Objective: To gain unauthorized access to sensitive data transmitted via MQTT, disrupt the application's functionality by manipulating MQTT messages, or take control of the MQTT broker itself.
| Attacker's Goal: Gain Unauthorized Access/Control |
| or Disrupt Application via Mosquitto Broker |
| | |
+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+ +--------+--------+
| Denial of | | Man-in-the- | | Exploit Broker |
| Service (DoS) | | Middle (MitM) | | Vulnerabilities|
+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+[CN] +--------+--------+[CN]
| | |
+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+ +--------+--------+
| Flood Broker |[HR] | Intercept/ | | Buffer Overflow|
| with Messages | | Modify Traffic | | (CVE-XXXX-YYYY)|[HR][CN]
+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+[CN] +--------+--------+
| | |
| +--------+--------+ |
| | - TLS | |
| | Stripping |[HR] |
| +--------+--------+ |
| | - Downgrade | |
| | to Plaintext|[HR] |
| +--------+--------+ |
| | |
| +--------+--------+ |
| | - Eavesdrop |[HR] |
| | on Traffic | |
| +--------+--------+ |
| | |
| +--------+--------+ |
| | - Inject |[HR] |
| | False Data | |
| +--------+--------+ |
| Compromise |
| Authentication |[HR][CN]
| Brute-Force |
| Credentials |[HR]
| Weak/Default |
| Credentials |[CN]
Attack Tree Path: 1. Denial of Service (DoS) - Flood Broker with Messages [HR]
- Description: The attacker sends a massive number of MQTT messages (CONNECT, PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE) to the broker, overwhelming its resources (CPU, memory, network bandwidth).
- Likelihood: High. Easy to execute with readily available tools. Effectiveness depends on broker configuration and resources.
- Impact: High. Can render the MQTT service unavailable to legitimate clients, disrupting application functionality.
- Effort: Low. Can be automated with simple scripts.
- Skill Level: Novice.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium. High network traffic and resource utilization are observable, but distinguishing malicious traffic from legitimate bursts can be challenging without proper monitoring and thresholds.
Attack Tree Path: 2. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) [HR] (if TLS is not enforced)
- Intercept/Modify Traffic [CN]:
Description: The attacker positions themselves between the client and the broker to intercept, modify, or replay MQTT messages. This is the critical enabling step for the rest of the MitM attacks.
Likelihood: Low (with TLS), High (without TLS). Requires network access.
Impact: Very High. Complete compromise of confidentiality and integrity.
Effort: Medium to High.
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard (without TLS), Very Hard (with TLS).
TLS Stripping [HR]:
- Description: The attacker actively removes TLS encryption from the connection, forcing it to fall back to plaintext.
- Likelihood: Low (if TLS is enforced by both client and server).
- Impact: Very High. Allows eavesdropping and manipulation.
- Effort: Medium to High.
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
- Detection Difficulty: Hard.
Downgrade to Plaintext [HR]:
- Description: Similar to TLS stripping, but focuses on preventing TLS negotiation from the start.
- Likelihood: Low (if TLS is enforced).
- Impact: Very High.
- Effort: Medium to High.
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
- Detection Difficulty: Hard.
Eavesdrop on Traffic [HR]:
- Description: Passively listening to unencrypted MQTT messages.
- Likelihood: Low (with TLS), High (without TLS).
- Impact: High (if sensitive data is transmitted).
- Effort: Low (without TLS).
- Skill Level: Novice (without TLS).
- Detection Difficulty: Very Hard (with TLS), Easy (without TLS).
Inject False Data [HR]:
- Description: Actively modifying or injecting MQTT messages.
- Likelihood: Low (with TLS), High (without TLS).
- Impact: High to Very High.
- Effort: Medium.
- Skill Level: Intermediate.
- Detection Difficulty: Hard.
Attack Tree Path: 3. Exploit Broker Vulnerabilities [CN]
- Buffer Overflow (CVE-XXXX-YYYY) [HR][CN]:
- Description: Exploiting a specific, known buffer overflow vulnerability in Mosquitto (represented by a CVE identifier). This is a placeholder; real CVEs would be listed.
- Likelihood: Low to Medium (depends on the specific CVE and patch status). Higher if the vulnerability is unpatched and an exploit is publicly available.
- Impact: Very High. Often leads to Remote Code Execution (RCE).
- Effort: High to Very High. Requires finding the vulnerability, developing or obtaining an exploit.
- Skill Level: Advanced to Expert.
- Detection Difficulty: Hard to Very Hard (especially for zero-days). Requires IDS/IPS with specific signatures or behavioral analysis.
Attack Tree Path: 4. Compromise Authentication [HR][CN]
* **Brute-Force Credentials [HR]:**
* **Description:** Repeatedly guessing usernames and passwords.
* **Likelihood:** Medium to High (depends on password strength and lockout policies).
* **Impact:** High. Grants attacker access to the broker.
* **Effort:** Low to Medium.
* **Skill Level:** Novice to Intermediate.
* **Detection Difficulty:** Medium (detectable through failed login attempts).
* **Weak/Default Credentials [CN]:**
* **Description:** Using easily guessable or default passwords that haven't been changed.
* **Likelihood:** Low to Medium (depends on administrative practices).
* **Impact:** High. Immediate access.
* **Effort:** Very Low.
* **Skill Level:** Novice.
* **Detection Difficulty:** Easy (if successful).