Objective: Compromise Application via Mesos Exploitation
Root Goal: Compromise Application via Mesos Exploitation
├───[1.0] Compromise Mesos Infrastructure **[CRITICAL NODE]**
│ └───[1.1] Compromise Mesos Master **[CRITICAL NODE]** **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
│ ├───[1.1.1] Exploit Master API Vulnerabilities **[CRITICAL NODE]** **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
│ │ └───[] Unauthenticated API Access **[CRITICAL NODE]** **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
│ ├───[1.1.2] Compromise Master Host System **[CRITICAL NODE]** **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
│ │ └───[] Exploiting OS Vulnerabilities on Master Host **[CRITICAL NODE]** **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
├───[2.0] Exploit Framework Vulnerabilities (Application Context)
│ └───[2.1] Compromise Framework API (e.g., Marathon, Kubernetes on Mesos) **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
│ └───[2.1.1] Unauthenticated Framework API Access **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
├───[3.0] Task/Container Exploitation (Application Context) **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
│ └───[3.1] Exploiting Vulnerabilities within Deployed Application Container **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
│ └───[3.1.1] Application Software Vulnerabilities (within the container) **[CRITICAL NODE]** **[HIGH-RISK PATH]**
└───[4.0] Supply Chain Attacks Targeting Mesos Components **[CRITICAL NODE]**
└───[4.1] Compromised Mesos Software Packages **[CRITICAL NODE]**
Attack Tree Path: [1.0] Compromise Mesos Infrastructure [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Criticality: The Mesos infrastructure is the foundation. Compromising it grants wide-ranging control over the entire application deployment and potentially other applications running on the same Mesos cluster.
- Impact: Critical - Full compromise of applications and infrastructure.
- Mitigation Priority: Highest - Securing the infrastructure is paramount.
Attack Tree Path: [1.1] Compromise Mesos Master [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Criticality: The Mesos Master is the central control point. Compromise leads to full control over the cluster, task scheduling, and application management.
- High-Risk Path: Due to the Master's central role and the potential for high impact attacks.
- Impact: Critical - Full cluster control, application compromise, data breach, DoS.
- Mitigation Priority: Highest - Master security is crucial.
- Criticality: The Master API is a direct interface for control. Vulnerabilities here can be exploited remotely.
- High-Risk Path: APIs are often targeted, and vulnerabilities can be easily exploited if not properly secured.
- Attack Vectors:
- [] Unauthenticated API Access [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Likelihood: Medium - Common misconfiguration if authentication is not enforced.
- Impact: Critical - Full control via API access.
- Effort: Low - Easy to exploit if unauthenticated.
- Skill Level: Low - Beginner level attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Can be detected with API access logs and monitoring.
- [] API Parameter Injection (e.g., Command Injection via API):
- Likelihood: Medium - Possible if input validation is insufficient.
- Impact: Critical - Command execution on Master, potential host compromise.
- Effort: Medium - Requires identifying injection points and crafting payloads.
- Skill Level: Medium - Intermediate attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Requires input validation checks and anomaly detection.
- [] Denial of Service (DoS) via API Abuse:
- Likelihood: Medium - Relatively easy to perform by flooding API with requests.
- Impact: Medium - Master unavailability, impacting application scheduling and management.
- Effort: Low - Simple DoS tools can be used.
- Skill Level: Low - Beginner level attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Low - Easily detectable with network and API monitoring.
- [] Exploiting Known Master Software Vulnerabilities (CVEs):
- Likelihood: Low - Decreases with regular patching, but zero-days are possible.
- Impact: Critical - Full Master compromise depending on the vulnerability.
- Effort: Medium - Requires finding and exploiting specific CVEs.
- Skill Level: Medium - Intermediate attacker, potentially higher for zero-days.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Vulnerability scanning and intrusion detection can help.
- [] Unauthenticated API Access [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
Attack Tree Path: [1.1.2] Compromise Master Host System [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Criticality: Host compromise grants direct access to the Master process and underlying system.
- High-Risk Path: Host systems are common targets, and compromise of the Master host is devastating.
- Attack Vectors:
- [] Exploiting OS Vulnerabilities on Master Host [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Likelihood: Medium - OS vulnerabilities are regularly discovered.
- Impact: Critical - Full host compromise, leading to Master compromise.
- Effort: Medium - Requires finding and exploiting OS vulnerabilities.
- Skill Level: Medium - Intermediate attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection, and security audits.
- [] Credential Compromise (e.g., SSH keys, passwords) for Master Host:
- Likelihood: Medium - Credential theft and weak passwords are common issues.
- Impact: Critical - Host access via compromised credentials, leading to Master compromise.
- Effort: Medium - Social engineering, phishing, brute-force, or insider threat.
- Skill Level: Medium - Intermediate attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Account monitoring, anomaly detection, and strong authentication practices.
- [] Physical Access to Master Host (if applicable):
- Likelihood: Low - Less likely in cloud environments, but possible in on-premise setups.
- Impact: Critical - Full physical control, leading to complete compromise.
- Effort: High - Requires physical access and bypassing physical security.
- Skill Level: Low - Basic physical access skills.
- Detection Difficulty: Low - Physical security controls and monitoring.
- [] Exploiting OS Vulnerabilities on Master Host [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
Attack Tree Path: [2.1] Compromise Framework API (e.g., Marathon, Kubernetes on Mesos) [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- High-Risk Path: Framework APIs manage application deployments and configurations, making them attractive targets.
