Simple tool to generate a certificate authority and a directory of certificates for a list of hosts.
Developed for testing SSL/TLS configuration of services in docker-compose.
Basic usage is to invoke the tool with a list of hosts:
$ makecerts --host host1 --host host2 --host host3
Output will be similar to the following:
1.6959800256860955e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:287 CA Certificate filenames {"ca_certificate_filename": "", "ca_key_filename": ""}
1.6959800256871305e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:293 Successfully loaded existing certificates from previous session {"ca_certificate_filename": "", "ca_key_filename": ""}
1.6959800256871965e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:374 Generating certificates.
1.6959800256872172e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:377 Generating certificate {"hostname": "host1"}
1.69598002568737e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:377 Generating certificate {"hostname": "host2"}
1.6959800256874237e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:377 Generating certificate {"hostname": "host3"}
1.6959800256874685e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:406 Outputing requested certificates
1.6959800256875002e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:408 Signing certificate {"common_name": "localhost"}
1.6959800256880586e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:418 Outputting certificate {"certificate_filename": "localhost.crt", "key_filename": "localhost.pem"}
1.695980025688253e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:408 Signing certificate {"common_name": "host1"}
1.6959800256886046e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:418 Outputting certificate {"certificate_filename": "host1.crt", "key_filename": "host1.pem"}
1.6959800256887555e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:408 Signing certificate {"common_name": "host2"}
1.6959800256891067e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:418 Outputting certificate {"certificate_filename": "host2.crt", "key_filename": "host2.pem"}
1.695980025689263e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:408 Signing certificate {"common_name": "host3"}
1.695980025689601e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:418 Outputting certificate {"certificate_filename": "host3.crt", "key_filename": "host3.pem"}
1.6959800256897435e+09 info makecerts/makecerts.go:428 Certificate generation finished
$ ls -l
total 50K
-rw-r--r-- 1 will will 709 Sep 29 19:34 host1.crt
-rw------- 1 will will 227 Sep 29 19:34 host1.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 will will 709 Sep 29 19:34 host2.crt
-rw------- 1 will will 227 Sep 29 19:34 host2.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 will will 709 Sep 29 19:34 host3.crt
-rw------- 1 will will 227 Sep 29 19:34 host3.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 will will 765 Sep 29 19:34
-rw------- 1 will will 227 Sep 29 19:34
-rw-r--r-- 1 will will 765 Sep 29 19:34 localhost.crt
-rw------- 1 will will 227 Sep 29 19:34 localhost.pem
This generates a CA certificate for localhost, and a number of certificates with the specified hostname. The CommonName is set to the first name provided, additional names can be provided separated by commas to add SANs. SAN names are auto-recognized as hostnames, IP addresses or emails - e.g.
$ makecerts --host,,my@email
Will create a certificate with the following:
$ openssl x509 -in -text -noout
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number: 1695980668861366293 (0x1789556ec1694015)
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
Issuer: C = NoCountry, O = NoOrg, OU = NoOrgUnit, CN = localhost
Not Before: Sep 29 09:44:28 2023 GMT
Not After : Sep 5 09:44:28 2122 GMT
Subject: C = NoCountry, O = NoOrg, OU = NoOrgUnit, CN =
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:, email:my@email, IP Address:
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
Signature Value:
You can request certificate requests be generated. A Certificate Authority will not be generated in this case, but the normal certificate rules otherwise apply.
$ makecerts --request host1 --request host2
Note: an invocation solely asking for certificate requests will not cause the generation or loading of a new CA certificate
since one is not needed. Pass --generate-ca
if you want to force one to be created regardless (this won't overwrite anything)
You can sign a certificate request by parsing the file name as part of the --sign
$ makecerts --sign host1 --sign host2
The usual rules of certificate generation apply: if a CA does not exist then one will be created to sign the requests.
The build systme is based on Mage. go run mage.go
will compile and produce a
list of targets. go run mage.go binary
will build a binary for your platform
and symlink it from the root directory.