Objective: Disrupt, Degrade, or Gain Unauthorized Access/Control of a Kafka-based application using Sarama.
[Attacker's Goal: Disrupt, Degrade, or Gain Unauthorized Access/Control] | ================================================= || || [[1. Disrupt Service Availability]] [[3. Gain Unauthorized Access/Control]] || || ================================================= ================================================= || || || || [[1.1 Denial of ]] [[1.2 Inject Malicious]] [[1.3 Exploit Sarama ]] [[3.3 Leverage Weak ]] [[Service (DoS)]] [[Messages (Poison Pill)]] [[Configuration Errors]] [[Authentication/ ]] [[via Sarama ]] || || [[Authorization ]] || || || ============||============ ========||======== ========||======== || || || || || || || || || [1.1.2] --- --- [[1.2.1]][[1.2.2]] [[1.3.1]][[1.3.2]][[1.3.3]] [[3.3.1]][[3.3.2]][[3.3.3]]
Attack Tree Path: 1. Disrupt Service Availability ([[1. Disrupt Service Availability]])
Overall Goal: To make the application unavailable to legitimate users. This is a critical node because service disruption directly impacts business operations.
1.1 Denial of Service (DoS) via Sarama ([[1.1 Denial of Service (DoS) via Sarama]])
- Overall Goal: Render the application unresponsive by exploiting Sarama or its interaction with the application.
- 1.1.2 Network-Level Attacks Amplified by Sarama:
- Description: Attacker uses general network attacks (e.g., SYN floods, connection exhaustion) that are made more effective because of how Sarama manages connections.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Medium/High
- Effort: Low/Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Easy/Medium
1.2 Inject Malicious Messages (Poison Pill) ([[1.2 Inject Malicious Messages (Poison Pill)]])
- Overall Goal: Send specially crafted messages that cause the application to crash or malfunction when processed.
- 1.2.1 Exploit Application Logic Vulnerabilities ([[1.2.1 Exploit Application Logic Vulnerabilities]]):
- Description: The message exploits a bug in the application's code that handles data received from Kafka. This is critical due to its high impact and medium likelihood.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: High/Very High
- Effort: Medium/High
- Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Medium/Hard
- 1.2.2 Trigger Deserialization Issues ([[1.2.2 Trigger Deserialization Issues]]):
- Description: If the application uses an insecure deserializer, the attacker sends a malicious serialized object, potentially leading to remote code execution. This is critical due to its very high impact.
- Likelihood: Medium/High
- Impact: Very High
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced
- Detection Difficulty: Hard
1.3 Exploit Sarama Configuration Errors ([[1.3 Exploit Sarama Configuration Errors]])
- Overall Goal: Leverage misconfigurations in how Sarama is used to cause service disruption.
- 1.3.1 Incorrect Timeout Settings ([[1.3.1 Incorrect Timeout Settings]]):
- Description: Overly long timeouts allow an attacker to tie up resources, leading to slow performance or unavailability. This is critical due to its low effort and medium impact.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Low/Medium
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie/Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Easy
- 1.3.2 Insufficient Retry Limits ([[1.3.2 Insufficient Retry Limits]]):
- Description: An attacker can cause repeated retries, exhausting resources. This is critical due to its low effort and medium impact.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Low/Medium
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie/Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Easy
- 1.3.3 Unintentional Topic Creation ([[1.3.3 Unintentional Topic Creation]]):
- Description: If automatic topic creation is enabled and not controlled, an attacker can create many topics, overwhelming the Kafka brokers. This is critical due to its low effort and potentially high impact.
- Likelihood: Low/Medium
- Impact: Medium/High
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
Overall Goal: To obtain unauthorized access to data or control over the Kafka-based application. This is a critical node because it represents a severe security breach.
3.3 Leverage Weak Authentication/Authorization ([[3.3 Leverage Weak Authentication/Authorization]])
- Overall Goal: Exploit weak security configurations to gain access.
- 3.3.1 Weak Credentials ([[3.3.1 Weak Credentials]]):
- Description: Using default, easily guessable, or compromised passwords. This is critical due to its high likelihood and very high impact.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Very High
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie/Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Easy/Medium
- 3.3.2 Missing Authentication ([[3.3.2 Missing Authentication]]):
- Description: Not enabling authentication at all, allowing anyone to connect. This is critical due to its trivial exploitability and very high impact.
- Likelihood: Low
- Impact: Very High
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Very Easy
- 3.3.3 Overly Permissive ACLs ([[3.3.3 Overly Permissive ACLs]]):
- Description: Granting users or applications more permissions than they need. This is critical due to its low effort and high impact.
- Likelihood: Low/Medium
- Impact: High
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Medium