Objective: Compromise Application that uses Ory Hydra by exploiting weaknesses or vulnerabilities within Hydra itself.
Compromise Application via Hydra Exploitation [CRITICAL NODE]
- Exploit Hydra API Vulnerabilities (Admin or Public)
- Exploit vulnerabilities in Admin API (if exposed)
- Gain administrative control over Hydra [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Manipulate clients, users, or settings to compromise application [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Gain administrative control over Hydra [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Exploit vulnerabilities in Admin API (if exposed)
- Exploit Hydra Misconfiguration [CRITICAL NODE]
- Insecure Client Configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Impersonate client and gain access [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Exploit insecure Redirect URIs [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Steal authorization codes or tokens via redirect manipulation [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Lack of proper Client Authentication enforcement [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Impersonate client and gain access [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Insecure Hydra Server Configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Weak or Default Admin Credentials [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Gain administrative access to Hydra [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Manipulate Hydra settings to compromise application [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Gain administrative access to Hydra [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Exposed Admin API without proper authentication/authorization [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Access Admin API without proper credentials or authorization [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Manipulate Hydra settings to compromise application [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Access Admin API without proper credentials or authorization [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Weak or Default Admin Credentials [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Insecure Client Configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Abuse Hydra Functionality (Legitimate but Misused)
- OAuth 2.0 Flow Exploitation
- Token Theft or Leakage [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Steal access or refresh tokens from insecure storage or transmission [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Use stolen tokens to access protected resources [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Steal access or refresh tokens from insecure storage or transmission [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Refresh Token Abuse [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Obtain and abuse refresh tokens to gain persistent access [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Maintain unauthorized access even after access token expiration [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Obtain and abuse refresh tokens to gain persistent access [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Token Theft or Leakage [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- OAuth 2.0 Flow Exploitation
- Compromise Hydra Infrastructure (Indirectly via Hydra) [CRITICAL NODE]
- Database Compromise (Hydra's Backend Database) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Exploit vulnerabilities in database server or database access methods [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Gain access to Hydra's database [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Steal sensitive data (clients, users, tokens, consent decisions) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Manipulate data to compromise Hydra or application [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Gain access to Hydra's database [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Exploit vulnerabilities in database server or database access methods [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Operating System or Server Vulnerabilities [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying OS or server infrastructure where Hydra is running [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Gain control of the server [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Compromise Hydra and potentially the application [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Gain control of the server [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying OS or server infrastructure where Hydra is running [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Database Compromise (Hydra's Backend Database) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Attack Vectors:
- Exploiting Admin API Vulnerabilities:
- Authentication Bypass: Bypassing authentication mechanisms protecting the Admin API.
- Authorization Flaws: Exploiting flaws in authorization logic to gain elevated privileges.
- Injection Attacks: SQL Injection, Command Injection, or other injection vulnerabilities in Admin API endpoints.
- Exploiting Hydra Server Misconfiguration (Insecure Admin API Exposure):
- Exposing the Admin API to the public internet without proper authentication.
- Using weak or default credentials for Admin API access.
- Exploiting Admin API Vulnerabilities:
Attack Tree Path: 2. Manipulate clients, users, or settings to compromise application [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Requires Admin Control):
- Client Manipulation:
- Modifying existing clients to grant excessive permissions or redirect URIs to attacker-controlled locations.
- Creating new malicious clients with broad access to resources.
- Disabling or deleting legitimate clients to disrupt application functionality.
- User Manipulation:
- Modifying user accounts to elevate privileges or gain access to sensitive data.
- Creating new malicious user accounts with administrative or privileged roles.
- Disabling or deleting legitimate user accounts to disrupt application access.
- Hydra Settings Manipulation:
- Modifying OAuth 2.0/OIDC settings to weaken security or bypass authorization checks.
- Disabling security features or logging to evade detection.
- Modifying consent flows or UI to trick users or bypass consent requirements.
