Business Priorities and Goals:
Goal: To provide a configuration management and orchestration tool that simplifies the deployment and management of applications and infrastructure across various environments.
Priority: Ease of use and flexibility for developers and operations teams to manage configurations and automate tasks.
Priority: Reliability and consistency in configuration management to reduce errors and ensure predictable deployments.
Priority: Support for diverse environments, including cloud and on-premises infrastructure.
Business Risks:
Risk: Misconfiguration leading to service disruptions or security vulnerabilities due to errors in configuration management.
Risk: Unauthorized access to configuration data or orchestration capabilities, potentially leading to system compromise.
Risk: Inconsistent state management across environments causing application failures or unexpected behavior.
Risk: Lack of auditability and traceability of configuration changes, hindering troubleshooting and compliance efforts.
Risk: Vendor lock-in if the tool becomes too tightly integrated with specific infrastructure or platforms.
Existing Security Controls:
security control: Code reviews are likely performed as part of the development process (standard practice for open-source projects on GitHub). Implemented in: Development process, GitHub pull requests.
security control: Version control using Git. Implemented in: GitHub repository.
security control: Dependency management using Maven (based on pom.xml). Implemented in: Build process.
security control: Likely uses standard Java security practices for the application itself. Implemented in: Application code.
security control: Relies on underlying infrastructure security for deployment environments (e.g., cloud provider security, on-premises network security). Implemented in: Deployment environment.
Accepted Risks:
accepted risk: Reliance on community contributions for security vulnerability identification and patching (typical for open-source projects).
accepted risk: Potential delay in security patch availability compared to commercial solutions.
accepted risk: Security of deployment environment is assumed to be managed separately by the user.
Recommended Security Controls:
security control: Implement automated Static Application Security Testing (SAST) in the CI/CD pipeline to identify potential vulnerabilities in the code.
security control: Implement Software Composition Analysis (SCA) in the CI/CD pipeline to manage and monitor dependencies for known vulnerabilities.
security control: Introduce signed releases of artifacts to ensure integrity and authenticity of distributed software.
security control: Provide guidance and documentation on secure configuration practices for users of the tool.
security control: Implement robust logging and auditing of configuration changes and orchestration activities.
security control: Consider adding features for secrets management to avoid hardcoding sensitive information in configurations.
Security Requirements:
requirement: The tool should support authentication mechanisms to control access to configuration management and orchestration functionalities.
requirement: Consider supporting multiple authentication methods (e.g., username/password, API keys, integration with identity providers).
requirement: Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to manage user permissions and restrict access to specific configurations and actions based on roles.
requirement: Authorization should be enforced at multiple levels, including access to the application itself and access to specific configuration resources.
Input Validation:
requirement: All user inputs, including configuration data and orchestration commands, must be thoroughly validated to prevent injection attacks (e.g., command injection, YAML injection).
requirement: Input validation should be performed on both the client-side (if applicable) and server-side.
requirement: Sensitive data at rest (e.g., configuration secrets) should be encrypted.
requirement: Communication channels used for configuration management and orchestration should be encrypted (e.g., HTTPS).
requirement: Consider using cryptographic signatures to verify the integrity of configuration data.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Organization"
I["Infrastructure\nProviders\n(AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)"]:::external_system
U --> G
O --> G
D --> G
G --> I
G --> A
classDef user fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef software fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef external_system fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
- Context Diagram Elements:
- Element:
- Name: Configuration Management Users
- Type: User
- Description: Users who interact with Glu to manage configurations, including viewing, creating, updating, and deleting configurations.
- Responsibilities: Define and manage application and infrastructure configurations using Glu.
- Security controls: Authentication and authorization to access Glu.
- Element:
- Name: Operations Teams
- Type: User
- Description: Operations teams use Glu to automate deployments, manage infrastructure configurations, and ensure system stability.
- Responsibilities: Automate infrastructure management and application deployments using Glu. Monitor system health and configuration consistency.
- Security controls: Role-based access control within Glu to manage operational tasks. Audit logging of operational actions.
- Element:
- Name: Developers
- Type: User
- Description: Developers use Glu to define application configurations, manage environment-specific settings, and integrate configuration management into their development workflows.
- Responsibilities: Define application configurations and integrate Glu into development pipelines.
- Security controls: Access control to manage application configurations. Version control of configuration definitions.
- Element:
- Name: Glu Configuration Management Tool
- Type: Software System
- Description: The Glu application itself, providing configuration management and orchestration capabilities.
- Responsibilities: Store, manage, and apply configurations. Orchestrate tasks across different environments. Provide an interface for users to interact with configurations.
- Security controls: Authentication, authorization, input validation, secure configuration storage, audit logging.
- Element:
- Name: Infrastructure Providers (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)
- Type: External System
- Description: Cloud providers or on-premises infrastructure where applications and Glu itself might be deployed.
- Responsibilities: Provide the underlying infrastructure for applications and Glu to run.
- Security controls: Infrastructure security controls provided by the cloud provider or organization (network security, access control, etc.). Glu relies on these for its deployment environment security.
- Element:
- Name: Applications and Services
- Type: External System
- Description: The applications and services that are being managed and configured by Glu.
- Responsibilities: Run business logic and provide services to end-users.
- Security controls: Application-level security controls. Glu helps manage their configuration but doesn't directly implement their application security.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Glu Configuration Management Tool"
API["API Server\n(Java)"]:::container
DB["Configuration Database\n(e.g., PostgreSQL)"]:::container
UI["User Interface\n(Web Application)"]:::container
CLI["Command Line Interface\n(Java)"]:::container
U --> UI
O --> UI
D --> UI
UI --> API
API --> DB
API --> Agent
Agent --> I
Agent --> A
classDef user fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef container fill:#cce,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef external_system fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
- Container Diagram Elements:
- Element:
- Name: API Server
- Type: Container
- Description: Backend API server built using Java, responsible for handling requests from the UI and CLI, managing configurations, and orchestrating tasks.
- Responsibilities: Expose API endpoints for configuration management and orchestration. Implement business logic and authorization. Interact with the database and agents.
- Security controls: Authentication and authorization for API access. Input validation for all API requests. Secure communication (HTTPS). Rate limiting to prevent abuse.
- Element:
- Name: Configuration Database
- Type: Container
- Description: Persistent storage for configuration data, application state, and audit logs. Could be a relational database like PostgreSQL or similar.
- Responsibilities: Store configuration data, application state, and audit logs persistently. Ensure data integrity and availability.
- Security controls: Database access control (authentication and authorization). Encryption at rest for sensitive data. Regular backups. Network security to restrict access to the database.
- Element:
- Name: User Interface
- Type: Container
- Description: Web-based user interface for interacting with Glu. Allows users to manage configurations, view status, and trigger orchestrations.
- Responsibilities: Provide a user-friendly interface for configuration management. Authenticate users and interact with the API server.
- Security controls: Authentication and authorization. Secure communication (HTTPS). Input validation on the client-side. Protection against common web vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF).
- Element:
- Name: Command Line Interface
- Type: Container
- Description: Command-line interface for interacting with Glu, suitable for automation and scripting.
- Responsibilities: Provide a command-line interface for configuration management and orchestration. Authenticate users and interact with the API server.
- Security controls: Authentication and authorization. Secure communication (HTTPS or similar if communicating over network). Input validation.
- Element:
- Name: Agent
- Type: Container
- Description: Agents deployed on target infrastructure (e.g., servers, VMs, containers) to execute orchestration tasks and apply configurations.
- Responsibilities: Execute tasks and apply configurations on target systems. Communicate with the API server to receive instructions and report status.
- Security controls: Secure communication with the API server (mutual TLS recommended). Agent authentication and authorization. Principle of least privilege for agent permissions on target systems. Secure storage of agent credentials (if any).
Possible Deployment Architectures:
Standalone Deployment: Glu components (API Server, Database, UI) are deployed on a single server or VM. Suitable for small deployments or development environments.
Distributed Deployment: Glu components are deployed across multiple servers or VMs for scalability and high availability. Database can be on a separate dedicated server or cluster. Agents are deployed on target infrastructure.
Cloud-Native Deployment: Glu components are containerized (e.g., using Docker) and deployed on a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes. Database can be a managed cloud database service. Agents are deployed as containers or VMs in the target environment.
Detailed Deployment Architecture (Cloud-Native Deployment on Kubernetes):
flowchart LR
subgraph "Kubernetes Cluster"
subgraph "Namespace: glu-system"
APIPod["API Server Pod"]:::pod
DBPod["Database Pod\n(e.g., PostgreSQL)"]:::pod
UIPod["UI Pod"]:::pod
APISvc["API Service"]:::service
UISvc["UI Service"]:::service
subgraph "Namespace: target-environment"
AgentPod["Agent Pod"]:::pod
LB["Load Balancer"]:::infrastructure
Users --> LB --> UISvc
Users --> LB --> APISvc (API Requests)
UIPod --> APISvc
APIPod --> DBPod
APIPod --> AgentPod
AgentPod --> Infra
AgentPod --> Apps
classDef pod fill:#cff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef service fill:#dff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef infrastructure fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef user fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
- Deployment Diagram Elements:
- Element:
- Name: Kubernetes Cluster
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: Kubernetes cluster providing the container orchestration platform for Glu.
- Responsibilities: Manage container deployments, scaling, and networking. Provide a runtime environment for Glu components.
- Security controls: Kubernetes RBAC, network policies, pod security policies, cluster security hardening.
- Element:
- Name: Namespace: glu-system
- Type: Kubernetes Namespace
- Description: Dedicated Kubernetes namespace for deploying core Glu components (API Server, Database, UI).
- Responsibilities: Isolation of Glu system components. Resource management for Glu system.
- Security controls: Kubernetes namespace isolation, namespace-level RBAC.
- Element:
- Name: API Server Pod
- Type: Kubernetes Pod
- Description: Pod running the Glu API Server container.
- Responsibilities: Host the API Server application.
- Security controls: Container security (image scanning, least privilege user), Kubernetes network policies.
- Element:
- Name: Database Pod
- Type: Kubernetes Pod
- Description: Pod running the Configuration Database container (e.g., PostgreSQL).
- Responsibilities: Host the Configuration Database.
- Security controls: Container security, database access control, Kubernetes network policies, persistent volume security.
- Element:
- Name: UI Pod
- Type: Kubernetes Pod
- Description: Pod running the Glu UI container.
- Responsibilities: Host the Glu User Interface.
- Security controls: Container security, Kubernetes network policies.
- Element:
- Name: API Service
- Type: Kubernetes Service
- Description: Kubernetes service exposing the API Server Pods.
- Responsibilities: Load balancing and service discovery for API Server Pods.
- Security controls: Kubernetes service account, network policies.
- Element:
- Name: UI Service
- Type: Kubernetes Service
- Description: Kubernetes service exposing the UI Pods.
- Responsibilities: Load balancing and service discovery for UI Pods.
- Security controls: Kubernetes service account, network policies.
- Element:
- Name: Namespace: target-environment
- Type: Kubernetes Namespace
- Description: Kubernetes namespace representing a target environment where agents are deployed.
- Responsibilities: Isolation of agents for different target environments.
- Security controls: Kubernetes namespace isolation, namespace-level RBAC.
- Element:
- Name: Agent Pod
- Type: Kubernetes Pod
- Description: Pod running the Glu Agent container in the target environment.
- Responsibilities: Execute tasks and apply configurations on target infrastructure and applications within the target environment.
- Security controls: Container security, agent authentication and authorization, Kubernetes network policies, service account with limited permissions.
- Element:
- Name: Load Balancer
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: Cloud load balancer or ingress controller routing traffic to the UI and API services.
- Responsibilities: Expose Glu UI and API to users. Load balancing and SSL termination.
- Security controls: HTTPS termination, access control lists, DDoS protection.
- Element:
- Name: Users
- Type: User
- Description: Users accessing Glu UI and API.
- Responsibilities: Interact with Glu to manage configurations.
- Security controls: Authentication via UI and API.
- Element:
- Name: Target Infrastructure
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: Target infrastructure (VMs, servers, cloud resources) managed by Glu agents.
- Responsibilities: Host applications and services being configured by Glu.
- Security controls: Infrastructure security controls (OS hardening, network security, access control).
- Element:
- Name: Target Applications
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: Applications and services running on the target infrastructure.
- Responsibilities: Provide business functionality.
- Security controls: Application-level security controls.
flowchart LR
Developer["Developer"]:::dev --> VCS["Version Control\n(GitHub)"]:::vcs
VCS --> BuildServer["Build Server\n(GitHub Actions)"]:::ci
BuildServer --> Test["Automated Tests"]:::test
Test --> SAST["SAST Scanner"]:::security_tool
SAST --> SCA["SCA Scanner"]:::security_tool
SCA --> BuildArtifacts["Build Artifacts\n(JAR, Docker Image)"]:::artifact
BuildArtifacts --> Registry["Artifact Registry\n(GitHub Packages, Docker Hub)"]:::registry
classDef dev fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef vcs fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef ci fill:#cce,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef test fill:#dff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef security_tool fill:#eff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef artifact fill:#aaffaa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef registry fill:#aaccaa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Build Process Description:
Developers commit code changes to the Version Control System (GitHub).
A Build Server (e.g., GitHub Actions) is triggered on code changes (e.g., push, pull request).
The Build Server compiles the code, runs automated tests (unit tests, integration tests).
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is performed to identify potential security vulnerabilities in the code.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is performed to identify vulnerabilities in dependencies.
If tests and security checks pass, Build Artifacts (e.g., JAR files, Docker images) are created.
Build Artifacts are published to an Artifact Registry (e.g., GitHub Packages, Docker Hub).
Build Process Elements:
Name: Developer
Type: Person
Description: Software developers writing and committing code.
Responsibilities: Write code, perform local testing, commit code changes.
Security controls: Secure development practices, code reviews.
Name: Version Control (GitHub)
Type: System
Description: GitHub repository hosting the source code.
Responsibilities: Version control, code collaboration, trigger CI/CD pipelines.
Security controls: Access control to the repository, branch protection, audit logs.
Name: Build Server (GitHub Actions)
Type: System
Description: Automated build and CI/CD system using GitHub Actions.
Responsibilities: Automate build, test, and security checks. Orchestrate the build pipeline.
Security controls: Secure build environment, access control to CI/CD configurations, secrets management for build credentials.
Name: Automated Tests
Type: Process
Description: Automated unit tests and integration tests.
Responsibilities: Verify code functionality and prevent regressions.
Security controls: Test coverage for security-relevant functionalities.
Name: SAST Scanner
Type: Security Tool
Description: Static Application Security Testing tool to analyze source code for vulnerabilities.
Responsibilities: Identify potential security flaws in the code.
Security controls: Regularly updated vulnerability rules, configuration for relevant security checks.
Name: SCA Scanner
Type: Security Tool
Description: Software Composition Analysis tool to analyze dependencies for known vulnerabilities.
Responsibilities: Identify vulnerable dependencies.
Security controls: Regularly updated vulnerability database, integration with dependency management tools.
Name: Build Artifacts (JAR, Docker Image)
Type: Artifact
Description: Compiled and packaged software artifacts.
Responsibilities: Deployable units of software.
Security controls: Signed artifacts to ensure integrity and authenticity (recommended).
Name: Artifact Registry (GitHub Packages, Docker Hub)
Type: System
Description: Registry for storing and distributing build artifacts.
Responsibilities: Securely store and distribute build artifacts.
Security controls: Access control to the registry, vulnerability scanning of stored images (if applicable), audit logs.
Critical Business Processes:
Configuration Management: Ensuring consistent and correct configurations across all environments is critical for application availability and performance.
Deployment Automation: Automated deployments rely on Glu to orchestrate tasks and apply configurations, impacting release cycles and time to market.
Infrastructure Management: Glu might be used to manage infrastructure configurations, impacting infrastructure stability and security.
Data Sensitivity:
Configuration Data: Configuration data might contain sensitive information such as database credentials, API keys, and other secrets. Sensitivity: High. Requires encryption at rest and in transit, and strict access control.
Audit Logs: Audit logs contain information about configuration changes and user activities. Sensitivity: Medium. Important for compliance and security monitoring. Requires secure storage and access control.
Application State: Glu might store application state information. Sensitivity: Depends on the application. Could be low to high depending on the data stored. Requires appropriate access control and potentially encryption.
Business Posture Questions:
Question: What is the target user profile for Glu? Is it primarily for startups, SMEs, or large enterprises?
Question: What are the key compliance requirements that Glu needs to address (e.g., SOC 2, GDPR, HIPAA)?
Assumption: The primary business goal is to improve efficiency and reduce errors in configuration management and application deployments.
Security Posture Questions:
Question: Are there any existing security policies or frameworks that Glu needs to comply with?
Question: What is the organization's risk appetite regarding open-source software and security vulnerabilities?
Assumption: Security is a high priority for Glu, especially given its role in configuration management and potential handling of sensitive data.
Design Questions:
Question: What are the expected scalability and performance requirements for Glu?
Question: What are the supported infrastructure platforms and environments for Glu agents?
Question: What are the preferred database options for Glu?
Assumption: Glu is designed to be modular and extensible to support different deployment scenarios and infrastructure environments.
Assumption: The design prioritizes security best practices, including authentication, authorization, input validation, and encryption.