- Business Priorities and Goals:
- Primary goal is to provide a serverless functions platform that simplifies the deployment and management of event-driven applications.
- Focus on developer productivity by offering a simple and intuitive user experience for function creation, deployment, and invocation.
- Aim for portability and infrastructure independence, allowing users to run serverless functions on various environments, including on-premises, public clouds, and edge devices.
- Emphasize operational simplicity by automating infrastructure management tasks and providing tools for monitoring and scaling functions.
- Business Risks:
- Security vulnerabilities in the platform itself could lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or service disruptions.
- Misconfiguration of the platform or deployed functions by users can introduce security weaknesses.
- Dependence on underlying infrastructure (e.g., Kubernetes, Docker) and potential vulnerabilities within those components.
- Supply chain risks associated with dependencies and base images used in function containers.
- Operational complexity at scale, especially in managing and securing a large number of functions and users.
- Existing Security Controls:
- security control HTTPS is enforced for API access to the OpenFaaS gateway. (Implemented in API Gateway component)
- security control Authentication is required for accessing the OpenFaaS gateway and deploying/invoking functions. (Implemented in API Gateway component, configurable with different providers)
- security control Authorization is implemented using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to manage permissions for users and functions. (Implemented in API Gateway and Function Invoker components)
- security control Secrets management is provided through a dedicated secrets store, allowing secure storage and access to sensitive information for functions. (Implemented using Kubernetes Secrets or external secrets providers)
- security control Network policies can be configured to restrict network access between components and functions. (Implemented at Kubernetes network level)
- Accepted Risks:
- accepted risk Potential vulnerabilities in underlying container runtime (Docker, containerd) and operating system of nodes.
- accepted risk Misconfiguration of network policies or RBAC rules by operators.
- accepted risk Vulnerabilities in user-provided function code and dependencies.
- accepted risk Reliance on third-party components and potential vulnerabilities within them.
- Recommended Security Controls:
- security control Implement vulnerability scanning for function containers and base images during the build process.
- security control Conduct regular penetration testing and security audits of the OpenFaaS platform and deployed functions.
- security control Enhance input validation mechanisms within the function invoker to prevent injection attacks.
- security control Implement security linters and static analysis tools in the function development and deployment pipeline.
- security control Provide security guidelines and best practices for function developers to promote secure coding practices.
- Security Requirements:
- Authentication:
- Requirement: Securely authenticate users and services accessing the OpenFaaS platform.
- Requirement: Support multiple authentication methods (e.g., API keys, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect).
- Requirement: Implement strong password policies and multi-factor authentication where applicable.
- Authorization:
- Requirement: Enforce fine-grained authorization to control access to functions, deployments, and platform resources.
- Requirement: Implement RBAC to manage permissions based on roles and responsibilities.
- Requirement: Ensure least privilege access for all users and services.
- Input Validation:
- Requirement: Validate all inputs to functions and the OpenFaaS API to prevent injection attacks (e.g., SQL injection, command injection, cross-site scripting).
- Requirement: Sanitize and encode outputs to prevent output-based vulnerabilities.
- Requirement: Implement input validation at multiple layers (e.g., API gateway, function invoker, function code).
- Cryptography:
- Requirement: Use HTTPS for all communication channels to ensure data confidentiality and integrity in transit.
- Requirement: Encrypt sensitive data at rest, such as secrets and function code (if applicable).
- Requirement: Utilize strong cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
- Requirement: Securely manage cryptographic keys and certificates.
- Authentication:
flowchart LR
subgraph "OpenFaaS System"
FaaS("OpenFaaS Platform")
UserDev("Developer") -- "Develops & Deploys Functions" --> FaaS
UserOp("Operator") -- "Manages & Monitors Platform" --> FaaS
ContainerRegistry("Container Registry") -- "Pulls Function Images" --> FaaS
MonitoringSystem("Monitoring System") -- "Collects Metrics & Logs" --> FaaS
SecretsStore("Secrets Store") -- "Provides Secrets" --> FaaS
IdentityProvider("Identity Provider") -- "Authenticates Users" --> FaaS
style FaaS fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
- Context Diagram Elements:
- Element:
- Name: OpenFaaS Platform
- Type: Software System
- Description: The core OpenFaaS platform responsible for deploying, managing, and executing serverless functions. It provides an API for users and integrates with various external systems.