- Attack Vectors:
- [2.1.1] Unauthenticated Framework API Access [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Likelihood: Medium - Common misconfiguration if framework API authentication is not properly set up.
- Impact: Medium - Application deployment manipulation, potential data access, DoS.
- Effort: Low - Easy to exploit if unauthenticated.
- Skill Level: Low - Beginner level attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - API access logs and monitoring.
- [2.1.2] Framework API Vulnerabilities (e.g., Injection, Logic flaws):
- Likelihood: Medium - Frameworks can have vulnerabilities.
- Impact: Medium - Application manipulation, potential data access, DoS.
- Effort: Medium - Requires finding and exploiting framework-specific vulnerabilities.
- Skill Level: Medium - Intermediate attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Security audits and penetration testing.
- [2.1.3] Exploiting Framework Software Vulnerabilities (CVEs):
- Likelihood: Low - Decreases with patching, but zero-days are possible.
- Impact: Medium - Framework compromise, application manipulation.
- Effort: Medium - Requires finding and exploiting framework CVEs.
- Skill Level: Medium - Intermediate attacker, potentially higher for zero-days.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Vulnerability scanning and intrusion detection.
- [2.1.4] Misconfiguration of Framework Security Settings:
- Likelihood: Medium - Frameworks have complex configurations, misconfigurations are common.
- Impact: Medium - Weakened security posture, easier exploitation of other vulnerabilities.
- Effort: Low - Exploiting misconfigurations is often easier than finding vulnerabilities.
- Skill Level: Low - Beginner to Medium attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Low - Security configuration reviews and audits.
- [2.1.1] Unauthenticated Framework API Access [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors:
- High-Risk Path: Applications running in containers are directly exposed and often contain vulnerabilities.
- [3.1] Exploiting Vulnerabilities within Deployed Application Container [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- High-Risk Path: Direct application vulnerabilities are a primary attack vector.
- [3.1.1] Application Software Vulnerabilities (within the container) [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Criticality: Application vulnerabilities are the most common entry point for attackers.
- High-Risk Path: High likelihood and direct impact on the application.
- Likelihood: High - Application code often contains vulnerabilities.
- Impact: Medium - Data breach, service disruption, application compromise.
- Effort: Low - Readily available tools and techniques for exploiting web application vulnerabilities.
- Skill Level: Low - Beginner level attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Web application firewalls, intrusion detection, vulnerability scanning, and code reviews.
- [3.1.2] Misconfiguration of Application Container:
- Likelihood: Medium - Container misconfigurations are common.
- Impact: Medium - Weakened security, easier exploitation of application vulnerabilities, potential container escape.
- Effort: Low - Exploiting misconfigurations is often easier than finding code vulnerabilities.
- Skill Level: Low - Beginner to Medium attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Low - Container security audits and configuration reviews.
- [3.1.3] Exposed Sensitive Data within Container Image or Environment Variables:
- Likelihood: Medium - Developers sometimes inadvertently expose secrets.
- Impact: High - Credential compromise, data breach, access to internal systems.
- Effort: Low - Easy to find exposed secrets if they exist.
- Skill Level: Low - Beginner level attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Low - Static analysis of container images and configuration reviews.
- [3.1.4] Insufficient Resource Limits for Container leading to Neighbor Container Impact:
- Likelihood: Low - Less direct compromise, more about resource contention.
- Impact: Low - DoS of neighbor containers, noisy neighbor issues.
- Effort: Low - Easy to request excessive resources.
- Skill Level: Low - Beginner level attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Low - Resource monitoring and anomaly detection.
- [3.1] Exploiting Vulnerabilities within Deployed Application Container [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
Attack Tree Path: [4.0] Supply Chain Attacks Targeting Mesos Components [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Criticality: Supply chain attacks can introduce vulnerabilities at a fundamental level, affecting all components.
- Impact: Critical - Widespread compromise, difficult to detect and remediate.
- Mitigation Priority: High - Requires proactive supply chain security measures.
- [4.1] Compromised Mesos Software Packages [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Criticality: Compromised Mesos packages directly inject malicious code into the core infrastructure.
- Likelihood: Low - Requires sophisticated attacker and compromised distribution channels.
- Impact: Critical - Full infrastructure compromise, widespread impact.
- Effort: High - Requires significant resources and expertise to compromise software supply chains.
- Skill Level: Expert - Advanced persistent threat (APT) level.
- Detection Difficulty: High - Requires robust software integrity verification and anomaly detection.
- [4.2] Compromised Container Images for Mesos Components or Tasks:
- Likelihood: Low - Requires compromised image registries or man-in-the-middle attacks.
- Impact: Medium - Compromise of specific components or tasks using the image.
- Effort: Medium - Requires compromising image registries or performing MITM attacks.
- Skill Level: Medium - Intermediate to Advanced attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Image scanning and registry security.
- [4.3] Compromised Dependencies of Mesos or Frameworks:
- Likelihood: Low - Requires compromising dependency repositories or injecting malicious dependencies.
- Impact: Medium - Potential vulnerabilities introduced through compromised dependencies.
- Effort: Medium - Requires compromising dependency repositories or performing dependency confusion attacks.
- Skill Level: Medium - Intermediate to Advanced attacker.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium - Software composition analysis (SCA) and dependency monitoring.