Objective: Disrupt or Control Task Processing (Specifically: Execute arbitrary code on worker nodes)
Disrupt or Control Task Processing
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1. Denial of Service (DoS) 2. Unauthorized Task Execution/Modification [CN]
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1a. Queue 1b. Worker 2a. Inject 2b. Modify
Overflow Exhaustion Malicious Existing
[HR] [HR] Tasks [CN] Tasks
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2a1. Forge 2a2. Exploit 2b2. Tamper
Task Vulnerable with Task
Payloads Task Handler Payload
[HR] [CN] [HR] [HR]
Attack Tree Path: 1. Denial of Service (DoS)
Goal: Prevent the application from processing legitimate tasks.
1a. Queue Overflow [HR]
- Description: The attacker floods the Redis queue with an overwhelming number of tasks, exceeding capacity or configured limits. This blocks legitimate tasks.
- Likelihood: Medium to High (Depends on rate limiting and queue size configuration.)
- Impact: High (Application unavailability, potential data loss.)
- Effort: Low (Simple scripts can generate many requests.)
- Skill Level: Novice
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (Unusual queue growth is detectable, but distinguishing malicious traffic can be hard.)
1b. Worker Exhaustion [HR]
- Description: The attacker submits tasks that consume excessive resources (CPU, memory, I/O) on worker nodes, preventing them from processing other tasks.
- Likelihood: Medium (Depends on task complexity and resource limits.)
- Impact: High (Application unresponsive/slow, potential data loss.)
- Effort: Medium (Requires crafting resource-intensive tasks.)
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (High resource usage detectable, but identifying malicious tasks can be difficult.)
Attack Tree Path: 2. Unauthorized Task Execution/Modification [CN]
Goal: Execute arbitrary code or modify the behavior of existing tasks. This is the most critical threat.
- 2a. Inject Malicious Tasks [CN]
Goal: Enqueue tasks with malicious payloads to achieve code execution.
2a1. Forge Task Payloads [HR]
- Description: The attacker crafts a task payload that, when processed, executes arbitrary code or performs unintended actions. This exploits weaknesses in input validation or deserialization.
- Likelihood: Low to Medium (Highly dependent on input validation quality.)
- Impact: Very High (Complete system compromise.)
- Effort: Medium to High (Requires understanding task handler logic and bypassing validation.)
- Skill Level: Advanced to Expert
- Detection Difficulty: Hard to Very Hard (Well-crafted payloads may be indistinguishable from legitimate data.)
2a2. Exploit Vulnerable Task Handler [CN] [HR]
- Description: The attacker identifies and exploits a vulnerability (e.g., SQL injection, command injection) in an existing task handler.
- Likelihood: Low to Medium (Depends on the presence of vulnerabilities.)
- Impact: Very High (Complete system compromise.)
- Effort: High to Very High (Requires vulnerability research and exploitation.)
- Skill Level: Expert
- Detection Difficulty: Hard to Very Hard (Requires advanced intrusion detection.)
- 2b. Modify Existing Tasks
- Goal: Alter task in queue to change application behavior.
- 2b2. Tamper with Task Payload [HR]
- Description: The attacker modifies the data within a task payload in the queue, causing the task handler to perform an unintended action, potentially leading to code execution.
- Likelihood: Low (Requires bypassing Redis security.)
- Impact: Very High (Potential for code execution or data corruption.)
- Effort: High (Requires bypassing Redis security and crafting a modified payload.)
- Skill Level: Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Hard (Requires monitoring for unauthorized Redis access and data anomalies.)
- 2a. Inject Malicious Tasks [CN]