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Project Design Document: golang-migrate/migrate


Priorities and Goals:

The golang-migrate/migrate project aims to provide a simple, database-agnostic, and reliable way to manage database migrations in Go applications. Its primary goals are:

  • Ease of Use: Provide a straightforward CLI and library interface for developers to create, apply, and manage database migrations.
  • Database Agnostic: Support a wide range of database systems without requiring database-specific tooling.
  • Reliability: Ensure migrations are applied in the correct order and prevent data corruption.
  • Extensibility: Allow users to extend the functionality with custom drivers and features.
  • Lightweight: Minimize dependencies and keep the codebase small and maintainable.

Business Risks:

  • Data Loss/Corruption: Incorrectly applied migrations or failures during migration execution could lead to data loss or corruption, potentially causing significant business disruption.
  • Downtime: Migration processes that take a long time or encounter errors can lead to application downtime, impacting user experience and potentially causing revenue loss.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Vulnerabilities in the migration tool or its dependencies could be exploited to gain unauthorized access to the database or compromise the application.
  • Compatibility Issues: Lack of support for specific database versions or features could limit the project's adoption and usefulness.
  • Maintenance Overhead: A complex or poorly designed codebase could make it difficult to maintain and update the project, leading to increased development costs and potential security risks.


Existing Security Controls:

  • security control: Version Control: The project uses Git for version control, allowing for tracking changes, collaboration, and rollback capabilities. (Described in the GitHub repository)
  • security control: Code Reviews: Contributions to the project are subject to code reviews, helping to identify potential security vulnerabilities and ensure code quality. (Described in the GitHub repository's contribution guidelines)
  • security control: Testing: The project includes a suite of tests to verify the functionality and correctness of the code, reducing the risk of unexpected behavior. (Described in the GitHub repository's testing documentation)
  • security control: Dependency Management: Go modules are used to manage dependencies, allowing for reproducible builds and reducing the risk of supply chain attacks. (Described in go.mod and go.sum files)
  • security control: Static Analysis: The project may use static analysis tools to identify potential security vulnerabilities and code quality issues. (Not explicitly mentioned, but common practice)

Accepted Risks:

  • accepted risk: Limited Input Validation: The library relies on the user to provide correct migration files and database connection strings. Insufficient input validation could potentially lead to errors or vulnerabilities.
  • accepted risk: No Built-in Encryption: The library does not provide built-in encryption for database credentials or migration files. Users are responsible for securing sensitive information.
  • accepted risk: Potential for Driver-Specific Vulnerabilities: The security of the migration process depends on the security of the individual database drivers. Vulnerabilities in a specific driver could compromise the entire process.

Recommended Security Controls:

  • security control: Enhanced Input Validation: Implement more robust input validation to prevent potential injection attacks or other vulnerabilities related to user-provided data.
  • security control: Secure Credential Handling: Provide guidance and best practices for securely storing and managing database credentials, potentially integrating with secrets management solutions.
  • security control: Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits of the codebase and dependencies to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
  • security control: Vulnerability Disclosure Program: Establish a clear process for reporting and addressing security vulnerabilities discovered by external researchers.

Security Requirements:

  • Authentication: Not directly applicable to the migration tool itself, but the tool should support various database authentication mechanisms provided by the underlying drivers.
  • Authorization: Not directly applicable to the migration tool itself, but the tool should operate with the necessary database privileges to execute migrations.
  • Input Validation:
    • Validate database connection strings to prevent injection attacks.
    • Validate migration file names and paths to prevent path traversal vulnerabilities.
    • Validate migration file contents to ensure they are well-formed and do not contain malicious code.
  • Cryptography:
    • Support TLS/SSL connections to databases to protect data in transit.
    • Consider providing options for encrypting migration files at rest.



graph LR
    User["User (Developer)"] -- Uses --> Migrate["Migrate (CLI/Library)"]
    Migrate -- Reads --> MigrationFiles["Migration Files"]
    Migrate -- Connects to --> Database[(Database)]
    subgraph "External Systems"

Elements Description:

  • Element:

    • Name: User (Developer)
    • Type: Person
    • Description: A developer who uses the migrate tool to manage database migrations.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Creates migration files.
      • Runs migration commands (up, down, etc.).
      • Configures database connection settings.
    • Security controls:
      • Uses strong passwords and secure authentication methods to access the database.
      • Follows secure coding practices when creating migration files.
  • Element:

    • Name: Migrate (CLI/Library)
    • Type: Software System
    • Description: The migrate tool, which can be used as a CLI or a Go library.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Parses migration files.
      • Connects to the database.
      • Executes migration commands.
      • Tracks migration versions.
    • Security controls:
      • Input validation for database connection strings and migration file paths.
      • Uses secure database drivers.
  • Element:

    • Name: Migration Files
    • Type: Files
    • Description: Files containing SQL or database-specific commands for migrations.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Define the schema changes for each migration.
    • Security controls:
      • Stored in a secure location with appropriate access controls.
      • Content should be reviewed for potential security issues.
  • Element:

    • Name: Database
    • Type: Database System
    • Description: The target database system where migrations are applied.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Stores application data.
      • Executes SQL commands from migration files.
    • Security controls:
      • Database access control and authentication.
      • Regular security updates and patching.
      • Data encryption at rest and in transit.


graph LR
    User["User (Developer)"] -- Uses --> CLI["CLI"]
    User -- Uses --> Library["Library"]
    CLI -- Uses --> Library
    Library -- Uses --> Driver["Driver Interface"]
    Driver -- Implemented by --> PostgresDriver["Postgres Driver"]
    Driver -- Implemented by --> MySQLDriver["MySQL Driver"]
    Driver -- Implemented by --> OtherDrivers["Other Drivers"]
    PostgresDriver -- Connects to --> PostgresDB[(Postgres Database)]
    MySQLDriver -- Connects to --> MySQLDB[(MySQL Database)]
    OtherDrivers -- Connects to --> OtherDB[(Other Databases)]

Elements Description:

  • Element:

    • Name: User (Developer)
    • Type: Person
    • Description: A developer who uses the migrate tool.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in C4 Context.
    • Security controls: Same as in C4 Context.
  • Element:

    • Name: CLI
    • Type: Application
    • Description: The command-line interface for interacting with the migrate library.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Parses command-line arguments.
      • Calls the appropriate functions in the migrate library.
      • Provides user-friendly output.
    • Security controls:
      • Input validation for command-line arguments.
  • Element:

    • Name: Library
    • Type: Library
    • Description: The core Go library for managing migrations.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Provides functions for creating, applying, and managing migrations.
      • Interfaces with database drivers.
      • Tracks migration versions.
    • Security controls:
      • Input validation for database connection strings and migration file paths.
  • Element:

    • Name: Driver Interface
    • Type: Interface
    • Description: An interface that defines the methods that database drivers must implement.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Provides a consistent way for the migrate library to interact with different database systems.
    • Security controls:
      • Defines a clear contract for secure database interactions.
  • Element:

    • Name: Postgres Driver, MySQL Driver, Other Drivers
    • Type: Library
    • Description: Concrete implementations of the Driver Interface for specific database systems.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Connect to the database.
      • Execute SQL commands.
      • Handle database-specific logic.
    • Security controls:
      • Use secure database libraries and protocols.
      • Implement appropriate error handling and security checks.
  • Element:

    • Name: Postgres Database, MySQL Database, Other Databases
    • Type: Database System
    • Description: The target database systems.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in C4 Context.
    • Security controls: Same as in C4 Context.


Possible Deployment Solutions:

  1. Standalone Binary: The migrate CLI can be compiled into a standalone binary and deployed to any server with network access to the target database.
  2. Docker Container: The migrate CLI can be packaged into a Docker container, making it easy to deploy and run in various environments.
  3. Integration with CI/CD Pipelines: The migrate CLI can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to automatically apply migrations as part of the deployment process.

Chosen Deployment Solution (Example: Docker Container):

graph LR
    Developer["Developer"] -- Pushes code to --> GitRepo["Git Repository"]
    GitRepo -- Triggers --> CI_CD["CI/CD Pipeline"]
    CI_CD -- Builds --> DockerImage["Docker Image (migrate)"]
    DockerImage -- Pushed to --> ContainerRegistry["Container Registry"]
    Server["Server"] -- Pulls --> ContainerRegistry
    Server -- Runs --> MigrateContainer["Migrate Container"]
    MigrateContainer -- Connects to --> Database[(Database)]


Elements Description:

  • Element:

    • Name: Developer
    • Type: Person
    • Description: A developer working on the application.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in C4 Context.
    • Security controls: Same as in C4 Context.
  • Element:

    • Name: Git Repository
    • Type: Software System
    • Description: The repository storing the application code and migration files.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Version control of code and migration files.
    • Security controls:
      • Access control and authentication.
  • Element:

    • Name: CI/CD Pipeline
    • Type: Software System
    • Description: The pipeline that automates the build, test, and deployment process.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Builds the Docker image.
      • Runs tests.
      • Pushes the image to the container registry.
      • Deploys the image to the server.
    • Security controls:
      • Secure access to the Git repository and container registry.
      • Automated security checks (e.g., vulnerability scanning).
  • Element:

    • Name: Docker Image (migrate)
    • Type: Artifact
    • Description: The Docker image containing the migrate CLI and its dependencies.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Provides a consistent and isolated environment for running migrations.
    • Security controls:
      • Built from a trusted base image.
      • Regularly scanned for vulnerabilities.
  • Element:

    • Name: Container Registry
    • Type: Software System
    • Description: A registry for storing and managing Docker images.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Stores the migrate Docker image.
      • Provides access control for image retrieval.
    • Security controls:
      • Access control and authentication.
      • Image signing and verification.
  • Element:

    • Name: Server
    • Type: Infrastructure
    • Description: The server where the migrate container will be deployed.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Runs the Docker engine.
      • Provides network access to the database.
    • Security controls:
      • Operating system security hardening.
      • Firewall rules to restrict network access.
  • Element:

    • Name: Migrate Container
    • Type: Container
    • Description: The running instance of the migrate Docker image.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Executes migration commands.
    • Security controls:
      • Runs with limited privileges.
      • Isolated from other containers on the server.
  • Element:

    • Name: Database
    • Type: Database System
    • Description: The target database system.
    • Responsibilities: Same as in C4 Context.
    • Security controls: Same as in C4 Context.


The migrate project is built using Go and can be built using the standard Go toolchain. A Makefile is provided for convenience.

graph LR
    Developer["Developer"] -- Writes code --> LocalMachine["Local Machine"]
    LocalMachine -- Runs --> GoBuild["Go Build"]
    GoBuild -- Produces --> Binary["Binary (migrate)"]
    GoBuild -- Runs --> Tests["Tests"]
    Tests -- May use --> TestContainers["Test Containers (Databases)"]
    Binary -- Can be packaged into --> DockerImage["Docker Image"]

Build Process Description:

  1. Developer writes code and migration files on their local machine.
  2. The go build command is used to compile the code into a standalone binary.
  3. Tests are run using go test. These tests may use test containers (e.g., Docker containers running database instances) to simulate real-world scenarios.
  4. The resulting binary can be packaged into a Docker image for deployment.

Security Controls:

  • security control: Dependency Management: Go modules are used to manage dependencies, ensuring reproducible builds and reducing the risk of supply chain attacks.
  • security control: Static Analysis: Static analysis tools (e.g., linters, security scanners) can be integrated into the build process to identify potential vulnerabilities and code quality issues.
  • security control: Test-Driven Development: Writing tests alongside the code helps to ensure that the software behaves as expected and reduces the risk of introducing bugs.
  • security control: Code Review: All code changes should be reviewed by another developer before being merged into the main branch.


Critical Business Processes:

  • Application Availability: The application must be available to users to provide its intended functionality. Database migrations are a critical part of maintaining application availability.
  • Data Integrity: The application's data must be accurate and consistent. Incorrectly applied migrations can compromise data integrity.

Data Sensitivity:

  • The sensitivity of the data managed by migrate depends on the specific application and database it is used with. It could range from non-sensitive test data to highly sensitive customer data, financial records, or personal information.
  • Migration files themselves may contain sensitive information, such as database schema details or even initial data inserts.



  • Are there any specific compliance requirements (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS) that need to be considered?
  • What is the expected frequency and size of migrations?
  • What is the acceptable downtime window for applying migrations?
  • What are the specific database systems and versions that need to be supported?
  • Are there any existing secrets management solutions in place?
  • What level of logging and auditing is required?


  • BUSINESS POSTURE: The organization has a moderate risk appetite, balancing the need for rapid development with the importance of data security and integrity.
  • SECURITY POSTURE: The development team is familiar with basic secure coding practices.
  • DESIGN: The target database systems are properly secured and configured. The network connection between the migrate tool and the database is secure.