- Client Manipulation:
Attack Tree Path: 3. Insecure Client Configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors:
- Weak or Default Client Secrets:
- Using easily guessable or default client secrets.
- Storing client secrets insecurely (e.g., in public code repositories, client-side code).
- Exploit insecure Redirect URIs:
- Using overly permissive redirect URI patterns (e.g., wildcards).
- Failing to properly validate redirect URIs, leading to open redirect vulnerabilities.
- Lack of proper Client Authentication enforcement:
- Not requiring client authentication for certain grant types or endpoints.
- Weak or bypassed client authentication mechanisms.
- Weak or Default Client Secrets:
Attack Tree Path: 4. Impersonate client and gain access [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Requires Insecure Client Configuration):
- Using compromised client secrets:
- Authenticating as a legitimate client using stolen or guessed client secrets.
- Bypassing client authentication:
- Exploiting misconfigurations where client authentication is not properly enforced.
- Using compromised client secrets:
Attack Tree Path: 5. Steal authorization codes or tokens via redirect manipulation [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Requires Insecure Redirect URIs):
- Open Redirect Exploitation:
- Manipulating the redirect URI in the authorization request to redirect the authorization code or implicit grant token to an attacker-controlled server.
- Intercepting the authorization code or token from the redirected URI.
- Open Redirect Exploitation:
Attack Tree Path: 6. Lack of proper Client Authentication enforcement [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors:
- Misconfiguration of Client Authentication Requirements:
- Not requiring client authentication for public clients when it should be enforced.
- Incorrectly configuring client authentication methods, allowing bypass.
- Misconfiguration of Client Authentication Requirements:
Attack Tree Path: 7. Insecure Hydra Server Configuration [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vectors:
- Weak or Default Admin Credentials:
- Using default or easily guessable passwords for Hydra admin accounts.
- Not enforcing strong password policies for admin accounts.
- Exposed Admin API without proper authentication/authorization:
- Making the Admin API publicly accessible without proper authentication and authorization mechanisms.
- Insecure TLS/HTTPS Configuration:
- Using weak TLS ciphers or protocols.
- Missing HTTPS configuration, allowing for Man-in-the-Middle attacks.
- Permissive CORS Policy:
- Overly permissive CORS policies allowing cross-origin requests from untrusted domains, enabling Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Origin attacks.
- Insecure Session Management:
- Using weak session tokens or algorithms.
- Session fixation vulnerabilities in Hydra's session handling.
- Weak or Default Admin Credentials:
Attack Tree Path: 8. Gain administrative access to Hydra [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vectors (Requires Insecure Hydra Server Configuration):
- Exploiting Weak or Default Admin Credentials:
- Using default credentials or brute-forcing weak admin passwords.
- Exploiting Exposed Admin API without Authentication:
- Accessing the unprotected Admin API directly.
- Exploiting Weak or Default Admin Credentials:
Attack Tree Path: 9. Token Theft or Leakage [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors:
- Insecure Token Storage:
- Storing tokens in plaintext or weakly encrypted formats.
- Storing tokens in easily accessible locations (e.g., browser local storage, insecure server logs).
- Token Leakage in Transmission:
- Transmitting tokens over unencrypted channels (HTTP).
- Token leakage in server logs or error messages.
- Client-Side Vulnerabilities (XSS):
- Exploiting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the application or related systems to steal tokens from user browsers.
- Insecure Token Storage:
Attack Tree Path: 10. Steal access or refresh tokens from insecure storage or transmission [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Requires Token Theft or Leakage):
- Exploiting Insecure Storage Locations:
- Accessing files or databases where tokens are stored insecurely.
- Network Sniffing (if transmitted insecurely):
- Intercepting token traffic if transmitted over unencrypted channels.
- Exploiting Insecure Storage Locations:
Attack Tree Path: 11. Use stolen tokens to access protected resources [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Requires Token Theft):
- Replaying Stolen Tokens:
- Using stolen access or refresh tokens to authenticate to the application and access protected resources.