- Responsibilities: Function deployment, function invocation, function scaling, API gateway, management UI, metrics collection, secrets management.
- Security controls: Authentication, authorization, input validation at API gateway, secrets management, network policies.
- Element:
- Name: Developer
- Type: User
- Description: Software developers who create, package, and deploy serverless functions using the OpenFaaS platform.
- Responsibilities: Writing function code, creating Dockerfiles, deploying functions, testing functions.
- Security controls: Secure coding practices, vulnerability scanning of function dependencies, secure storage of function code.
- Element:
- Name: Operator
- Type: User
- Description: System administrators or operations engineers who manage and maintain the OpenFaaS platform infrastructure.
- Responsibilities: Platform installation, configuration, monitoring, scaling, security patching, user management.
- Security controls: Secure platform configuration, access control to infrastructure, monitoring and logging, incident response.
- Element:
- Name: Container Registry
- Type: External System
- Description: Stores Docker images for functions. OpenFaaS pulls function images from the container registry during deployment.
- Responsibilities: Storing and serving container images, image vulnerability scanning (optional).
- Security controls: Access control to container images, image signing and verification, vulnerability scanning of images.
- Element:
- Name: Monitoring System
- Type: External System
- Description: Collects metrics and logs from the OpenFaaS platform and functions for monitoring and alerting. Examples include Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack.
- Responsibilities: Metrics collection, log aggregation, alerting, dashboarding.
- Security controls: Secure access to monitoring data, data retention policies, audit logging of access.
- Element:
- Name: Secrets Store
- Type: External System
- Description: Securely stores secrets used by functions and the OpenFaaS platform. Examples include Kubernetes Secrets, HashiCorp Vault, cloud provider secrets managers.
- Responsibilities: Secure storage of secrets, access control to secrets, secrets rotation.
- Security controls: Encryption at rest, access control, audit logging, secrets rotation.
- Element:
- Name: Identity Provider
- Type: External System
- Description: Provides user authentication services for the OpenFaaS platform. Examples include LDAP, Active Directory, OAuth 2.0 providers.
- Responsibilities: User authentication, user management (optional).
- Security controls: Secure authentication protocols, multi-factor authentication, access control policies.
- Element:
flowchart LR
subgraph "OpenFaaS Platform"
APIGateway("API Gateway")
FunctionInvoker("Function Invoker")
QueueWorker("Queue Worker")
MessageQueue("Message Queue (NATS)")
SecretsStoreContainer("Secrets Store")
ContainerRegistry("Container Registry") -- "Pulls Function Images" --> FunctionInvoker
MonitoringSystem("Monitoring System") -- "Collects Metrics" --> Prometheus
IdentityProvider("Identity Provider") -- "Authenticates Users" --> APIGateway
UserDev("Developer") -- "Deploys Functions" --> APIGateway
UserDev -- "Invokes Functions (Sync)" --> APIGateway
UserDev -- "Invokes Functions (Async)" --> APIGateway
APIGateway -- "Routes Requests & Authenticates" --> FunctionInvoker
APIGateway -- "Enqueues Async Requests" --> MessageQueue
FunctionInvoker -- "Pulls Function Image" --> ContainerRegistry
FunctionInvoker -- "Executes Function" --> Watchdog
QueueWorker -- "Dequeues & Invokes Functions" --> FunctionInvoker
Watchdog -- "Provides Function Runtime" --> Function Container
FunctionContainer("Function Container") -- "Executes Function Code" --> FunctionInvoker
FunctionInvoker -- "Retrieves Secrets" --> SecretsStoreContainer
Prometheus -- "Scrapes Metrics" --> Watchdog
style APIGateway fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style FunctionInvoker fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style QueueWorker fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style Watchdog fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style Prometheus fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style MessageQueue fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style SecretsStoreContainer fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style FunctionContainer fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
- Container Diagram Elements:
- Element:
- Name: API Gateway
- Type: Container
- Description: The entry point for all external requests to the OpenFaaS platform. It handles routing, authentication, authorization, and request forwarding to the Function Invoker or Queue Worker.
