Objective: Compromise an application using esbuild by exploiting vulnerabilities or weaknesses within esbuild's integration or esbuild itself (focusing on high-risk areas).
Compromise Application via esbuild [CRITICAL NODE]
- (OR) - Exploit Supply Chain Vulnerabilities in esbuild or Dependencies [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Compromise esbuild Dependencies [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (AND) - Identify vulnerable dependency of esbuild (direct or transitive) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Moderate to Significant
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Easy
- (AND) - Exploit known vulnerability in dependency [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Moderate to Significant
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- (OR) - Dependency has known security flaw (e.g., prototype pollution, arbitrary code execution)
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Moderate to Critical [CRITICAL NODE - Arbitrary Code Execution]
- Effort: Variable
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Difficult
- (AND) - Malicious dependency injection/substitution [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Dependency Confusion Attack [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Moderate to Significant
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- (OR) - Typosquatting Attack [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Moderate
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- (OR) - Dependency Confusion Attack [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (AND) - Identify vulnerable dependency of esbuild (direct or transitive) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Compromise esbuild Dependencies [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Exploit Input Manipulation during Build Process [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Malicious Code Injection via User-Controlled Input (Indirect) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (AND) - Application uses user input to dynamically construct build paths or configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Significant [CRITICAL NODE - Code Injection]
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- (AND) - User input influences entry points, plugins, or loaders [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Significant [CRITICAL NODE - Control over build process]
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- (AND) - Path traversal vulnerability allows including malicious files in build [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Significant [CRITICAL NODE - File Inclusion, Code Execution]
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- (AND) - Application uses user input to dynamically construct build paths or configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Plugins or Loaders [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (AND) - Application uses custom or third-party esbuild plugins/loaders [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Moderate to Significant
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Difficult
- (AND) - Plugin/Loader contains vulnerabilities [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Moderate to Significant
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Difficult
- (OR) - Plugin/Loader has code execution flaws, path traversal, or other security issues
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Significant [CRITICAL NODE - Plugin/Loader Code Execution]
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Difficult
- (AND) - Application uses custom or third-party esbuild plugins/loaders [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Malicious Code Injection via User-Controlled Input (Indirect) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Exploit Configuration Weaknesses [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Insecure Build Process Configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (AND) - Build process exposes sensitive information or allows unauthorized access [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Moderate to Significant
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Easy to Medium
- (AND) - Build artifacts (e.g.,
files, unminified bundles) are publicly accessible [HIGH-RISK PATH]- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Moderate
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Easy
- (AND) - Build scripts or configuration files contain secrets (API keys, credentials) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Medium to High
- Impact: Significant to Critical [CRITICAL NODE - Credential Theft]
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Easy
- (AND) - Build process exposes sensitive information or allows unauthorized access [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Insecure Build Process Configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Exploit Output Manipulation (Less Directly esbuild, but related to build output) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Tampering with Build Artifacts Post-esbuild [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (AND) - Attacker gains access to build output directory after esbuild completes [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Critical [CRITICAL NODE - Post-Build Compromise]
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Difficult
- (AND) - Modify bundled JavaScript files to inject malicious code [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Critical [CRITICAL NODE - Malicious Code Injection in Output]
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Difficult
- (AND) - Replace legitimate assets with malicious ones before deployment [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Critical [CRITICAL NODE - Asset Replacement]
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Difficult
- (AND) - Attacker gains access to build output directory after esbuild completes [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- (OR) - Tampering with Build Artifacts Post-esbuild [HIGH-RISK PATH]
Attack Tree Path: 1. Exploit Supply Chain Vulnerabilities in esbuild or Dependencies (HIGH-RISK PATH)
- Attack Vector: Attackers target the software supply chain to inject malicious code or vulnerabilities into esbuild's dependencies. This can affect any application using esbuild.
- Breakdown:
- Compromise esbuild Dependencies (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Identify vulnerable dependency of esbuild (direct or transitive) (HIGH-RISK PATH): Attackers scan esbuild's dependency tree to find known vulnerabilities in direct or transitive dependencies.
- Exploit known vulnerability in dependency (HIGH-RISK PATH): Once a vulnerable dependency is found, attackers exploit the known vulnerability (e.g., arbitrary code execution, prototype pollution) to compromise the application.
- Malicious dependency injection/substitution (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Dependency Confusion Attack (HIGH-RISK PATH): Attackers upload a malicious package to a public repository (like npm) with the same name as an internal/private package used by the application. Build tools might mistakenly download the public malicious package.
- Typosquatting Attack (HIGH-RISK PATH): Attackers register package names that are very similar to legitimate packages (e.g., with typos) hoping developers will mistakenly install the malicious package.
- Compromise esbuild Dependencies (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Critical Nodes:
- Dependency has known security flaw (e.g., prototype pollution, arbitrary code execution) - Impact: Critical: Vulnerabilities like arbitrary code execution in dependencies can lead to complete application compromise.