- Replaying Stolen Tokens:
Attack Tree Path: 12. Refresh Token Abuse [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors:
- Refresh Token Theft:
- Stealing refresh tokens through insecure storage, transmission, or client-side vulnerabilities.
- Lack of Refresh Token Rotation or Revocation:
- Abusing stolen refresh tokens to obtain new access tokens repeatedly, gaining persistent unauthorized access.
- Refresh Token Theft:
- Attack Vectors (Requires Refresh Token Abuse):
- Using Stolen Refresh Tokens:
- Exchanging stolen refresh tokens for new access tokens.
- Using Stolen Refresh Tokens:
Attack Tree Path: 14. Maintain unauthorized access even after access token expiration [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Requires Refresh Token Abuse):
- Persistent Access via Refresh Tokens:
- Continuously using refresh tokens to obtain new access tokens, maintaining access even after initial access tokens expire or user sessions are invalidated.
- Persistent Access via Refresh Tokens:
Attack Tree Path: 15. Database Compromise (Hydra's Backend Database) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vectors:
- Exploiting Database Server Vulnerabilities:
- Exploiting known CVEs in the database server software.
- Exploiting misconfigurations in the database server.
- Exploiting Database Access Methods:
- SQL Injection vulnerabilities in Hydra or related components (less likely in Hydra core, more likely in extensions or custom integrations).
- Exploiting weak database authentication or authorization mechanisms.
- Exploiting Database Server Vulnerabilities:
Attack Tree Path: 16. Exploit vulnerabilities in database server or database access methods [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Database Compromise):
- Database Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation:
- Using vulnerability scanners to identify database vulnerabilities.
- Developing or using exploits to compromise the database server.
- SQL Injection Testing and Exploitation:
- Performing SQL injection testing on Hydra or related components.
- Exploiting identified SQL injection vulnerabilities.
- Database Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation:
Attack Tree Path: 17. Gain access to Hydra's database [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vectors (Database Compromise):
- Successful Database Exploitation:
- Successfully exploiting database server vulnerabilities or SQL injection vulnerabilities.
- Compromised Database Credentials:
- Obtaining database credentials through configuration files, code leaks, or other means.
- Successful Database Exploitation:
Attack Tree Path: 18. Steal sensitive data (clients, users, tokens, consent decisions) [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Database Compromise):
- Database Queries:
- Executing SQL queries to extract sensitive data from the compromised database.
- Database Queries:
Attack Tree Path: 19. Manipulate data to compromise Hydra or application [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (Database Compromise):
- Database Updates:
- Modifying database records to manipulate client configurations, user permissions, consent decisions, or other critical data to compromise Hydra or the application.
- Database Updates:
- Attack Vectors:
- Exploiting OS or Server Software Vulnerabilities:
- Exploiting known CVEs in the operating system or server software (e.g., web server, application server).
- Exploiting misconfigurations in the OS or server.
- Exploiting OS or Server Software Vulnerabilities:
Attack Tree Path: 21. Exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying OS or server infrastructure where Hydra is running [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (OS/Server Compromise):
- OS/Server Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation:
- Using vulnerability scanners to identify OS and server vulnerabilities.
- Developing or using exploits to compromise the OS or server.
- OS/Server Vulnerability Scanning and Exploitation:
Attack Tree Path: 22. Gain control of the server [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vectors (OS/Server Compromise):
- Successful OS/Server Exploitation:
- Successfully exploiting OS or server software vulnerabilities.
- Compromised Server Credentials:
- Obtaining server credentials through phishing, social engineering, or other means.
- Successful OS/Server Exploitation:
Attack Tree Path: 23. Compromise Hydra and potentially the application [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vectors (OS/Server Compromise):
- Server-Level Access:
- Having root or administrator access to the server where Hydra is running.
- Hydra Configuration and Binary Manipulation:
- Modifying Hydra configuration files or binaries to weaken security, inject malicious code, or gain further control.
- Accessing and exfiltrating sensitive data stored on the server.
- Server-Level Access: