes getting translated

TM-580 Admin View: Trees Planted for Site Reports High Metrics not populating

TM-587 Error Accessing Projects as PD View As Monitoring Partner

TM-588 Some Projects I cannot Access as a Super Admin

TM-590 User Not Able to Create Project from Application

TM-593 "Due at" date filled in for "submitted at" field


TM-198 BED - Admin Panel - "Last Edited" date on applications not updating

TM-549 Edit copy on Pitch Selection screen

TM-568 Update "learn more" link on the home page


TM-402 Specify ethnicity for PPC workdays

TM-409 Unable download shapefiles as admin

TM-436 Tree Species Grown in Nurseries Missing in Front End PD View

TM-452 Consistent Date Format Throughout Site

TM-470 PPC reports - create text field for "Other" workdays category

TM-500 Transifex Translation request

TM-510 Update Default Images for Restoration Strategies + Target Land Use Type

TM-520 Create Action Track Node for Draft Projects + Projects "Awaiting Approval"

TM-530 Create backdated reports for Q4 2023 - selected PPC sites

TM-536 "Sitio 4" on GANB Flagship (PPC Project) - restore site, generate Q4 report

TM-538 Add User to Organization As Part of Monitoring Flow Set-up

TM-539 Align on Permissions related to Reporting Task Statuses, Report Statuses and Change Requests

TM-550 Transifex Push/Pull (LA Form + Updates to TerraFund Landscapes)

TM-551 Exports Not Updating: Reports Exports (PPC + TerraFund)

TM-556 S3 File Path Fix

TM-571 Create charts documenting status flow (current and future) on all models that track status

TM-575 Exports Adjustments to Include Status Columns and Due Dates

TM-579 Mobile View of Applications cuts off CTA to Apply

TM-586 Create backdated reports for July-Dec 2023 - OPE (TerraFund)