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383 lines (364 loc) · 20 KB

File metadata and controls

383 lines (364 loc) · 20 KB


  • Business Priorities and Goals:
  • Goal: Simplify the development of modern, dynamic web applications.
  • Goal: Enhance user experience by enabling smoother, more interactive web pages without full page reloads.
  • Goal: Reduce server load and improve application performance by minimizing data transfer and processing.
  • Priority: Developer productivity and ease of use.
  • Priority: Performance and efficiency of web applications.
  • Business Risks:
  • Risk: Security vulnerabilities in htmx library could be exploited in applications using it, leading to data breaches or other security incidents.
  • Risk: Improper use of htmx by developers could introduce security vulnerabilities into web applications.
  • Risk: Dependency on a third-party library introduces potential supply chain risks.
  • Risk: Lack of comprehensive documentation or community support could hinder adoption and increase development time.


  • Existing Security Controls:
  • security control: Source code hosted on GitHub, enabling community review and contribution. (Implemented: GitHub Repository)
  • security control: Open-source license, allowing for public scrutiny and audits. (Implemented: GitHub Repository)
  • security control: Standard development practices for a JavaScript library, likely including testing and linting. (Description: Assumed based on typical open-source projects)
  • Accepted Risks:
  • accepted risk: Reliance on client-side JavaScript execution, which is inherently less secure than server-side processing.
  • accepted risk: Potential for client-side manipulation of htmx requests and responses.
  • accepted risk: Vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies used by htmx.
  • Recommended Security Controls:
  • recommended security control: Implement automated security scanning (SAST, dependency checking) in the CI/CD pipeline for htmx development.
  • recommended security control: Conduct regular security audits of the htmx codebase by security experts.
  • recommended security control: Provide clear security guidelines and best practices for developers using htmx in their applications.
  • recommended security control: Establish a process for reporting and addressing security vulnerabilities in htmx.
  • Security Requirements:
  • Authentication:
  • Requirement: Authentication is not directly handled by htmx itself. Applications using htmx must implement their own authentication mechanisms on the server-side.
  • Requirement: htmx should not introduce any vulnerabilities that could bypass or weaken application authentication.
  • Authorization:
  • Requirement: Authorization is not directly handled by htmx itself. Applications using htmx must implement their own authorization mechanisms on the server-side to control access to resources and functionalities.
  • Requirement: htmx should not introduce any vulnerabilities that could bypass or weaken application authorization.
  • Input Validation:
  • Requirement: htmx should properly handle and sanitize user inputs to prevent XSS vulnerabilities within the library itself.
  • Requirement: Applications using htmx must perform thorough input validation on both client-side and server-side to protect against various injection attacks.
  • Requirement: htmx should encourage or provide mechanisms for developers to easily sanitize data rendered dynamically.
  • Cryptography:
  • Requirement: Cryptography is not a core functionality of htmx. If cryptographic operations are needed, they should be implemented by the application using htmx, leveraging secure browser APIs or server-side cryptography.
  • Requirement: htmx should not interfere with or weaken cryptographic implementations in applications using it.
  • Requirement: If htmx handles sensitive data in transit (e.g., via AJAX requests), ensure HTTPS is used to encrypt communication.


flowchart LR
   subgraph Web Application User
       U["Web Application User"]
   subgraph Web Browser
       WB["Web Browser"]
   subgraph htmx Project
       H["htmx Library"]
   subgraph Backend Server
       BS["Backend Server"]
   subgraph CDN
       CDN["Content Delivery Network (Optional)"]

   U -- "Interacts with" --> WB
   WB -- "Requests HTML & Executes JavaScript" --> BS
   WB -- "Fetches htmx Library" --> CDN
   WB -- "Executes htmx" --> H
   H -- "Makes AJAX Requests" --> BS
   BS -- "Returns HTML Fragments" --> H
   H -- "Updates DOM" --> WB
   WB -- "Presents UI" --> U
  • C4 Context Elements:

  • Element:

  • Name: Web Application User

  • Type: Person

  • Description: End-user interacting with a web application that utilizes htmx.

  • Responsibilities: Uses the web application to perform tasks and access information.

  • Security controls: User authentication (handled by the web application, not htmx).

