Objective: To gain unauthorized access to, modify, or disrupt the web application's resources or data, or the underlying server, by exploiting vulnerabilities or misconfigurations specific to the Caddy web server.
[Compromise Application via Caddy]
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[Exploit Caddyfile Misconfiguration] [Compromise Caddy Administration/API]
| |
-------------------- --------------------------
| | | | |
[Dir. [Insec. [[Weak/ [[Unauth. [Brute-Force
Listing] Reverse Default]] Access to Admin API
Enabled] Proxy Caddyfile] Admin]] Credentials]
Config.] |
| ------|------
--------|-------- | |
| | [Guess/Steal [[Weak/
[[Expose [Bypass Admin Default
Sensitive Auth/ Password]] Password]]
Files/Dirs] ACLs]
| |
[Man-in- [[Directly
the-Middle Access
via Internal
Misconfigured Services]]
Attack Tree Path: Caddyfile Misconfiguration -> Weak/Default Caddyfile -> Expose Internal Services / Default Admin Interface Exposed
[[Weak/Default Caddyfile]] (Critical Node):
- Description: Using a default or overly permissive Caddyfile without proper customization. This is a foundational error that can lead to many other vulnerabilities.
- Likelihood: Medium (Common misconfiguration, especially in development or less experienced setups)
- Impact: Very High (Can lead to exposure of internal services, admin interface, and other vulnerabilities)
- Effort: Very Low (Using a default file requires no effort)
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Requires review of the Caddyfile, but might be overlooked)
- Attack Vectors:
- Expose Internal Services: A weak Caddyfile might inadvertently expose internal services or APIs.
- Default Admin Interface Exposed: The default admin interface might be accessible without authentication.
[Expose Internal Services] (Part of High-Risk Path):
- Description: Internal services or APIs that should not be publicly accessible are exposed due to the weak Caddyfile.
- Likelihood: Medium (Direct consequence of a weak Caddyfile)
- Impact: High (Direct access to sensitive data and functionality)
- Effort: Low (If exposed, access might be trivial)
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Might be detected in access logs)
[[Default Admin Interface Exposed]] (Critical Node):
- Description: The Caddy admin interface is accessible without proper authentication or access control.
- Likelihood: Low (Most users are aware of the need to secure it, but it does happen)
- Impact: Very High (Complete control of the Caddy server)
- Effort: Very Low (If exposed, access might be trivial)
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Easy (Default admin interface is easily identifiable)
Attack Tree Path: Caddyfile Misconfiguration -> Directory Listing Enabled -> Expose Sensitive Files/Dirs
[Directory Listing Enabled] (Part of High-Risk Path):
- Description: Directory listing is unintentionally enabled, allowing attackers to browse the file system.
- Likelihood: Medium (Common misconfiguration)
- Impact: Variable, but potentially High
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
[[Expose Sensitive Files/Dirs]] (Critical Node):
- Description: Sensitive files, configuration files, source code, or backup files are exposed due to enabled directory listing.
- Likelihood: Medium (Direct consequence of enabled directory listing)
- Impact: High (Exposure of sensitive data)
- Effort: Very Low (Simply browsing directories)
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Might be noticed in logs, but could be missed)
Attack Tree Path: Caddyfile Misconfiguration -> Insecure Reverse Proxy Config -> Directly Access Internal Services
[Insecure Reverse Proxy Config] (Part of High-Risk Path):
- Description: Misconfigured reverse proxy settings, such as improper header handling or lack of authentication for internal services.
- Likelihood: Medium (Common with complex setups)
- Impact: Variable, but potentially High
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Hard
[[Directly Access Internal Services]] (Critical Node):
- Description: An attacker can bypass security controls and directly access sensitive internal APIs or databases due to the misconfigured reverse proxy.
- Likelihood: Medium (Direct consequence of insecure reverse proxy configuration)
- Impact: High (Direct access to sensitive data and functionality)
- Effort: Low (If misconfigured, access might be trivial)
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Might be detected in access logs)
- Attack Vectors:
- Bypassing authentication and authorization mechanisms.
- Directly querying internal databases or APIs.
Attack Tree Path: Compromise Caddy Administration/API -> Unauthorized Access to Admin Interface -> Weak/Default Password
[[Unauthorized Access to Admin Interface]] (Critical Node): * Description: An attacker gains access to the Caddy admin interface, allowing them to reconfigure the server. * Likelihood: Low (Requires credential compromise or misconfiguration) * Impact: Very High (Complete control of the Caddy server) * Effort: Variable (Depends on the method of compromise) * Skill Level: Variable (Could range from Script Kiddie to Advanced) * Detection Difficulty: Medium (Failed login attempts might be logged)
[[Weak/Default Password]] (Critical Node):
- Description: The default admin password is not changed, or a weak, easily guessable password is used.
- Likelihood: Low (Most users are aware of the need to change it, but it still happens)
- Impact: Very High (Complete control of the Caddy server)
- Effort: Very Low (Trivial if the default password is unchanged)
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Easy (Default password usage is easily identifiable)
Attack Tree Path: Compromise Caddy Administration/API -> Brute-Force Admin API Credentials -> Weak/Default Password
[Brute-Force Admin API Credentials] (Part of High-Risk Path): * Description: An attacker attempts to guess the admin API credentials. * Likelihood: Low to Medium (Depends on password strength and rate limiting) * Impact: Very High (If successful, complete control of Caddy) * Effort: Medium (Depends on password complexity and rate limiting) * Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate * Detection Difficulty: Medium (Failed login attempts might be logged)
[[Weak/Default Password]] (Critical Node):
- Description: The default admin password is not changed, or a weak, easily guessable password is used.
- Likelihood: Low (Most users are aware of the need to change it, but it still happens)
- Impact: Very High (Complete control of the Caddy server)
- Effort: Very Low (Trivial if the default password is unchanged)
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Easy (Default password usage is easily identifiable)