Attack Tree Path: 2. Exploit Input Manipulation during Build Process (HIGH-RISK PATH)
- Attack Vector: Attackers manipulate inputs to the esbuild build process to inject malicious code or alter the build output.
- Breakdown:
- Malicious Code Injection via User-Controlled Input (Indirect) (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Application uses user input to dynamically construct build paths or configuration (HIGH-RISK PATH): If the application uses user-provided data to construct file paths for entry points, plugins, loaders, or configuration files, attackers can exploit path traversal vulnerabilities to include malicious files in the build process.
- User input influences entry points, plugins, or loaders (HIGH-RISK PATH): If user input can control which files are used as entry points, or which plugins/loaders are loaded, attackers can inject malicious code by providing paths to malicious files or plugins.
- Path traversal vulnerability allows including malicious files in build (HIGH-RISK PATH): Exploiting path traversal vulnerabilities allows attackers to include files from outside the intended project directory, potentially injecting malicious code into the build.
- Malicious Code Injection via User-Controlled Input (Indirect) (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Critical Nodes:
- Impact: Significant (Code Injection): Successful input manipulation can lead to code injection during the build process, compromising the build environment and potentially the deployed application.
- Impact: Significant (Control over build process): Gaining control over entry points, plugins, or loaders allows attackers to manipulate the entire build process.
- Impact: Significant (File Inclusion, Code Execution): Path traversal can lead to arbitrary file inclusion and code execution during the build.
Attack Tree Path: 3. Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Plugins or Loaders (HIGH-RISK PATH)
- Attack Vector: Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in custom or third-party esbuild plugins and loaders used by the application.
- Breakdown:
- Application uses custom or third-party esbuild plugins/loaders (HIGH-RISK PATH): Using plugins and loaders extends esbuild's functionality but also increases the attack surface.
- Plugin/Loader contains vulnerabilities (HIGH-RISK PATH): Plugins and loaders, especially less scrutinized ones, might contain security vulnerabilities like code execution flaws, path traversal, or other issues.
- Plugin/Loader has code execution flaws, path traversal, or other security issues: Vulnerabilities in plugins/loaders can be triggered during the build process when esbuild executes the plugin/loader code.
- Critical Nodes:
- Impact: Significant (Plugin/Loader Code Execution): Vulnerabilities in plugins/loaders can lead to code execution within the build process, potentially compromising the build environment and the application.
Attack Tree Path: 4. Exploit Configuration Weaknesses (HIGH-RISK PATH)
- Attack Vector: Attackers exploit misconfigurations in the build process or esbuild setup to gain access to sensitive information or compromise the build environment.
- Breakdown:
- Insecure Build Process Configuration (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Build process exposes sensitive information or allows unauthorized access (HIGH-RISK PATH): Misconfigurations can lead to sensitive information being exposed in build logs, artifacts, or through insecure access controls to the build environment.
- Build artifacts (e.g.,
files, unminified bundles) are publicly accessible (HIGH-RISK PATH): Publicly accessible build artifacts like.map
files can reveal source code, making reverse engineering and finding vulnerabilities easier for attackers. - Build scripts or configuration files contain secrets (API keys, credentials) (HIGH-RISK PATH): Hardcoding secrets in build scripts or configuration files is a common mistake that can lead to credential theft if these files are exposed or accessed by attackers.
- Insecure Build Process Configuration (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Critical Nodes:
- Impact: Significant to Critical (Credential Theft): Exposing secrets like API keys or credentials can have critical impact, allowing attackers to access sensitive resources or systems.
Attack Tree Path: 5. Exploit Output Manipulation (Less Directly esbuild, but related to build output) (HIGH-RISK PATH)
- Attack Vector: Attackers target the build output after esbuild has completed its work but before deployment, aiming to tamper with the final application artifacts.
- Breakdown:
- Tampering with Build Artifacts Post-esbuild (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Attacker gains access to build output directory after esbuild completes (HIGH-RISK PATH): If the build output directory is not properly secured, attackers can gain unauthorized access.
- Modify bundled JavaScript files to inject malicious code (HIGH-RISK PATH): Once access is gained, attackers can directly modify the bundled JavaScript files to inject malicious code into the application.
- Replace legitimate assets with malicious ones before deployment (HIGH-RISK PATH): Attackers can replace legitimate assets (like images, scripts, or other files) in the build output directory with malicious versions before the application is deployed.
- Tampering with Build Artifacts Post-esbuild (HIGH-RISK PATH):
- Critical Nodes:
- Impact: Critical (Post-Build Compromise): Gaining access to the build output directory and tampering with artifacts can lead to complete compromise of the deployed application.
- Impact: Critical (Malicious Code Injection in Output): Injecting malicious code directly into the bundled JavaScript files results in direct execution of attacker-controlled code in the application.
- Impact: Critical (Asset Replacement): Replacing legitimate assets with malicious ones can lead to various attacks, including serving malicious content to users.