Objective: Compromise Flutter Application via Package Exploitation (Focus on High-Risk Paths)
**CRITICAL NODE** Compromise Flutter Application via Package Exploitation **CRITICAL NODE**
├── OR
│ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 1. Exploit Vulnerable Package Code **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ ├── OR
│ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 1.1. Exploit Known Vulnerabilities (CVEs) **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ │ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 1.1.3. Exploit Identified Vulnerability in Package Code **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ │ ├── e.g., **HIGH RISK PATH** Remote Code Execution (RCE) **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ │ ├── e.g., **HIGH RISK PATH** Data Breach/Information Disclosure **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 1.2. Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Package Code **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 1.2.3. Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerability in Package Code **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ ├── e.g., **HIGH RISK PATH** Same as 1.1.3 (RCE, Data Breach) **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 2. Exploit Dependency Vulnerabilities **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ ├── OR
│ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 2.2. Exploit Vulnerable Transitive Dependency **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 2.2.3. Exploit Vulnerability in Transitive Dependency **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ ├── e.g., **HIGH RISK PATH** Same as 1.1.3 (RCE, Data Breach) **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 3. Supply Chain Compromise of Packages **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ ├── OR
│ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 3.2. Compromised Package Maintainer Account **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 3.2.2. Publish Malicious Package Versions via Compromised Account **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ ├── **CRITICAL NODE** 3.3. Compromised Package Build/Release Pipeline **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 3.3.2. Inject Malicious Code during Package Build/Release Process **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ ├── **CRITICAL NODE** 3.4. Dependency Confusion/Substitution Attack **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 3.4.3. Application inadvertently downloads and uses malicious package **CRITICAL NODE**
│ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 4. Exploit Package Misuse by Developers **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ ├── OR
│ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 4.1. Insecure Package Configuration **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 4.1.1. Use Default, Insecure Package Settings **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 4.1.2. Package exposes insecure configuration options **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ │ ├── e.g., **HIGH RISK PATH** Exposed API keys, credentials in package configuration **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 4.2. Improper Input Validation when using Packages **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ │ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 4.2.2. Package vulnerability triggered by lack of input validation **CRITICAL NODE**
│ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 4.4. Exposed Sensitive Data via Package **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 4.4.1. Package logs or stores sensitive data insecurely **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ │ │ │ ├── **HIGH RISK PATH** 4.4.3. Developer exposes sensitive data by incorrect package use **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ └── **HIGH RISK PATH** 5. Exploit Outdated Packages **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ └── **HIGH RISK PATH** 5.1. Exploit Known Vulnerabilities in Older Package Versions **HIGH RISK PATH**
│ └── **CRITICAL NODE** 5.1.3. Exploit Known Vulnerability in Outdated Package **CRITICAL NODE**
Attack Tree Path: 1. Exploit Vulnerable Package Code
- Attack Vector: Exploiting vulnerabilities directly within the code of a Flutter package used by the application.
- Critical Node: 1.1.3. Exploit Identified Vulnerability in Package Code: This is the point where a known vulnerability (CVE) in a package is actively exploited.
- e.g., Remote Code Execution (RCE) (High Risk Path): Attacker gains the ability to execute arbitrary code on the application's environment due to a package vulnerability.
- e.g., Data Breach/Information Disclosure (High Risk Path): Attacker gains unauthorized access to sensitive data due to a package vulnerability.
- Critical Node: 1.2.3. Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerability in Package Code: This is the point where a previously unknown vulnerability (zero-day) in a package is exploited.
- e.g., Same as 1.1.3 (RCE, Data Breach) (High Risk Path): Similar to exploiting known vulnerabilities, but using a zero-day, making detection harder initially.
Attack Tree Path: 2. Exploit Dependency Vulnerabilities
- Attack Vector: Exploiting vulnerabilities in transitive dependencies (dependencies of dependencies) of Flutter packages.
- High Risk Path: 2.2. Exploit Vulnerable Transitive Dependency: Focuses on vulnerabilities hidden deeper in the dependency tree.
- Critical Node: 2.2.3. Exploit Vulnerability in Transitive Dependency: The point where a vulnerability in a transitive dependency is exploited.
- e.g., Same as 1.1.3 (RCE, Data Breach) (High Risk Path): Similar impact as exploiting direct package vulnerabilities, but often overlooked due to focus on direct dependencies.
Attack Tree Path: 3. Supply Chain Compromise of Packages
- Attack Vector: Compromising the application by using a package that has been maliciously altered or injected into the supply chain.
- High Risk Path: 3.2. Compromised Package Maintainer Account: Attackers target package maintainer accounts to inject malicious code.
- Critical Node: 3.2.2. Publish Malicious Package Versions via Compromised Account: The critical action of publishing malicious package versions after gaining control of a maintainer account.
- Critical Node: 3.3. Compromised Package Build/Release Pipeline: Attackers compromise the automated systems used to build and release packages.
- Critical Node: 3.3.2. Inject Malicious Code during Package Build/Release Process: The point where malicious code is injected into the package during the automated build process.
- Critical Node: 3.4. Dependency Confusion/Substitution Attack: Attackers exploit naming similarities to trick applications into downloading malicious packages instead of intended ones.
- Critical Node: 3.4.3. Application inadvertently downloads and uses malicious package: The point where the application mistakenly downloads and uses a malicious package due to dependency confusion.
Attack Tree Path: 4. Exploit Package Misuse by Developers
- Attack Vector: Compromising the application due to insecure or incorrect usage of Flutter packages by developers.
- High Risk Path: 4.1. Insecure Package Configuration: Developers using packages with insecure default settings or misconfiguring security options.
- High Risk Path: 4.1.1. Use Default, Insecure Package Settings: Relying on default package configurations that are not secure.
- High Risk Path: 4.1.2. Package exposes insecure configuration options: Packages offer configuration options that, if misused, weaken security.
- e.g., Exposed API keys, credentials in package configuration (High Risk Path): Developers inadvertently expose sensitive credentials through package configuration.
- High Risk Path: 4.2. Improper Input Validation when using Packages: Developers failing to validate input before passing it to package functions, leading to vulnerabilities.
- Critical Node: 4.2.2. Package vulnerability triggered by lack of input validation: The point where a package vulnerability is exploited because the application didn't validate input.
- High Risk Path: 4.4. Exposed Sensitive Data via Package: Packages unintentionally or intentionally expose sensitive data.
- High Risk Path: 4.4.1. Package logs or stores sensitive data insecurely: Packages logging or storing sensitive data in an insecure manner.
- High Risk Path: 4.4.3. Developer exposes sensitive data by incorrect package use: Developers misusing package features and inadvertently exposing sensitive data.
Attack Tree Path: 5. Exploit Outdated Packages
- Attack Vector: Exploiting known vulnerabilities in outdated versions of Flutter packages used by the application.
- High Risk Path: 5.1. Exploit Known Vulnerabilities in Older Package Versions: Targeting applications that use outdated packages with known CVEs.
- Critical Node: 5.1.3. Exploit Known Vulnerability in Outdated Package: The point where a known vulnerability in an outdated package is exploited.