- Responsibilities: API routing, authentication, authorization, input validation, rate limiting, request logging.
- Security controls: HTTPS termination, authentication and authorization mechanisms, input validation, rate limiting, web application firewall (WAF) integration (optional).
- Element:
- Name: Function Invoker
- Type: Container
- Description: Responsible for executing functions synchronously. It pulls function images from the container registry, creates function containers, and manages function runtime.
- Responsibilities: Function container creation, function execution, resource management, watchdog interaction, secrets retrieval.
- Security controls: Container runtime security, resource limits, network policies, secure secrets retrieval, input validation passed from API Gateway.
- Element:
- Name: Queue Worker
- Type: Container
- Description: Handles asynchronous function invocations. It dequeues messages from the message queue and invokes functions through the Function Invoker.
- Responsibilities: Message queue processing, function invocation, error handling, retry mechanisms.
- Security controls: Secure communication with message queue, input validation from message queue messages, error handling and logging.
- Element:
- Name: Watchdog
- Type: Container
- Description: A lightweight HTTP server that acts as a proxy between the Function Invoker and the function container. It handles health checks, request forwarding, and metrics collection for functions.
- Responsibilities: HTTP request handling, process management, health checks, metrics exposure.
- Security controls: Minimal attack surface, process isolation, resource limits.
- Element:
- Name: Prometheus
- Type: Container
- Description: Collects and stores metrics from OpenFaaS components and functions for monitoring and alerting.
- Responsibilities: Metrics scraping, metrics storage, metrics querying.
- Security controls: Access control to metrics data, secure configuration, data retention policies.
- Element:
- Name: Message Queue (NATS)
- Type: Container
- Description: A message broker used for asynchronous function invocations. NATS is the default, but other message queues can be integrated.
- Responsibilities: Message queuing, message delivery, message persistence (optional).
- Security controls: Access control to message queue, message encryption in transit (TLS), message persistence security.
- Element:
- Name: Secrets Store
- Type: Container
- Description: Provides access to secrets for OpenFaaS components and functions. It can be Kubernetes Secrets or an external secrets management system.
- Responsibilities: Secrets storage, secrets retrieval, access control to secrets.
- Security controls: Encryption at rest, access control, audit logging, secrets rotation.
- Element:
- Name: Function Container
- Type: Container
- Description: A container that runs the user-provided function code. It interacts with the Watchdog to receive requests and send responses.
- Responsibilities: Function code execution, request processing, response generation.
- Security controls: Secure coding practices, minimal base image, vulnerability scanning of dependencies, resource limits, input validation within function code.
- Element:
Deployment Options:
- Kubernetes: The most common and recommended deployment platform for OpenFaaS, providing scalability, resilience, and rich features.
- Docker Swarm: A simpler container orchestration platform, suitable for smaller deployments or environments where Kubernetes is not desired.
- Bare Metal/VMs: OpenFaaS components can be deployed directly on virtual machines or bare metal servers, offering more control over the infrastructure.
Detailed Deployment (Kubernetes):
flowchart LR
subgraph "Kubernetes Cluster"
subgraph "Nodes"
Node1("Node 1")
Node2("Node 2")
Node3("Node 3")
subgraph "Namespaces"
subgraph "openfaas Namespace"
APIGatewayDeployment("API Gateway Deployment")
FunctionInvokerDeployment("Function Invoker Deployment")
QueueWorkerDeployment("Queue Worker Deployment")
PrometheusDeployment("Prometheus Deployment")
NATSDeployment("NATS Deployment")
SecretsStoreDeployment("Secrets Store Deployment")
subgraph "openfaas-fn Namespace"
FunctionContainers("Function Pods")
LoadBalancer("Load Balancer") -- "Forwards traffic to" --> APIGatewayService("API Gateway Service")
APIGatewayService -- "Routes to Pods" --> APIGatewayDeployment
FunctionInvokerDeployment -- "Runs on Nodes" --> Node1 & Node2 & Node3
QueueWorkerDeployment -- "Runs on Nodes" --> Node1 & Node2 & Node3
PrometheusDeployment -- "Runs on Nodes" --> Node1 & Node2 & Node3
NATSDeployment -- "Runs on Nodes" --> Node1 & Node2 & Node3
SecretsStoreDeployment -- "Runs on Nodes" --> Node1 & Node2 & Node3
FunctionContainers -- "Runs on Nodes" --> Node1 & Node2 & Node3
User("User") -- "Accesses Functions" --> LoadBalancer
style Node1 fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style Node2 fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style Node3 fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style APIGatewayDeployment fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style FunctionInvokerDeployment fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style QueueWorkerDeployment fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style PrometheusDeployment fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style NATSDeployment fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style SecretsStoreDeployment fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style FunctionContainers fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
- Deployment Diagram Elements (Kubernetes):
- Element:
- Name: Kubernetes Cluster
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: The underlying Kubernetes cluster that hosts the OpenFaaS platform and functions. Provides container orchestration, scalability, and resilience.
- Responsibilities: Container orchestration, resource management, networking, storage, security.
- Security controls: Kubernetes RBAC, network policies, pod security policies/admission controllers, security updates, cluster hardening.
- Element:
- Name: Nodes
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: Worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster where containers are deployed and executed.
- Responsibilities: Running containers, providing compute resources, network connectivity.
- Security controls: Operating system hardening, security updates, node isolation, container runtime security.
- Element:
- Name: Namespaces (openfaas, openfaas-fn)
- Type: Kubernetes Resource
- Description: Kubernetes namespaces used to logically isolate OpenFaaS components and function workloads.
namespace for platform components,openfaas-fn
for function containers. - Responsibilities: Resource isolation, access control, network segmentation.
- Security controls: Kubernetes RBAC, network policies, resource quotas.
- Element:
- Name: Deployments (API Gateway, Function Invoker, etc.)
- Type: Kubernetes Resource
- Description: Kubernetes Deployments used to manage and scale OpenFaaS components. Ensure desired number of replicas and rolling updates.
- Responsibilities: Application deployment, scaling, rolling updates, health checks.
- Security controls: Pod security context, resource limits, security configurations in deployment manifests.
- Element:
- Name: Services (API Gateway Service)
- Type: Kubernetes Resource
- Description: Kubernetes Services used to expose OpenFaaS components within the cluster and externally (e.g., API Gateway Service exposed via Load Balancer).
- Responsibilities: Service discovery, load balancing within the cluster, external access.
- Security controls: Service type configuration (e.g., LoadBalancer, ClusterIP), network policies.
- Element:
- Name: Function Pods
- Type: Kubernetes Resource
- Description: Kubernetes Pods that run function containers. Managed by Function Invoker and deployed in
namespace. - Responsibilities: Function execution, resource isolation, network connectivity within the cluster.
- Security controls: Pod security context, resource limits, network policies, secure secrets injection.
- Element:
- Name: Load Balancer
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: External load balancer that distributes traffic to the API Gateway Service, making OpenFaaS accessible from outside the Kubernetes cluster.
- Responsibilities: External traffic routing, load balancing, TLS termination (optional).
- Security controls: HTTPS configuration, access control lists (ACLs), DDoS protection.
