Objective: Gain Unauthorized Access/Impersonate User
[Gain Unauthorized Access/Impersonate User]*** | |---(HIGH)---[Compromise IS4 Configuration] (HIGH) | | | |---(HIGH)---[Misconfigured Redirect URIs] (HIGH) | | | | | |---(HIGH)---[Whitelist too Broad] (HIGH) | | | | | |---(HIGH)---[Allows Phishing]*** | | | |---(HIGH)---[Insecure Client Secrets] (HIGH) | | | |---(HIGH)---[Hardcoded/Default Secrets] (HIGH) | |---(HIGH)---[Compromise Client App]*** | |---(HIGH)---[Compromise IS4 Token Handling] | |---(HIGH)---[Token Leakage] (HIGH) | |---(HIGH)---[Exposure via Logs/URLs] (HIGH) | |---(HIGH)---[Information Disclosure]*** | |---(HIGH)---[Compromise Client App]*** | |---(HIGH)---[Steal Refresh Token]*** | |---(HIGH)---[Obtain New Access Tokens]*** | |---(HIGH)---[Gain Unauthorized Access]*** | |---[Compromise IS4 Database] | |---[SQL Injection] | |---[Access/Modify User Data]*** | |---[Impersonate Users]*** | |---[Weak Password Hashing] | |---[Brute-Force Accounts] | |---[Gain Admin Access]***
Attack Tree Path: Compromise IS4 Configuration (HIGH)
- Description: Attackers exploit misconfigurations in the IdentityServer4 setup to gain unauthorized access or manipulate the authentication/authorization flow.
- Attack Vectors:
- Misconfigured Redirect URIs (HIGH):
- Description: The attacker crafts a malicious authorization request with a redirect URI pointing to their controlled server. If IS4 doesn't strictly validate the redirect URI, the attacker receives authorization codes or tokens.
- Whitelist too Broad (HIGH): Using wildcards or overly permissive patterns in the redirect URI whitelist. Example:
instead ofhttps://app.example.com
. - Allows Phishing (Critical Node): Successful redirection to a malicious site allows the attacker to steal user credentials.
- Insecure Client Secrets (HIGH):
- Description: Client secrets are weak, predictable, or stored insecurely, allowing attackers to impersonate legitimate clients.
- Hardcoded/Default Secrets (HIGH): Using default or easily guessable secrets, or embedding secrets directly in client application code (especially mobile or JavaScript apps).
- Compromise Client App (Critical Node): If the attacker gains control of the client application (e.g., through reverse engineering, malware), they can extract the secret and impersonate the client.
- Misconfigured Redirect URIs (HIGH):
Attack Tree Path: Compromise IS4 Token Handling (HIGH)
- Description: Attackers intercept or manipulate tokens to gain unauthorized access.
- Attack Vectors:
- Token Leakage (HIGH):
- Description: Tokens are exposed through insecure channels, allowing attackers to intercept them.
- Exposure via Logs/URLs (HIGH): Logging sensitive information, including tokens, or including tokens in URL parameters (which can be logged by proxies or browsers).
- Information Disclosure (Critical Node): Leaked tokens provide direct access or can be used in further attacks.
- Compromise Client App (Critical Node): If the client app is compromised, the attacker may be able to steal tokens stored or used by the app.
- Steal Refresh Token (Critical Node): Obtaining a refresh token allows the attacker to obtain new access tokens, maintaining long-term unauthorized access.
- Obtain New Access Tokens (Critical Node): The ability to obtain new access tokens is a key step in maintaining unauthorized access.
- Gain Unauthorized Access (Critical Node): The ultimate goal of the attacker.
- Token Leakage (HIGH):
Attack Tree Path: Compromise IS4 Database
- Description: Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in the database used by IS4 to gain access to user data, client data, or modify the database.
- Attack Vectors:
- SQL Injection:
- Description: If IS4's database interactions are vulnerable to SQL injection, an attacker can execute arbitrary SQL commands.
- Access/Modify User Data (Critical Node): The attacker can read, modify, or delete user data, including credentials.
- Impersonate Users (Critical Node): By accessing or modifying user data, the attacker can impersonate legitimate users.
- Weak Password Hashing:
- Description: If IS4 uses weak password hashing algorithms or doesn't salt passwords properly, an attacker who gains access to the database can crack user passwords.
- Brute-Force Accounts: Weak password lead to easier brute-force attacks.
- Gain Admin Access (Critical Node): By cracking admin password attacker can gain admin access.
- SQL Injection: