Objective: Attacker's Goal: Gain Unauthorized Access and Control over System/Application Data via Wox
Attack Goal: Gain Unauthorized Access and Control over System/Application Data via Wox [CRITICAL NODE]
└───[1. Exploit Wox Plugin System] [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH RISK PATH]
├───[1.1. Malicious Plugin Installation] [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ ├───[1.1.1. Social Engineering User to Install Malicious Plugin] [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ ├───[ Phishing/Deceptive Website to Distribute Malicious Plugin] [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ └───[ Masquerading Malicious Plugin as Legitimate/Useful] [HIGH RISK PATH]
├───[1.2. Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Legitimate Plugins] [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ ├───[1.2.1. Code Injection in Plugin Logic] [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ ├───[ Input Validation Flaws in Plugin] [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ └───[ Vulnerable Dependencies Used by Plugin] [HIGH RISK PATH]
└───[1.2.3. Plugin Dependency Vulnerabilities] [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH RISK PATH]
└───[ Outdated or Vulnerable Libraries Used by Plugin] [HIGH RISK PATH]
└───[2. Exploit Wox Core Functionality]
└───[2.1. Command Injection via Wox Input]
└───[2.1.1. Injecting Malicious Commands through Wox Query Bar]
└───[ Leveraging Wox Features that Execute Shell Commands Directly] [HIGH RISK PATH]
└───[3. Exploit Integration with Target Application]
└───[3.1. Wox as an Attack Vector to Reach Application]
└───[3.1.1. Using Wox to Launch Malicious Applications/Scripts that Target the Application]
└───[ Using Wox to Execute Scripts that Interact with the Application's API/Data] [HIGH RISK PATH]
Attack Tree Path: 1. Exploit Wox Plugin System [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]
- Attack Vector: The Wox plugin system is a primary attack surface due to its extensibility and reliance on third-party code.
- Breakdown:
- 1.1. Malicious Plugin Installation [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Tricking users into installing plugins that are intentionally malicious.
- Breakdown:
- 1.1.1. Social Engineering User to Install Malicious Plugin [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Manipulating users through psychological tactics to install malicious plugins.
- Breakdown:
- Phishing/Deceptive Website to Distribute Malicious Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Creating fake websites that mimic legitimate plugin sources to distribute malware.
- Details: Attackers set up websites that look like official Wox plugin repositories or trusted developer sites. Users are lured to these sites (e.g., via email, forum links) and tricked into downloading and installing malicious plugins.
- Masquerading Malicious Plugin as Legitimate/Useful [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Naming and describing a malicious plugin in a way that makes it appear legitimate and desirable.
- Details: Attackers give malicious plugins names similar to popular or useful plugins. They write deceptive descriptions promising valuable functionality to entice users to install them without proper scrutiny.
- Phishing/Deceptive Website to Distribute Malicious Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- 1.1.1. Social Engineering User to Install Malicious Plugin [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]:
- 1.2. Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Legitimate Plugins [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Exploiting security flaws present in plugins that are intended to be legitimate.
- Breakdown:
- 1.2.1. Code Injection in Plugin Logic [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Injecting malicious code into the execution flow of a plugin due to vulnerabilities in its code.
- Breakdown:
- Input Validation Flaws in Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Plugins failing to properly validate user input, allowing attackers to inject code through input fields or parameters.
- Details: If a plugin processes user input without sufficient sanitization, attackers can craft malicious input strings that, when processed by the plugin, are interpreted as code and executed.
- Vulnerable Dependencies Used by Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Plugins relying on external libraries or components that contain known security vulnerabilities.
- Details: Plugins often use third-party libraries. If these libraries are outdated or have known vulnerabilities, attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities through the plugin, even if the plugin's own code is secure.
- Input Validation Flaws in Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- 1.2.3. Plugin Dependency Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Focusing specifically on vulnerabilities arising from the dependencies used by plugins.
- Breakdown:
- Outdated or Vulnerable Libraries Used by Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Plugins using outdated versions of libraries that have known and patched vulnerabilities.
- Details: Plugin developers may not always keep their dependencies up-to-date. This can lead to plugins using older versions of libraries that contain security flaws that have been publicly disclosed and are easily exploitable.
- Outdated or Vulnerable Libraries Used by Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- 1.2.1. Code Injection in Plugin Logic [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]:
- 1.1. Malicious Plugin Installation [CRITICAL NODE, HIGH RISK PATH]:
Attack Tree Path: 2. Exploit Wox Core Functionality [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]
- Attack Vector: Exploiting features within the core Wox application that could lead to command execution.
- Breakdown:
- 2.1. Command Injection via Wox Input [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]:
- Attack Vector: Injecting malicious commands through the Wox query bar.
- Breakdown:
- 2.1.1. Injecting Malicious Commands through Wox Query Bar [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]:
- Attack Vector: Directly inputting commands into the Wox search bar with the intention of having them executed by the system.
- Breakdown:
- Leveraging Wox Features that Execute Shell Commands Directly [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: Utilizing specific Wox features (like custom commands or plugin functionalities) that are designed to execute shell commands, but can be abused for malicious purposes.
- Details: If Wox or certain plugins provide features to define custom commands or shortcuts that directly execute shell commands based on user input, attackers can leverage these features to inject and execute arbitrary commands on the system.
- Leveraging Wox Features that Execute Shell Commands Directly [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- 2.1.1. Injecting Malicious Commands through Wox Query Bar [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]:
- 2.1. Command Injection via Wox Input [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]:
Attack Tree Path: 3. Exploit Integration with Target Application [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]
- Attack Vector: Using Wox as a conduit to attack the integrated target application.
- Breakdown:
- 3.1. Wox as an Attack Vector to Reach Application [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]:
- Attack Vector: Utilizing Wox's capabilities to interact with or influence the target application.
- Breakdown:
- 3.1.1. Using Wox to Launch Malicious Applications/Scripts that Target the Application [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]:
- Attack Vector: Employing Wox to execute scripts or launch applications that are designed to attack the target application.
- Breakdown:
- Using Wox to Execute Scripts that Interact with the Application's API/Data [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- Attack Vector: If the target application exposes APIs, using Wox's scripting capabilities (or plugins) to execute scripts that interact with these APIs in a malicious way.
- Details: If the target application has APIs for functionalities, and Wox can execute scripts (either through core features or plugins) that can interact with these APIs, attackers can write scripts to perform unauthorized actions, manipulate data, or disrupt the application's operation by interacting with its APIs via Wox.
- Using Wox to Execute Scripts that Interact with the Application's API/Data [HIGH RISK PATH]:
- 3.1.1. Using Wox to Launch Malicious Applications/Scripts that Target the Application [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]:
- 3.1. Wox as an Attack Vector to Reach Application [HIGH RISK PATH - specific sub-path]: