RocketMQ is a distributed messaging and streaming platform. The primary business goal for adopting RocketMQ is to enable reliable, scalable, and high-performance asynchronous communication between different components of a distributed system. This is crucial for building microservices architectures, event-driven systems, and real-time data processing pipelines.
Business Priorities and Goals:
- Enable asynchronous communication between services.
- Decouple system components to improve resilience and scalability.
- Facilitate event-driven architectures.
- Support high-throughput and low-latency message delivery.
- Ensure message reliability and durability.
- Provide message filtering and routing capabilities.
- Support stream processing applications.
Business Risks:
- Data loss or corruption during message transmission or storage.
- Unauthorized access to messages and message queues.
- System unavailability due to failures or attacks.
- Performance bottlenecks impacting message delivery latency and throughput.
- Complexity in managing and operating a distributed messaging system.
- Vendor lock-in if relying heavily on specific RocketMQ features without considering alternatives.
- Compliance risks related to data privacy and security if sensitive data is transmitted or stored in messages.
Existing Security Controls:
- security control Access Control Lists (ACLs) for topic and group level authorization (described in RocketMQ documentation).
- security control TLS encryption for network communication (described in RocketMQ documentation).
- security control Message filtering and routing to control message flow (described in RocketMQ documentation).
- security control Pluggable authentication and authorization mechanisms (described in RocketMQ documentation).
Accepted Risks:
- accepted risk Reliance on users to properly configure and manage security features.
- accepted risk Potential vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies.
- accepted risk Risk of misconfiguration leading to security breaches.
- accepted risk Insider threats with access to RocketMQ infrastructure.
Recommended Security Controls:
- security control Implement robust input validation and sanitization for message payloads to prevent injection attacks.
- security control Regularly perform security audits and penetration testing to identify and address vulnerabilities.
- security control Implement security scanning in the CI/CD pipeline to detect vulnerabilities in code and dependencies.
- security control Use a secrets management system to securely store and manage sensitive credentials.
- security control Implement monitoring and alerting for security events and anomalies.
- security control Follow security best practices for infrastructure and operating system hardening.
- security control Implement data encryption at rest for message storage.
Security Requirements:
- Authentication:
- Requirement: Securely authenticate clients (producers and consumers) connecting to RocketMQ brokers.
- Requirement: Support various authentication mechanisms (e.g., username/password, certificates, OAuth).
- Requirement: Centralized authentication management and integration with existing identity providers.
- Authorization:
- Requirement: Implement fine-grained authorization to control access to topics, groups, and operations.
- Requirement: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to manage permissions based on user roles.
- Requirement: Policy enforcement to ensure only authorized clients can produce and consume messages.
- Input Validation:
- Requirement: Validate message payloads to prevent injection attacks and data corruption.
- Requirement: Sanitize input data to remove potentially harmful content.
- Requirement: Implement schema validation for messages to ensure data integrity.
- Cryptography:
- Requirement: Encrypt network communication between clients and brokers using TLS.
- Requirement: Support encryption at rest for message storage to protect sensitive data.
- Requirement: Consider message-level encryption for end-to-end security.
- Requirement: Securely manage cryptographic keys and certificates.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Organization System"
B["Producer Application"]
C["Consumer Application"]
D["Monitoring System"]
E["External Data Source"]
B -->|Send Messages| A
A -->|Deliver Messages| C
A -->|Metrics and Logs| D
E -->|Data for Messages| B
style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Context Diagram Elements:
Name: RocketMQ
- Type: Software System
- Description: Apache RocketMQ is a distributed messaging and streaming platform. It acts as a central message broker, facilitating asynchronous communication between producer and consumer applications.
- Responsibilities:
- Receiving messages from producer applications.
- Storing messages reliably.
- Routing messages to consumer applications based on topics and subscriptions.
- Providing message delivery guarantees.
- Managing message queues and topics.
- Exposing monitoring and management interfaces.
- Security controls:
- security control Access Control Lists (ACLs) for topic and group level authorization.
- security control TLS encryption for network communication.
- security control Pluggable authentication and authorization mechanisms.
- security control Input validation and sanitization for internal processing.
- security control Logging and auditing of security-related events.
Name: Producer Application
- Type: Software System
- Description: Applications that send messages to RocketMQ. These can be microservices, backend systems, or any application that needs to publish events or data.
- Responsibilities:
- Generating and sending messages to RocketMQ topics.
- Handling message sending errors and retries.
- Implementing authentication and authorization when connecting to RocketMQ.
- Serializing data into message payloads.
- Security controls:
- security control Authentication to RocketMQ brokers.
- security control Authorization to publish to specific topics.
- security control Input validation and sanitization of data before sending as messages.
- security control TLS encryption for communication with RocketMQ.
Name: Consumer Application
- Type: Software System
- Description: Applications that receive and process messages from RocketMQ. These can be microservices, data processing pipelines, or any application that needs to react to events or consume data.
- Responsibilities:
- Subscribing to RocketMQ topics and groups.
- Receiving and processing messages from RocketMQ.
- Handling message processing errors and acknowledgements.
- Implementing authentication and authorization when connecting to RocketMQ.
- Deserializing message payloads.
- Security controls:
- security control Authentication to RocketMQ brokers.
- security control Authorization to subscribe to specific topics and groups.
- security control Input validation and sanitization of received messages.
- security control TLS encryption for communication with RocketMQ.
Name: Monitoring System
- Type: Software System
- Description: A system used to monitor the health and performance of RocketMQ, including brokers, topics, and consumer groups. Examples include Prometheus, Grafana, or in-house monitoring solutions.
- Responsibilities:
- Collecting metrics and logs from RocketMQ brokers and components.
- Visualizing performance data and identifying anomalies.
- Alerting on critical issues and performance degradation.
- Providing dashboards for operational insights.
- Security controls:
- security control Access control to monitoring dashboards and data.
- security control Secure communication channels for collecting metrics and logs.
- security control Audit logging of access to monitoring data.
Name: External Data Source
- Type: External System
- Description: External systems that provide data used by producer applications to create messages. This could be databases, APIs, or other data sources.
- Responsibilities:
- Providing data to producer applications.
- Ensuring data integrity and availability.
- Security controls:
- security control Access control to data sources.
- security control Data encryption in transit and at rest.
- security control Authentication and authorization for data access.
flowchart LR
subgraph "RocketMQ System"
subgraph "Broker Cluster"
A["Broker Container"]
subgraph "Name Server Cluster"
B["Name Server Container"]
subgraph "Controller Cluster"
C["Controller Container"]
D["Console Container"]
E["Producer Application"]
F["Consumer Application"]
G["Monitoring System"]
E -->|Send Messages via TCP| A
F -->|Receive Messages via TCP| A
A -->|Register and Discover Routes| B
A -->|Metadata Management| C
D -->|Management and Monitoring via HTTP/gRPC| A
D -->|Management and Monitoring via HTTP/gRPC| B
D -->|Management and Monitoring via HTTP/gRPC| C
G -->|Metrics and Logs via JMX/HTTP| A
G -->|Metrics and Logs via JMX/HTTP| B
G -->|Metrics and Logs via JMX/HTTP| C
style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style B fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style C fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style D fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Container Diagram Elements:
Name: Broker Container
- Type: Container (Java Application)
- Description: The core component of RocketMQ, responsible for message storage, routing, and delivery. Brokers are organized in a cluster for high availability and scalability.
- Responsibilities:
- Receiving messages from producers.
- Storing messages in persistent storage (e.g., disk).
- Routing messages to consumers based on subscriptions.
- Managing message queues and topics.
- Handling message delivery guarantees (e.g., at-least-once, exactly-once).
- Providing APIs for producers and consumers to interact.
- Security controls:
- security control Access Control Lists (ACLs) enforced at the broker level.
- security control TLS encryption for network communication with producers and consumers.
- security control Authentication and authorization of producers and consumers.
- security control Input validation and sanitization of message payloads.
- security control Data encryption at rest for message storage.
- security control Rate limiting and traffic shaping to prevent denial-of-service attacks.
Name: Name Server Container
- Type: Container (Java Application)
- Description: Provides lightweight routing information about brokers. Name servers maintain topic-route information and provide service discovery for producers and consumers.
- Responsibilities:
- Maintaining topic-route information, mapping topics to brokers.
- Providing service discovery for producers and consumers to locate brokers.
- Handling broker registration and unregistration.
- Performing health checks on brokers.
- Security controls:
- security control Access control to name server APIs.
- security control TLS encryption for communication with brokers, producers, consumers, and console.
- security control Authentication and authorization for administrative operations.
- security control Rate limiting to prevent denial-of-service attacks.
Name: Controller Container
- Type: Container (Java Application)
- Description: Manages cluster metadata and performs cluster management operations. It is responsible for tasks like broker assignment, cluster topology management, and ensuring data consistency across the cluster.
- Responsibilities:
- Managing cluster metadata.
- Broker assignment and load balancing.
- Cluster topology management.
- Ensuring data consistency and replication across brokers.
- Handling cluster failover and recovery.
- Security controls:
- security control Access control to controller APIs.
- security control TLS encryption for communication with brokers, name servers, and console.
- security control Authentication and authorization for administrative operations.
- security control Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for cluster management operations.
Name: Console Container
- Type: Container (Web Application)
- Description: A web-based management console for RocketMQ. It provides a user interface for monitoring, configuring, and managing RocketMQ clusters.
- Responsibilities:
- Providing a user interface for monitoring cluster status and metrics.
- Allowing administrators to manage topics, groups, and brokers.
- Configuring security settings and access control.
- Performing administrative operations like cluster scaling and maintenance.
- Security controls:
- security control Authentication and authorization for console access.
- security control HTTPS for secure communication with users.
- security control Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for console users.
- security control Input validation and sanitization for user inputs.
- security control Audit logging of user actions in the console.
- security control Protection against common web application vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF).
Deployment Architecture Option: Cloud-based Kubernetes Cluster
flowchart LR
subgraph "Kubernetes Cluster"
subgraph "Nodes"
A["Node 1"]
B["Node 2"]
C["Node 3"]
subgraph "Namespaces"
subgraph "rocketmq-namespace"
D[["Broker Pod"]]
E[["Name Server Pod"]]
F[["Controller Pod"]]
G[["Console Pod"]]
H[["Producer Application Pod"]]
I[["Consumer Application Pod"]]
J[["Monitoring System Pod"]]
K["Load Balancer"]
L["Persistent Volume"]
K --> E & F & G
D --> L
H --> K
I --> K
J --> K
style D fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style E fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style F fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style G fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Deployment Diagram Elements (Kubernetes Deployment):
Name: Kubernetes Cluster
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: A managed Kubernetes cluster in a cloud environment (e.g., AWS EKS, Google GKE, Azure AKS). Provides the orchestration platform for deploying and managing RocketMQ components and applications.
- Responsibilities:
- Providing container orchestration and management.
- Ensuring high availability and scalability of deployed applications.
- Managing networking, storage, and compute resources.
- Providing security features like network policies and RBAC.
- Security controls:
- security control Kubernetes RBAC for access control within the cluster.
- security control Network policies to isolate namespaces and pods.
- security control Secrets management for storing sensitive credentials.
- security control Regular security patching and updates of Kubernetes components.
- security control Monitoring and logging of Kubernetes cluster events.
Name: Node 1, Node 2, Node 3
- Type: Compute Instance (Virtual Machine)
- Description: Worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster where pods are scheduled and run.
- Responsibilities:
- Running containerized applications (pods).
- Providing compute resources (CPU, memory, storage).
- Ensuring node security and stability.
- Security controls:
- security control Operating system hardening and security configurations.
- security control Regular security patching and updates of the operating system and node components.
- security control Network security controls (firewalls, security groups) to restrict access to nodes.
- security control Monitoring and logging of node activities.
Name: Broker Pod, Name Server Pod, Controller Pod, Console Pod
- Type: Containerized Application (Pods)
- Description: Kubernetes pods encapsulating RocketMQ Broker, Name Server, Controller, and Console containers respectively. Pods are the smallest deployable units in Kubernetes.
- Responsibilities:
- Running RocketMQ containers.
- Managing container lifecycle within the pod.
- Providing network identity and storage volumes to containers.
- Security controls:
- security control Container image scanning for vulnerabilities.
- security control Least privilege principle for container runtime.
- security control Resource limits and quotas to prevent resource exhaustion.
- security control Network policies to control network traffic to and from pods.
Name: Producer Application Pod, Consumer Application Pod, Monitoring System Pod
- Type: Containerized Application (Pods)
- Description: Kubernetes pods encapsulating producer applications, consumer applications, and monitoring system.
- Responsibilities:
- Running application containers.
- Interacting with RocketMQ services.
- Security controls:
- security control Application-level security controls (authentication, authorization, input validation).
- security control Secure coding practices.
- security control Regular security scanning and testing of applications.
Name: Load Balancer
- Type: Network Service
- Description: A cloud load balancer that distributes traffic to RocketMQ Name Server, Controller, and Console services, and potentially to Brokers for client connections depending on the setup.
- Responsibilities:
- Distributing incoming traffic across multiple instances of RocketMQ services.
- Providing high availability and fault tolerance.
- Terminating TLS connections (optional).
- Security controls:
- security control TLS termination and encryption.
- security control Access control lists to restrict access to the load balancer.
- security control DDoS protection.
- security control Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
Name: Persistent Volume
- Type: Storage Service
- Description: Persistent storage volumes used by RocketMQ Broker pods to store message data persistently. Cloud-based persistent volumes (e.g., AWS EBS, Google Persistent Disk, Azure Disk).
- Responsibilities:
- Providing persistent storage for message data.
- Ensuring data durability and availability.
- Managing storage performance and scalability.
- Security controls:
- security control Data encryption at rest for persistent volumes.
- security control Access control lists to restrict access to storage volumes.
- security control Regular backups and disaster recovery mechanisms.
flowchart LR
A[Developer] --> B{Code Changes};
B --> C[GitHub Repository];
C --> D[GitHub Actions CI];
D -->|Build & Test| E[Build Artifacts];
E --> F[Container Registry];
F --> G[Kubernetes Cluster];
D -->|Security Scans (SAST/DAST)| H{Security Scan Results};
H -- Yes --> I[Notify & Block];
H -- No --> E;
style D fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style E fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style F fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Build Process Diagram Elements:
Name: Developer
- Type: Human Role
- Description: Software developers who write and modify the RocketMQ codebase.
- Responsibilities:
- Writing and committing code changes.
- Performing local testing and code reviews.
- Adhering to secure coding practices.
- Security controls:
- security control Code review process to identify potential security vulnerabilities.
- security control Secure development training for developers.
- security control Access control to code repositories.
Name: Code Changes
- Type: Data
- Description: Modifications to the RocketMQ source code.
- Responsibilities:
- Representing the changes made to the codebase.
- Security controls:
- security control Version control system (Git) to track changes and revisions.
- security control Branching strategy to isolate development and release branches.
Name: GitHub Repository
- Type: Code Repository
- Description: The GitHub repository hosting the RocketMQ source code.
- Responsibilities:
- Storing and managing the codebase.
- Providing version control and collaboration features.
- Security controls:
- security control Access control to the repository (authentication and authorization).
- security control Audit logging of repository activities.
- security control Branch protection rules to enforce code review and security checks.
Name: GitHub Actions CI
- Type: CI/CD System
- Description: GitHub Actions workflows configured to automate the build, test, and security scanning processes for RocketMQ.
- Responsibilities:
- Automating the build process.
- Running unit and integration tests.
- Performing security scans (SAST/DAST).
- Building and publishing container images.
- Security controls:
- security control Secure configuration of CI/CD pipelines.
- security control Secrets management for storing CI/CD credentials.
- security control Integration of security scanning tools (SAST, DAST, dependency scanning).
- security control Audit logging of CI/CD pipeline executions.
Name: Build Artifacts
- Type: Software Artifacts
- Description: Compiled code, packaged binaries, and container images produced by the build process.
- Responsibilities:
- Representing the build output ready for deployment.
- Security controls:
- security control Signing of build artifacts to ensure integrity and authenticity.
- security control Storage of build artifacts in secure repositories.
Name: Container Registry
- Type: Artifact Repository
- Description: A container registry (e.g., Docker Hub, Google Container Registry, AWS ECR) used to store and manage RocketMQ container images.
- Responsibilities:
- Storing and distributing container images.
- Providing access control to container images.
- Scanning container images for vulnerabilities.
- Security controls:
- security control Access control to the container registry.
- security control Container image scanning for vulnerabilities.
- security control Image signing and verification.
- security control Audit logging of registry activities.
Name: Kubernetes Cluster
- Type: Deployment Environment
- Description: The target Kubernetes cluster where RocketMQ is deployed from the container registry.
- Responsibilities:
- Deploying and running RocketMQ containers.
- Security controls:
- security control Kubernetes security controls (RBAC, network policies, etc.).
- security control Secure deployment practices.
Name: Security Scan Results
- Type: Data
- Description: Output from security scanning tools (SAST/DAST) indicating potential vulnerabilities.
- Responsibilities:
- Providing feedback on code security.
- Triggering alerts and blocking deployments if critical vulnerabilities are found.
- Security controls:
- security control Secure storage and management of security scan results.
- security control Automated analysis and reporting of security findings.
Name: Notify & Block
- Type: Automated Process
- Description: Automated process to notify developers and security teams about security vulnerabilities and potentially block the build pipeline if critical issues are found.
- Responsibilities:
- Alerting stakeholders about security issues.
- Enforcing security gates in the build pipeline.
- Security controls:
- security control Secure notification channels.
- security control Properly configured security gates and thresholds.
Critical Business Processes:
- Asynchronous communication between microservices.
- Real-time event processing and streaming data pipelines.
- Order processing and transaction management.
- Application monitoring and alerting.
- Data ingestion and distribution.
Data to Protect and Sensitivity:
- Messages:
- Sensitivity: Can vary depending on the application. Messages might contain sensitive business data, personal information, financial transactions, or operational data.
- Protection: Confidentiality, integrity, and availability of messages are critical. Encryption in transit and at rest, access control, and data loss prevention measures are important.
- Configuration Data:
- Sensitivity: High. Configuration data includes access credentials, security settings, and cluster configurations.
- Protection: Confidentiality and integrity are crucial. Secure storage and access control are necessary.
- Monitoring and Logging Data:
- Sensitivity: Medium to Low. Monitoring and logging data can contain operational information and potentially some user activity details.
- Protection: Integrity and availability are important for operational visibility and security auditing. Access control to monitoring data is needed.
- What are the specific compliance requirements for the project (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS)?
- What is the expected message volume and throughput for RocketMQ?
- What are the specific performance and latency requirements?
- What are the disaster recovery and business continuity requirements?
- What are the existing security policies and standards within the organization?
- What are the preferred authentication and authorization mechanisms?
- Is message-level encryption required for end-to-end security?
- What is the budget and timeline for implementing security controls?
- The organization prioritizes security and is willing to invest in implementing necessary security controls.
- The deployment environment is a cloud-based Kubernetes cluster.
- Standard security best practices for software development and operations are followed.
- The team has expertise in operating and securing distributed systems and Kubernetes.
- The organization has existing monitoring and logging infrastructure that can be integrated with RocketMQ.
- TLS encryption is mandatory for all network communication.
- Access control lists (ACLs) will be used for authorization within RocketMQ.
- Input validation and sanitization will be implemented for message payloads.
- Regular security audits and penetration testing will be conducted.