Objective: Compromise Application Data and/or Availability by Exploiting Logrus
Compromise Application Data and/or Availability [CRITICAL NODE]
├───[1.0] Exploit Logged Sensitive Data [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[1.1] Identify Sensitive Data in Logs [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[1.2] Access Log Files/Streams [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[1.2.1] Unauthorized Access to Log Storage (Filesystem, Database, etc.) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[] Exploit File Permission Vulnerabilities [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ └───[1.3] Analyze Log Data for Sensitive Information [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ └───[1.3.1] Automated/Manual Log Analysis for Credentials, API Keys, PII, etc. [HIGH-RISK PATH]
├───[2.0] Exploit Log Injection Vulnerabilities (Indirect via Logrus) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[2.1] Inject Malicious Data into Logs [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[2.1.1] Control Input Logged by Application [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[] Exploit Application Input Validation Weaknesses [HIGH-RISK PATH]
├───[3.0] Exploit Log Storage/Destination Vulnerabilities [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[3.1] Target Insecure Log Storage Locations [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ ├───[3.1.1] World-Readable Log Files [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ └───[3.1.2] Publicly Accessible Network Log Storage (e.g., Misconfigured S3 buckets) [HIGH-RISK PATH]
├───[4.0] Exploit Log Configuration Weaknesses [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[4.1] Identify Misconfigured Log Levels [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
│ │ └───[4.1.1] Overly Verbose Logging in Production [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ └───[] Reveal Sensitive Data Unnecessarily [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ └───[4.3] Weak Access Controls on Log Configuration [CRITICAL NODE]
│ └───[4.3.1] Unauthorized Modification of Log Configuration [CRITICAL NODE]
│ └───[] Redirect Logs to Attacker-Controlled Location [HIGH-RISK PATH]
└───[4.2] Identify Insecure Log Destinations
└───[4.2.1] Logging to Publicly Accessible Locations [HIGH-RISK PATH]
└───[] Expose Logs to Unauthorized Parties [HIGH-RISK PATH]
Attack Tree Path: 1.0 Exploit Logged Sensitive Data [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Attack Vector: This path focuses on compromising sensitive information that is unintentionally logged by the application using Logrus.
- Breakdown:
- 1.1 Identify Sensitive Data in Logs [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Reconnaissance to determine if the application logs sensitive data (e.g., passwords, API keys, personal information, internal system details).
- Details: Attackers analyze application code, configurations, and documentation to understand logging practices and identify potential sensitive data being logged.
- 1.2 Access Log Files/Streams [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Gaining unauthorized access to the log files or streams where Logrus output is stored.
- Details: This involves exploiting vulnerabilities to access log storage locations (filesystem, databases, log management systems) or intercepting log transmissions over networks.
- 1.2.1 Unauthorized Access to Log Storage (Filesystem, Database, etc.) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Directly accessing the storage where logs are kept.
- Details: Exploiting file permission issues, database vulnerabilities, or weaknesses in log management systems to read log data.
- Exploit File Permission Vulnerabilities [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Exploiting overly permissive file system permissions on log files.
- Details: If log files are world-readable or accessible to unauthorized users, attackers can directly read them.
- 1.3 Analyze Log Data for Sensitive Information [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Analyzing the accessed log data to extract sensitive information.
- Details: Using manual review or automated scripts to search logs for patterns and keywords indicative of sensitive data like credentials, API keys, or PII.
- 1.3.1 Automated/Manual Log Analysis for Credentials, API Keys, PII, etc. [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Performing the actual analysis of log data to find sensitive information.
- Details: This step involves using tools or manual techniques to parse and search through log files for sensitive data patterns.
- 1.1 Identify Sensitive Data in Logs [CRITICAL NODE]:
Attack Tree Path: 2.0 Exploit Log Injection Vulnerabilities (Indirect via Logrus) [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Attack Vector: Indirectly exploiting Logrus by injecting malicious data into logs, which can then be used to attack downstream systems or cause other issues.
- Breakdown:
- 2.1 Inject Malicious Data into Logs [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Injecting malicious data into the logs generated by Logrus.
- Details: This is achieved by controlling input that the application logs or crafting specific log messages.
- 2.1.1 Control Input Logged by Application [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Manipulating user-controlled input that is subsequently logged by the application.
- Details: Exploiting input validation weaknesses in the application to inject malicious strings that will be logged via Logrus.
- Exploit Application Input Validation Weaknesses [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Specifically targeting vulnerabilities in the application's input validation mechanisms.
- Details: By bypassing or exploiting weak input validation, attackers can inject arbitrary data that gets logged.
- 2.1 Inject Malicious Data into Logs [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
Attack Tree Path: 3.0 Exploit Log Storage/Destination Vulnerabilities [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]
- Attack Vector: Exploiting vulnerabilities related to how and where logs are stored, leading to data breaches or denial of service.
- Breakdown:
- 3.1 Target Insecure Log Storage Locations [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Targeting log storage locations that are insecurely configured and accessible to unauthorized parties.
- Details: Identifying and exploiting misconfigurations like world-readable log files or publicly accessible network storage.
- 3.1.1 World-Readable Log Files [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Exploiting log files configured with overly permissive permissions.
- Details: If log files are set to be readable by everyone, attackers can easily access and read them.
- 3.1.2 Publicly Accessible Network Log Storage (e.g., Misconfigured S3 buckets) [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Exploiting misconfigured network storage locations where logs are stored, making them publicly accessible.
- Details: If cloud storage buckets or network shares used for logging are misconfigured for public access, attackers can access and download logs.
- 3.1 Target Insecure Log Storage Locations [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
Attack Tree Path: 4.0 Exploit Log Configuration Weaknesses [CRITICAL NODE]
- Attack Vector: Exploiting weaknesses in the configuration of Logrus to gain unauthorized access to logs or manipulate logging behavior.
- Breakdown:
- 4.1 Identify Misconfigured Log Levels [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Identifying applications with overly verbose logging levels in production environments.
- Details: Finding applications running with debug or trace logging levels in production, which can inadvertently log sensitive information.
- 4.1.1 Overly Verbose Logging in Production [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Applications running with unnecessarily detailed logging in production.
- Details: This misconfiguration leads to logging more information than necessary, increasing the risk of sensitive data exposure.
- Reveal Sensitive Data Unnecessarily [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: The direct consequence of overly verbose logging, leading to the exposure of sensitive data in logs.
- Details: Verbose logging can cause the application to log sensitive data that should not be present in production logs.
- 4.2 Identify Insecure Log Destinations:
- 4.2.1 Logging to Publicly Accessible Locations [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Expose Logs to Unauthorized Parties [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Configuring Logrus to send logs to publicly accessible destinations.
- Details: Directly logging to public locations exposes all log data to anyone who can access that location.
- Expose Logs to Unauthorized Parties [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- 4.2.1 Logging to Publicly Accessible Locations [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- 4.3 Weak Access Controls on Log Configuration [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Exploiting weak or missing access controls on the Logrus configuration itself.
- Details: If access to log configuration is not properly secured, attackers can modify it for malicious purposes.
- 4.3.1 Unauthorized Modification of Log Configuration [CRITICAL NODE]:
- Attack Vector: Gaining unauthorized access to modify the logging configuration.
- Details: Attackers can exploit weak access controls to change log settings for their benefit.
- Redirect Logs to Attacker-Controlled Location [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Modifying the log configuration to redirect logs to a location controlled by the attacker.
- Details: By redirecting logs, attackers can capture all log data for their own analysis and potentially manipulate or delete logs at the legitimate destination.
- 4.1 Identify Misconfigured Log Levels [HIGH-RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE]: