Objective: Compromise application using SLF4j by exploiting weaknesses within SLF4j or its usage.
Application Compromise [CRITICAL NODE]
├───[AND] Exploit SLF4j Weaknesses [CRITICAL NODE]
│ ├───[OR] Exploit Known Vulnerabilities in Backend [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH - if backend is vulnerable]
│ │ ├───[Action] Exploit Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in backend (e.g., Log4Shell if Log4j is used and vulnerable) [HIGH-RISK PATH - if backend is vulnerable]
│ ├───[OR] Exploit Misuse of SLF4j API leading to Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ ├───[AND] Log Injection via User-Controlled Input [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ │ ├───[Action] Identify log statements that include user-controlled input without proper sanitization [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ │ └───[OR] Exploit Log Injection Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ │ ├───[Action] Format String Vulnerability in Logging [HIGH-RISK PATH]
│ │ │ └───[Action] Sensitive Data Logging [HIGH-RISK PATH]
Attack Tree Path: Application Compromise [CRITICAL NODE]
- Description: This is the ultimate attacker goal - to fully compromise the application. Success at this node means the attacker has achieved significant control over the application and its environment.
- Attack Vectors Leading Here (from sub-tree):
- Exploiting SLF4j Weaknesses.
Attack Tree Path: Exploit SLF4j Weaknesses [CRITICAL NODE]
- Description: This node represents the broad category of attacks that target weaknesses related to SLF4j, either in the underlying logging backend or in how SLF4j is used in the application.
- Attack Vectors Leading Here (from sub-tree):
- Exploit Known Vulnerabilities in Backend.
- Exploit Misuse of SLF4j API leading to Vulnerabilities.
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Known Vulnerabilities in Backend [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH - if backend is vulnerable]
- Description: This path becomes high-risk if the application uses a logging backend (like Log4j, Logback, etc.) that has known, exploitable vulnerabilities. The most critical example is Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities.
- Attack Vectors:
- Exploit Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in backend:
- Vulnerability: Known RCE vulnerabilities in the logging backend (e.g., Log4Shell in Log4j).
- Likelihood: Low to Medium (depends on backend and patch status).
- Impact: Critical (full application compromise).
- Effort: Low to Medium (exploits often public).
- Skill Level: Medium.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard.
- Exploit Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in backend:
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Misuse of SLF4j API leading to Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Description: This path is high-risk because it targets common developer mistakes in using the SLF4j API, particularly when handling user-controlled input in log messages.
- Attack Vectors:
- Log Injection via User-Controlled Input [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Vulnerability: Including user-controlled input directly into log messages without proper sanitization or using parameterized logging.
- Likelihood: High (common coding mistake).
- Impact: Varies, can lead to format string vulnerabilities, log forging, sensitive data logging.
- Effort: Low to Medium.
- Skill Level: Low to Medium.
- Detection Difficulty: Medium.
- Sub-Vectors:
- Identify log statements that include user-controlled input without proper sanitization [HIGH-RISK PATH]: This is the prerequisite step, identifying vulnerable logging points in the code.
- Exploit Log Injection Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]: This node groups the specific types of log injection exploits.
- Log Injection via User-Controlled Input [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
Attack Tree Path: Exploit Log Injection Vulnerabilities [CRITICAL NODE] [HIGH-RISK PATH]
- Description: This node represents the exploitation of vulnerabilities arising from log injection.
- Attack Vectors:
- Format String Vulnerability in Logging [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Vulnerability: Using string concatenation with user-controlled input in log messages, allowing format string specifiers to be interpreted by the logging backend.
- Likelihood: Medium (less common now, but still possible).
- Impact: Significant to Critical (information disclosure, potentially code execution).
- Effort: Low to Medium.
- Skill Level: Medium.
- Detection Difficulty: Hard.
- Sensitive Data Logging [HIGH-RISK PATH]:
- Vulnerability: Unintentionally logging sensitive data (passwords, API keys, PII) in log messages.
- Likelihood: High (very common mistake).
- Impact: Significant to Critical (data breach, privacy violation).
- Effort: Low (simply accessing logs).
- Skill Level: Low.
- Detection Difficulty: Easy to Medium.
- Format String Vulnerability in Logging [HIGH-RISK PATH]: