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Attack Tree Analysis for uber-go/zap

Objective: [[Attacker's Goal: Degrade Performance, Cause DoS, or Leak Sensitive Information via Zap]]

Attack Tree Visualization

[[Attacker's Goal: Degrade Performance, Cause DoS, or Leak Sensitive Information via Zap]]
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[[1. Denial of Service / Performance Degradation]]                [[2. Information Disclosure (Sensitive Data Leakage)]]
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=================================================                =================================================
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[[1.1 Excessive   [[1.3 Resource   [[2.1 Insecure
Logging]]        Exhaustion]]     Configuration]]
||               ||               ||
========      ========      ========
||    ||      ||    ||      ||    ||
[[1.1.1]] [[1.1.2]] [[1.3.1]] [[2.1.1]] [[2.1.2]]
High     Misconfig.  Disk     Logging  Console/
Volume   of Debug/   Space    Sensitive Network
Logging  Verbose     Exhaust.  Data to  Logging
         Logging              Console  (e.g.,
  • Description: Attacks in this category aim to make the application unusable or significantly slow it down by exploiting how Zap is used or configured.
  • High-Risk Paths:

Attack Tree Path: 1.1 Excessive Logging

  • [[1.1 Excessive Logging]]: This is a common and easily achievable attack vector.

Attack Tree Path: 1.1.1 High Volume Logging

*   **[[1.1.1 High Volume Logging]]**: 
    *   **Description:** The application is configured to log at an extremely high volume, even in production. This generates massive amounts of log data.
    *   **Likelihood:** Medium
    *   **Impact:** Medium
    *   **Effort:** Very Low
    *   **Skill Level:** Novice
    *   **Detection Difficulty:** Easy
*   **[[1.1.2 Misconfiguration of Debug/Verbose Logging]]**: 
    *   **Description:** Debug or verbose logging is accidentally enabled in a production environment.
    *   **Likelihood:** Medium
    *   **Impact:** Medium
    *   **Effort:** Very Low
    *   **Skill Level:** Novice
    *   **Detection Difficulty:** Easy

Attack Tree Path: 1.3 Resource Exhaustion

  • [[1.3 Resource Exhaustion]]: Focuses on exhausting system resources through logging.

Attack Tree Path: 1.3.1 Disk Space Exhaustion

*   **[[1.3.1 Disk Space Exhaustion]]**: 
    *   **Description:** Excessive logging, combined with inadequate or absent log rotation, fills up the available disk space.
    *   **Likelihood:** Medium
    *   **Impact:** High
    *   **Effort:** Very Low
    *   **Skill Level:** Novice
    *   **Detection Difficulty:** Easy
  • Description: This category encompasses attacks that aim to reveal sensitive information through the application's logs. This is a critical threat.
    • High-Risk Paths:

Attack Tree Path: 2.1 Insecure Configuration

  • [[2.1 Insecure Configuration]]: The primary cause of information disclosure via logging.
*   **[[2.1.1 Logging Sensitive Data to Console/Network]]**: 
    *   **Description:** The application is configured to log sensitive information (PII, credentials, API keys, etc.) directly to the console or send it unencrypted over the network.
    *   **Likelihood:** High
    *   **Impact:** Very High
    *   **Effort:** Very Low
    *   **Skill Level:** Novice
    *   **Detection Difficulty:** Easy (if monitored)
*   **[[2.1.2 Console/Network Logging (e.g., PII, Credentials)]]**: 
    *   **Description:**  This is a more specific instance of 2.1.1, explicitly listing examples of sensitive data that might be logged.
    *   **Likelihood:** High
    *   **Impact:** Very High
    *   **Effort:** Very Low
    *   **Skill Level:** Novice
    *   **Detection Difficulty:** Easy (if monitored)