- Element:
flowchart LR
Developer("Developer") --> CodeRepo("Code Repository (GitHub)")
CodeRepo -- "Code Commit & Push" --> CI("CI System (GitHub Actions)")
CI -- "Build Docker Image" --> ImageBuild("Image Build Process")
ImageBuild -- "Dockerfile, Base Image, Dependencies" --> SecurityChecks("Security Checks (SAST, DAST, Vulnerability Scan)")
SecurityChecks -- "Pass" --> ContainerRegistry("Container Registry")
SecurityChecks -- "Fail" --> Notification("Developer Notification")
ContainerRegistry -- "Stores Function Image" --> OpenFaaS("OpenFaaS Platform")
subgraph "Image Build Process"
DockerBuild("docker build")
ImagePush("docker push")
ImageBuild --> DockerBuild
DockerBuild --> ImagePush
style CodeRepo fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style CI fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style ImageBuild fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style SecurityChecks fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style ContainerRegistry fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style OpenFaaS fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style Notification fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style DockerBuild fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style ImagePush fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
- Build Process Description:
- Developer writes function code and creates a Dockerfile.
- Code is committed and pushed to a code repository (e.g., GitHub).
- CI/CD system (e.g., GitHub Actions) is triggered by code changes.
- CI system builds a Docker image using the provided Dockerfile. This involves:
- Pulling base image.
- Copying function code and dependencies.
- Running build commands defined in Dockerfile.
- Security checks are performed on the Docker image:
- Static Application Security Testing (SAST) to analyze code for vulnerabilities.
- Dependency vulnerability scanning to identify vulnerable libraries.
- Dockerfile linting to ensure best practices.
- If security checks pass, the Docker image is pushed to the Container Registry.
- If security checks fail, developers are notified, and the build process is stopped.
- OpenFaaS platform pulls function images from the Container Registry during deployment.
- Build Process Security Controls:
- security control Code Repository Security: Access control to code repository, branch protection, code review process.
- security control CI/CD Pipeline Security: Secure CI/CD configuration, access control to CI/CD system, audit logging.
- security control Base Image Security: Use minimal and trusted base images, regularly update base images, vulnerability scanning of base images.
- security control Dependency Management: Use dependency management tools, vulnerability scanning of dependencies, dependency pinning.
- security control Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Integrate SAST tools into the build pipeline to detect code vulnerabilities.
- security control Dockerfile Linting: Use Dockerfile linters to enforce best practices and security guidelines.
- security control Container Image Scanning: Integrate container image vulnerability scanners to identify vulnerabilities in the final image.
- security control Image Signing and Verification: Sign Docker images to ensure integrity and authenticity, verify image signatures during deployment.
- security control Access Control to Container Registry: Restrict access to the container registry, enforce authentication and authorization.
- Critical Business Processes:
- Function Execution: Ensuring functions are executed reliably, securely, and with expected performance is critical for applications relying on OpenFaaS.
- Function Deployment: Secure and reliable function deployment process is essential for developers to update and manage their applications.
- Platform Management: Maintaining the availability, security, and performance of the OpenFaaS platform itself is crucial for all dependent functions.
- Data Sensitivity:
- Function Code: May contain sensitive business logic, API keys, or intellectual property. Sensitivity level depends on the function's purpose.
- Environment Variables (Secrets): Often contain highly sensitive information like API keys, database credentials, and encryption keys. High sensitivity.
- Logs: Can contain sensitive data depending on function logging practices and application behavior. Sensitivity level varies.
- Metrics: Generally less sensitive, but can reveal performance characteristics and usage patterns. Low to medium sensitivity.
- Questions:
- What is the primary use case for OpenFaaS in the target environment? (e.g., internal microservices, public-facing APIs, event processing)
- What is the expected scale of the OpenFaaS deployment? (number of functions, request volume, users)
- What are the compliance requirements for the target environment? (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS)
- What existing security infrastructure and tools are available in the target environment? (e.g., WAF, SIEM, vulnerability scanners)
- What is the organization's risk appetite and security maturity level?
- Assumptions:
- Deployment environment is Kubernetes.
- Focus is on securing web-based functions and APIs.
- Standard security best practices are desired and applicable.
- Users are developers and operators with varying levels of security awareness.
- Container registry is a private registry within the organization's control.
- Secrets management is handled using Kubernetes Secrets or a similar secure secrets store.