Objective: Compromise application using Sunshine via High-Risk Attack Paths.
Attack Goal: Compromise Application via Sunshine [CRITICAL NODE]
└───[OR]─ Gain Unauthorized Access and Control [CRITICAL NODE]
├───[AND]─ Exploit Sunshine Web Interface [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[OR]─ Authentication Bypass [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ ├─── Weak Default Credentials [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ └─── Use common default credentials (admin/password, etc.) [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ ├───[OR]─ Injection Vulnerabilities [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ ├─── Command Injection [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ └─── Inject malicious commands via input fields or configuration [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ ├───[OR]─ Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ │ └─── Inject malicious scripts to steal credentials or manipulate user actions [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ ├───[OR]─ Vulnerable Dependencies [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └─── Exploit known vulnerabilities in web framework or libraries used by Sunshine's web interface [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ └─── Identify and exploit CVEs in outdated dependencies [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ └───[OR]─ Session Hijacking [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ └─── Steal or predict session tokens to impersonate legitimate users [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ └─── Network sniffing, XSS, brute-force session IDs (if weak) [HIGH RISK PATH]
├───[OR]─ Exploit Sunshine Streaming Protocol
│ ├───[OR]─ Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack (If HTTPS not enforced or misconfigured) [HIGH RISK PATH - Conditional]
│ │ └─── Intercept and modify streaming data or inject malicious content [HIGH RISK PATH - Conditional]
│ │ └─── Network sniffing on unencrypted or weakly encrypted connections [HIGH RISK PATH - Conditional]
│ ├───[OR]─ Denial of Service (DoS) Attack [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ ├─── Resource Exhaustion [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ │ └─── Overwhelm Sunshine server with excessive streaming requests [HIGH RISK PATH]
├───[OR]─ Exploit Sunshine Configuration and Deployment [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[OR]─ Insecure Configuration [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ ├─── Weak Passwords/Keys [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ │ └─── Brute-force or guess weak passwords used for Sunshine configuration or access [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ ├───[OR]─ Exposed Configuration Files [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ │ └─── Access publicly accessible configuration files containing sensitive information [HIGH RISK PATH]
└───[OR]─ Social Engineering targeting Sunshine Users/Administrators [HIGH RISK PATH]
└─── Phishing or other social engineering techniques to obtain credentials or access [HIGH RISK PATH]
└─── Trick users into revealing passwords or installing malicious software that interacts with Sunshine [HIGH RISK PATH]
Attack Tree Path: Authentication Bypass -> Weak Default Credentials -> Use common default credentials (admin/password, etc.)
Attack Vector: Attackers attempt to log in to the Sunshine web interface using common default credentials like "admin/password". Risk: High likelihood due to often overlooked default settings, critical impact (full access), very low effort, novice skill level, and medium detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Injection Vulnerabilities -> Command Injection -> Inject malicious commands via input fields or configuration
Attack Vector: Attackers inject malicious operating system commands into input fields or configuration parameters of the Sunshine web interface. If not properly sanitized, these commands are executed by the server. Risk: Low to medium likelihood (depends on input sanitization), critical impact (system compromise), medium effort, intermediate skill level, and medium to hard detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Injection Vulnerabilities -> Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) -> Inject malicious scripts to steal credentials or manipulate user actions
Attack Vector: Attackers inject malicious JavaScript code into the Sunshine web interface. When other users access the interface, the script executes in their browsers, potentially stealing credentials or performing actions on their behalf. Risk: Medium likelihood (common web vulnerability), medium impact (credential theft, user manipulation), low to medium effort, beginner to intermediate skill level, and medium detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Vulnerable Dependencies -> Exploit known vulnerabilities in web framework or libraries used by Sunshine's web interface -> Identify and exploit CVEs in outdated dependencies
Attack Vector: Attackers identify outdated or vulnerable dependencies used by Sunshine's web interface (e.g., through vulnerability scanners). They then exploit publicly known vulnerabilities (CVEs) in these dependencies. Risk: Medium likelihood (common if updates are neglected), varies impact (potentially critical), low to medium effort, beginner to intermediate skill level, and medium detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Session Hijacking -> Steal or predict session tokens to impersonate legitimate users -> Network sniffing, XSS, brute-force session IDs (if weak)
Attack Vector: Attackers attempt to steal or predict valid session tokens used to authenticate users with the Sunshine web interface. Methods include network sniffing (if HTTPS is weak or absent), XSS attacks to steal tokens, or brute-forcing weak session IDs. Risk: Low to medium likelihood (depends on session management security), high impact (account takeover), medium effort, beginner to intermediate skill level, and medium to hard detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack (Conditional) -> Intercept and modify streaming data or inject malicious content -> Network sniffing on unencrypted or weakly encrypted connections
Attack Vector: If HTTPS is not enforced or misconfigured for Sunshine streaming, attackers on the network can intercept the unencrypted stream using network sniffing tools. They can then potentially modify the stream or inject malicious content. Risk: Low likelihood if HTTPS is properly enforced, high likelihood if not, medium impact (data interception, stream manipulation), low effort, beginner skill level, and easy to medium detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Denial of Service (DoS) Attack -> Resource Exhaustion -> Overwhelm Sunshine server with excessive streaming requests
Attack Vector: Attackers flood the Sunshine server with a large volume of streaming requests, exceeding its capacity to handle them. This leads to resource exhaustion and service unavailability for legitimate users. Risk: Medium to high likelihood (easy to launch DoS), medium impact (service disruption), low effort, novice to beginner skill level, and easy detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Sunshine Configuration and Deployment -> Insecure Configuration -> Weak Passwords/Keys -> Brute-force or guess weak passwords used for Sunshine configuration or access
Attack Vector: Attackers attempt to brute-force or guess weak passwords used for accessing Sunshine's configuration or administrative interfaces. Risk: Medium likelihood (if strong password policies are not enforced), critical impact (configuration access), low to medium effort, beginner skill level, and medium detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Sunshine Configuration and Deployment -> Insecure Configuration -> Exposed Configuration Files -> Access publicly accessible configuration files containing sensitive information
Attack Vector: Attackers discover and access publicly accessible configuration files of Sunshine, often due to misconfigured web servers or improper deployment practices. These files may contain sensitive information like passwords, API keys, or internal network details. Risk: Low to medium likelihood (depends on deployment practices), high impact (information disclosure), very low to low effort, novice to beginner skill level, and easy detection difficulty.
Attack Tree Path: Social Engineering targeting Sunshine Users/Administrators -> Phishing or other social engineering techniques to obtain credentials or access -> Trick users into revealing passwords or installing malicious software that interacts with Sunshine
Attack Vector: Attackers use social engineering tactics like phishing emails or deceptive websites to trick users or administrators into revealing their Sunshine credentials or installing malicious software that can compromise their access or systems interacting with Sunshine. Risk: Medium to high likelihood (social engineering is effective), varies impact (potentially critical), low to medium effort, beginner to intermediate skill level, and medium detection difficulty.