Business Priorities and Goals:
- Provide a user-friendly tool for managing secrets.
- Integrate with various cloud provider key management services (KMS).
- Ensure the security and integrity of encrypted secrets.
- Support various data formats (YAML, JSON, ENV, binary).
- Enable easy integration with existing workflows and tools.
- Maintain an open-source and community-driven project.
Business Risks:
- Compromise of encrypted secrets due to vulnerabilities in SOPS or integrated KMS.
- Unauthorized access to secrets due to misconfiguration or weak access controls.
- Loss of secrets due to accidental deletion or KMS unavailability.
- Supply chain attacks targeting SOPS or its dependencies.
- Difficulty in integrating SOPS with specific environments or workflows.
- Lack of adoption due to complexity or usability issues.
Existing Security Controls:
- security control: Encryption at rest using cloud provider KMS (AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault, HashiCorp Vault). Implemented in SOPS core logic and documented in the README.
- security control: Support for PGP encryption. Implemented in SOPS core logic and documented in the README.
- security control: Data format validation (YAML, JSON, ENV, binary). Implemented in SOPS core logic.
- security control: Version control integration (Git). Encouraged through documentation and best practices.
- security control: Regular updates and security patches. Maintained by the Mozilla SOPS team and community contributors.
Accepted Risks:
- accepted risk: Reliance on the security of the chosen KMS provider.
- accepted risk: Potential for user error in managing encryption keys and configurations.
- accepted risk: Limited protection against physical access attacks on machines where SOPS is used.
Recommended Security Controls:
- security control: Implement regular security audits and penetration testing.
- security control: Enforce strong password policies and multi-factor authentication for KMS access.
- security control: Implement detailed audit logging of all SOPS operations.
- security control: Provide clear and concise security documentation and best practices.
- security control: Implement a robust vulnerability disclosure program.
- security control: Integrate with security linters and static analysis tools.
Security Requirements:
- SOPS itself does not handle user authentication directly. It relies on the authentication mechanisms of the underlying KMS or PGP keys.
- Access to KMS should require strong authentication, preferably with multi-factor authentication.
- PGP keys should be protected with strong passphrases.
- SOPS relies on the authorization mechanisms of the underlying KMS.
- Access to secrets should be granted on a least-privilege basis.
- KMS policies should be carefully configured to restrict access to authorized users and services.
Input Validation:
- SOPS performs basic validation of input data formats (YAML, JSON, ENV, binary).
- Further validation of the content of secrets may be required depending on the application.
- SOPS uses strong encryption algorithms provided by the KMS or PGP.
- Key management should follow best practices, including regular key rotation.
- Ensure that only supported and secure cryptographic algorithms are used.
graph LR
Git["Git Repository"]
Azure["Azure Key Vault"]
HashiCorp["HashiCorp Vault"]
PGP["PGP Keyring"]
User -- Edit encrypted files --> SOPS
SOPS -- Store/Retrieve encrypted data --> Git
SOPS -- Encrypt/Decrypt --> AWS
SOPS -- Encrypt/Decrypt --> GCP
SOPS -- Encrypt/Decrypt --> Azure
SOPS -- Encrypt/Decrypt --> HashiCorp
SOPS -- Encrypt/Decrypt --> PGP
Element Descriptions:
- Name: User
- Type: Person
- Description: A person who uses SOPS to manage secrets.
- Responsibilities: Editing encrypted files, managing encryption keys, configuring SOPS.
- Security controls: Strong passwords, multi-factor authentication (for KMS access), secure handling of PGP keys.
- Name: SOPS
- Type: Software System
- Description: Secrets OPerationS. An editor of encrypted files that transparently encrypts/decrypts data.
- Responsibilities: Encrypting and decrypting data, interacting with KMS and PGP, validating data formats.
- Security controls: Encryption at rest, data format validation, integration with KMS and PGP.
- Name: Git Repository
- Type: Software System
- Description: A version control system used to store encrypted files.
- Responsibilities: Storing encrypted data, tracking changes, enabling collaboration.
- Security controls: Access controls, audit logging, repository integrity checks.
- Name: AWS KMS
- Type: Software System
- Description: Amazon Web Services Key Management Service.
- Responsibilities: Managing encryption keys, performing cryptographic operations.
- Security controls: Strong authentication, authorization, audit logging, key rotation.
- Name: GCP KMS
- Type: Software System
- Description: Google Cloud Platform Key Management Service.
- Responsibilities: Managing encryption keys, performing cryptographic operations.
- Security controls: Strong authentication, authorization, audit logging, key rotation.
- Name: Azure Key Vault
- Type: Software System
- Description: Microsoft Azure Key Vault.
- Responsibilities: Managing encryption keys, performing cryptographic operations.
- Security controls: Strong authentication, authorization, audit logging, key rotation.
- Name: HashiCorp Vault
- Type: Software System
- Description: HashiCorp Vault.
- Responsibilities: Managing encryption keys, performing cryptographic operations.
- Security controls: Strong authentication, authorization, audit logging, key rotation.
- Name: PGP Keyring
- Type: Software System
- Description: A collection of PGP keys.
- Responsibilities: Storing and managing PGP keys.
- Security controls: Strong passphrases, secure key storage, regular key backups.
graph LR
CLI["Command Line Interface"]
KMS["KMS Integration"]
PGP["PGP Integration"]
Git["Git Repository"]
User -- Uses --> CLI
CLI -- Interacts with --> SOPS
SOPS -- Uses --> KMS
SOPS -- Uses --> PGP
SOPS -- Reads/Writes --> Git
Element Descriptions:
- Name: User
- Type: Person
- Description: A person who uses SOPS to manage secrets.
- Responsibilities: Editing encrypted files, managing encryption keys, configuring SOPS.
- Security controls: Strong passwords, multi-factor authentication (for KMS access), secure handling of PGP keys.
- Name: Command Line Interface
- Type: Container
- Description: The interface through which users interact with SOPS.
- Responsibilities: Parsing user commands, invoking SOPS core functionality.
- Security controls: Input validation, secure handling of command-line arguments.
- Name: SOPS Core
- Type: Container
- Description: The core logic of SOPS.
- Responsibilities: Encrypting and decrypting data, managing encryption keys, interacting with KMS and PGP, validating data formats.
- Security controls: Encryption at rest, data format validation, secure key management.
- Name: KMS Integration
- Type: Container
- Description: The component that handles interaction with cloud provider KMS.
- Responsibilities: Communicating with KMS APIs, performing cryptographic operations using KMS keys.
- Security controls: Secure communication with KMS, proper handling of KMS credentials.
- Name: PGP Integration
- Type: Container
- Description: The component that handles interaction with PGP.
- Responsibilities: Using PGP keys for encryption and decryption.
- Security controls: Secure handling of PGP keys and passphrases.
- Name: Git Repository
- Type: Software System
- Description: A version control system used to store encrypted files.
- Responsibilities: Storing encrypted data, tracking changes, enabling collaboration.
- Security controls: Access controls, audit logging, repository integrity checks.
Possible deployment solutions:
- Local installation via package manager (e.g., apt, brew).
- Containerized deployment using Docker.
- Building from source.
Chosen deployment solution (detailed description): Local installation via package manager.
graph LR
DeveloperMachine["Developer Machine"]
PackageRepository["Package Repository (e.g., apt, brew)"]
UserMachine["User Machine"]
DeveloperMachine -- Build and publish --> PackageRepository
UserMachine -- Install from --> PackageRepository
Element Descriptions:
- Name: Developer Machine
- Type: Infrastructure Node
- Description: The machine where SOPS is built and packaged.
- Responsibilities: Building SOPS binaries, creating packages, publishing packages to the repository.
- Security controls: Secure build environment, code signing, vulnerability scanning.
- Name: Package Repository
- Type: Infrastructure Node
- Description: A repository that hosts SOPS packages (e.g., apt, brew).
- Responsibilities: Storing SOPS packages, providing access to packages for installation.
- Security controls: Access controls, integrity checks, secure communication.
- Name: User Machine
- Type: Infrastructure Node
- Description: The machine where SOPS is installed and used.
- Responsibilities: Running SOPS, managing secrets.
- Security controls: Secure operating system, regular updates, user authentication.
graph LR
GitHub["GitHub Repository"]
CI["CI/CD Pipeline (e.g., GitHub Actions)"]
Artifacts["Build Artifacts (e.g., binaries, packages)"]
PackageRepository["Package Repository"]
Developer -- Push code --> GitHub
GitHub -- Trigger --> CI
CI -- Build and test --> Artifacts
CI -- Publish --> PackageRepository
Build Process Description:
- Developer pushes code changes to the GitHub repository.
- The CI/CD pipeline (e.g., GitHub Actions) is triggered.
- The CI/CD pipeline builds SOPS from source.
- The CI/CD pipeline runs tests (unit tests, integration tests).
- Security checks are performed:
- security control: Static analysis (SAST) to identify potential vulnerabilities.
- security control: Dependency scanning to identify vulnerable dependencies.
- security control: Code linting to enforce coding standards.
- If all tests and security checks pass, build artifacts (binaries, packages) are created.
- The build artifacts are published to a package repository (e.g., apt, brew) or a container registry (e.g., Docker Hub).
- security control: Build artifacts are signed to ensure their integrity.
Critical Business Processes:
- Secure storage and management of secrets used by applications and services.
- Secure deployment of applications and services.
- Maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data.
Data Sensitivity:
- Data: Secrets (e.g., API keys, passwords, certificates).
- Sensitivity: High. These secrets are critical for the security and operation of applications and services. Compromise of these secrets could lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and service disruptions.
- Are there any specific compliance requirements (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA) that need to be considered?
- What is the expected frequency of secret rotation?
- What are the specific threat models for the different KMS providers used?
- What are the recovery procedures in case of KMS unavailability or key compromise?
- What level of logging and auditing is required?
- BUSINESS POSTURE: The primary goal is to provide a secure and user-friendly tool for managing secrets. The organization has a moderate risk appetite and prioritizes security over speed of development.
- SECURITY POSTURE: The chosen KMS providers are trusted and have adequate security controls in place. Users are responsible for managing their own encryption keys and configurations securely.
- DESIGN: SOPS will be primarily used through the command-line interface. The integration with Git is a key part of the workflow. The deployment will be primarily through package managers. The build process will be automated using a CI/CD pipeline.