Objective: Disrupt/Exfiltrate/Execute via EventBus [HIGH RISK]
**Attacker's Goal:
Disrupt/Exfiltrate/Execute via EventBus** [HIGH RISK]
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1. Manipulate Event Flow [HIGH RISK] 2. Exploit Event Handling Logic
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1.1 Inject Malicious Events [HIGH RISK] 1.2 Replay/Reorder Events
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**1.1.1** 1.1.2
**Craft** Bypass
**Events** Event
**with** Type
**Mal-** Checks
**icious** (if
**Payload** any)
**Attacker's Goal:
Disrupt/Exfiltrate/Execute via EventBus** [HIGH RISK]
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1. Manipulate Event Flow [HIGH RISK] 2. Exploit Event Handling Logic
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--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
| | |
1.1 Inject Malicious Events [HIGH RISK] 1.2 Replay/Reorder Events 2.2 Data Exfiltration [HIGH RISK]
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------------------- ------------------- -------------------
| | | | |
**1.1.1** 1.1.2 1.2.1 **2.2.1** **2.2.2**
**Craft** Bypass Sniff **Post** **Post**
**Events** Event Events **Events** **Events**
**with** Type to **with** **with**
**Mal-** Checks Bypass **Sub-** **Sub-**
**icious** (if Sec. **scriber** **scriber**
**Payload** any) Checks **Logic** **Logic**
Attack Tree Path: Attacker's Goal: Disrupt/Exfiltrate/Execute via EventBus [HIGH RISK]
- Description: The ultimate objective of the attacker is to disrupt the application's functionality, steal sensitive data, or execute arbitrary code by leveraging vulnerabilities related to the EventBus implementation.
- Criticality: This is the root of the attack tree and defines the overall threat.
Attack Tree Path: 1. Manipulate Event Flow [HIGH RISK]
- Description: The attacker aims to alter the normal sequence, content, or delivery of events within the application. This is a high-risk vector because it can directly impact the application's logic and state.
- Sub-Vectors:
Attack Tree Path: 1.1 Inject Malicious Events [HIGH RISK]
* **Description:** The attacker attempts to introduce events containing harmful data or instructions into the EventBus.
* **Sub-Vectors:**
Attack Tree Path: 1.1.1 Craft Events with Malicious Payload [HIGH RISK] (CRITICAL NODE)
* **Description:** The attacker creates events with payloads designed to exploit vulnerabilities in subscribers. This could include SQL injection strings, cross-site scripting (XSS) payloads, command injection sequences, or other data designed to cause unintended behavior.
* **Likelihood:** Medium - Depends on the presence of input validation and sanitization.
* **Impact:** High - Can lead to complete system compromise, data breaches, or arbitrary code execution.
* **Effort:** Medium - Requires knowledge of the application's event structure and subscriber vulnerabilities.
* **Skill Level:** Medium to High - Needs understanding of injection vulnerabilities and how to exploit them.
* **Detection Difficulty:** Medium to High - Difficult if no input validation or logging is in place; easier with proper security measures.
Attack Tree Path: 1.1.2 Bypass Event Type Checks (if any)
* **Description:** If the application restricts the types of events that can be posted, the attacker tries to circumvent these checks.
* **Likelihood:** Low to Medium - Depends on the strength of the type checking mechanism.
* **Impact:** Medium to High - Depends on what the bypassed checks were protecting.
* **Effort:** Medium to High - Requires understanding the check mechanism and finding a bypass.
* **Skill Level:** High - Needs knowledge of type systems and potential bypass techniques.
* **Detection Difficulty:** Medium - Easier if checks are logged; harder if bypass is subtle.
Attack Tree Path: 1.2 Replay/Reorder Events
* **Description:** The attacker attempts to capture and resend legitimate events or change their order.
* **Sub-Vectors:**
Attack Tree Path: 1.2.1 Sniff Events to Bypass Security Checks [HIGH RISK]
* **Description:** The attacker intercepts events, potentially by exploiting network vulnerabilities.
* **Likelihood:** Medium - Assuming network vulnerabilities exist.
* **Impact:** Medium to High - Depending on event content.
* **Effort:** Medium - Requires network sniffing tools.
* **Skill Level:** Medium - Network security knowledge needed.
* **Detection Difficulty:** Medium to High - Difficult without network intrusion detection.
Attack Tree Path: 2. Exploit Event Handling Logic
- Description: The attacker targets vulnerabilities within the code that processes events (the subscribers).
- Sub-Vectors:
Attack Tree Path: 2.2 Data Exfiltration [HIGH RISK]
* **Description:** The attacker aims to steal sensitive data by exploiting how subscribers handle events.
* **Sub-Vectors:**
Attack Tree Path: 2.2.1 Post Events with Subscriber Logic [HIGH RISK] (CRITICAL NODE)
* **Description:** The attacker crafts events that, when processed by a vulnerable subscriber, cause it to leak sensitive information. This relies on flaws in the subscriber's code that allow it to be manipulated into revealing data it shouldn't.
* **Likelihood:** Low to Medium - Requires a specific vulnerability in a subscriber.
* **Impact:** High - Direct data breach.
* **Effort:** High - Requires deep understanding of subscriber code and vulnerability identification.
* **Skill Level:** High - Requires expertise in secure coding and vulnerability analysis.
* **Detection Difficulty:** High - Requires code auditing, dynamic analysis, and potentially data loss prevention (DLP) systems.
Attack Tree Path: 2.2.2 Post Events with Subscriber Logic [HIGH RISK] (CRITICAL NODE)
* **Description:** (Same as 2.2.1 - the duplication in the original tree was likely an error. Both represent the same attack vector.) The attacker crafts events that, when processed by a vulnerable subscriber, cause it to leak sensitive information. This relies on flaws in the subscriber's code that allow it to be manipulated into revealing data it shouldn't.
* **Likelihood:** Low to Medium - Requires a specific vulnerability in a subscriber.
* **Impact:** High - Direct data breach.
* **Effort:** High - Requires deep understanding of subscriber code and vulnerability identification.
* **Skill Level:** High - Requires expertise in secure coding and vulnerability analysis.
* **Detection Difficulty:** High - Requires code auditing, dynamic analysis, and potentially data loss prevention (DLP) systems.