Threat: Unauthenticated Access to etcd
- Description: An attacker gains network access to etcd and interacts with the API without credentials, allowing read, write, and delete operations on etcd data.
- Impact: Critical. Complete data compromise, data corruption, denial of service, unauthorized access to secrets.
- Affected etcd component: API Server, Authentication Module
- Risk Severity: Critical
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Enable TLS client certificate authentication.
- Enable username/password authentication over TLS.
- Restrict network access to etcd.
Threat: Weak Authentication Mechanisms
- Description: An attacker compromises weak authentication credentials (e.g., sniffed basic auth over non-TLS, brute-forced weak passwords).
- Impact: High. Unauthorized etcd access, data breaches, data corruption, denial of service.
- Affected etcd component: Authentication Module, API Server
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Use TLS client certificates for authentication.
- If using passwords, enforce TLS and strong password policies.
- Description: An attacker bypasses or exploits misconfigured etcd RBAC, gaining unauthorized access to data or operations.
- Impact: High. Data breaches, unauthorized data modification, privilege escalation within the data layer.
- Affected etcd component: Authorization Module, RBAC System
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Implement strict RBAC policies following least privilege.
- Regularly audit and test RBAC configurations.
Threat: Credential Compromise
- Description: An attacker obtains legitimate etcd client credentials (certificates, passwords) through phishing, insider threats, or other means.
- Impact: Critical. Unauthorized access with compromised credentials' privileges, data breaches, data manipulation, denial of service, full control over application state.
- Affected etcd component: Authentication Module, API Server
- Risk Severity: Critical
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Securely manage etcd credentials using secret management solutions.
- Implement credential rotation and short-lived credentials.
- Monitor for suspicious credential usage.
Threat: Data Breach at Rest
- Description: An attacker gains physical access to etcd server/storage and reads unencrypted data files.
- Impact: High. Exposure of confidential data stored in etcd.
- Affected etcd component: Storage Engine, Disk Subsystem
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Enable etcd encryption at rest.
- Securely manage encryption keys.
- Physically secure etcd servers and backups.
- Description: An attacker intercepts unencrypted network traffic between etcd clients/peers, exposing sensitive data.
- Impact: High. Exposure of confidential data in transit, potential data manipulation.
- Affected etcd component: Network Communication, gRPC layer
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Enforce TLS encryption for all client-to-etcd communication.
- Enforce TLS encryption for all peer-to-peer communication.
Threat: Data Corruption or Loss
- Description: Bugs, storage failures, or operational errors corrupt or lose etcd data.
- Impact: High. Application malfunction, service disruption, potential permanent data loss.
- Affected etcd component: Storage Engine, WAL, Snapshotting, Data Replication
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Implement regular automated backups.
- Utilize etcd's data integrity features (WAL, checksums).
- Monitor etcd health and storage.
- Implement disaster recovery procedures.
Threat: Unauthorized Data Modification
- Description: An attacker with unauthorized access modifies critical application data in etcd.
- Impact: High. Application state corruption, denial of service, security breaches in application logic.
- Affected etcd component: API Server, Data Storage, Authorization Module
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Enforce strict authorization policies (RBAC).
- Implement audit logging of data modifications.
- Consider data validation in the application.
Threat: Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
- Description: An attacker overwhelms etcd with requests, causing unresponsiveness or crashes.
- Impact: High. Application unavailability, service disruption.
- Affected etcd component: API Server, Request Handling, Network Communication
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Implement rate limiting and request throttling.
- Deploy etcd behind load balancers and firewalls.
- Monitor etcd performance and resource usage.
Threat: Misconfiguration of etcd
- Description: Incorrect etcd configuration (insecure ports, weak settings, inadequate limits) creates vulnerabilities.
- Impact: High. Security breaches, performance problems, instability, potential data loss.
- Affected etcd component: Configuration Management, Deployment, Security Settings
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Follow etcd security best practices and hardening guidelines.
- Use configuration management tools for consistent secure configurations.
- Regularly audit configurations.
Threat: Insecure Secret Management
- Description: Improper handling of etcd secrets (plain text passwords, insecure key storage) leads to credential compromise.
- Impact: High. Unauthorized access, data compromise, potential system compromise.
- Affected etcd component: Secret Management, Configuration, Deployment
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Use secure secret management solutions (Vault, Kubernetes Secrets).
- Avoid storing secrets in configuration files or code.
- Description: Lack of backups leads to permanent data loss in case of failures or incidents.
- Impact: High. Data loss, prolonged service outages, business disruption.
- Affected etcd component: Backup and Restore, Operational Procedures
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Implement regular automated backups.
- Test backup and recovery procedures.
- Store backups securely and offsite.
Threat: Running Outdated etcd Version
- Description: Using outdated etcd with known vulnerabilities exposes the application to exploitation.
- Impact: High. Exploitation of vulnerabilities, data breaches, denial of service.
- Affected etcd component: All etcd components, Software Version
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Keep etcd updated to the latest stable version with security patches.
- Subscribe to security advisories and apply updates promptly.
Threat: Exploitable Bugs in etcd Code
- Description: Undiscovered vulnerabilities in etcd code are exploited by attackers.
- Impact: Critical to High. Data breaches, denial of service, privilege escalation, system compromise.
- Affected etcd component: All etcd components, Codebase
- Risk Severity: Critical to High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Stay informed about security advisories and apply patches.
- Participate in security testing and vulnerability scanning.
Threat: Dependency Vulnerabilities
- Description: Vulnerabilities in etcd dependencies are exploited, indirectly affecting etcd security.
- Impact: High. Data breaches, denial of service, other security incidents.
- Affected etcd component: Dependencies, Third-party Libraries
- Risk Severity: High
- Mitigation Strategies:
- Regularly scan dependencies for vulnerabilities.
- Update dependencies to patched versions.
- Monitor security advisories for dependencies.