  • Element:

  • Name: Web Browser

  • Type: Software System

  • Description: Web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) used by the end-user to access the web application.

  • Responsibilities: Renders HTML, executes JavaScript (including htmx), and communicates with backend servers.

  • Security controls: Browser security features (CSP, XSS protection, etc.), Same-Origin Policy.

  • Element:

  • Name: htmx Library

  • Type: Software System

  • Description: JavaScript library that allows accessing AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes.

  • Responsibilities: Intercepts user interactions, makes AJAX requests to the backend server based on HTML attributes, updates the DOM with received HTML fragments.

  • Security controls: Input sanitization within htmx to prevent XSS, secure coding practices in htmx development.

  • Element:

  • Name: Backend Server

  • Type: Software System

  • Description: Server-side application that provides data and logic for the web application.

  • Responsibilities: Handles user requests, authenticates and authorizes users, processes data, generates HTML fragments, and interacts with databases or other services.

  • Security controls: Server-side authentication and authorization, input validation, secure API design, protection against server-side vulnerabilities.

  • Element:

  • Name: Content Delivery Network (Optional)

  • Type: Software System

  • Description: Optional CDN used to host and distribute the htmx JavaScript library for faster loading times.

  • Responsibilities: Caches and delivers the htmx library to web browsers.

  • Security controls: CDN security measures to protect against content tampering and ensure availability.


flowchart LR
   subgraph Web Browser Container
       WB["Web Browser"]
       JS["JavaScript Engine"]
       H["htmx Library (JavaScript)"]
       WB -- Executes --> JS
       JS -- Modifies --> DOM
       JS -- Executes --> H
       H -- Modifies --> DOM
       H -- "Makes AJAX Requests" --> Network
   subgraph Network Boundary
   subgraph Backend Server Container
       AS["Application Server"]
       WA["Web Application Logic"]
       API["API Endpoints"]
       DB["Database (Optional)"]
       AS -- Hosts --> WA
       WA -- Exposes --> API
       WA -- "Interacts with" --> DB
       Network -- "HTTP Requests/Responses" --> API
   WB -- "Uses Network" --> Network
  • C4 Container Elements:

  • Element:

  • Name: Web Browser

  • Type: Container

  • Description: Represents the user's web browser environment.

  • Responsibilities: Provides runtime environment for JavaScript, renders HTML and CSS, handles user interactions.

  • Security controls: Browser security features (CSP, XSS protection, etc.), sandboxing, Same-Origin Policy.

  • Element:

  • Name: JavaScript Engine

  • Type: Container

  • Description: Component within the web browser responsible for executing JavaScript code.

  • Responsibilities: Executes htmx library code and application JavaScript code.

  • Security controls: JavaScript engine security features, memory management, protection against malicious scripts.

  • Element:

  • Name: DOM

  • Type: Container

  • Description: Document Object Model, representing the structure of the web page.

  • Responsibilities: Stores and manages the web page content, allows JavaScript to manipulate the page structure and content.

  • Security controls: Browser-enforced DOM security policies, protection against DOM-based XSS.

  • Element:

  • Name: htmx Library (JavaScript)

  • Type: Container

  • Description: The htmx JavaScript library file loaded into the web browser.

  • Responsibilities: Implements htmx functionality, handles AJAX requests, updates the DOM.

  • Security controls: Secure coding practices in htmx development, input sanitization within htmx.

  • Element:

  • Name: Network

  • Type: Container

  • Description: Represents the network connection between the web browser and the backend server.

  • Responsibilities: Transports HTTP requests and responses.

  • Security controls: HTTPS encryption for data in transit.

  • Element:

  • Name: Application Server

  • Type: Container

  • Description: Server-side application server hosting the web application.

  • Responsibilities: Hosts the web application logic and API endpoints.

  • Security controls: Server hardening, access controls, web application firewall (WAF).

  • Element:

  • Name: Web Application Logic

  • Type: Container

  • Description: Server-side code implementing the business logic of the web application.

  • Responsibilities: Handles user requests, implements authentication and authorization, processes data, generates HTML fragments.

  • Security controls: Secure coding practices, input validation, output encoding, authorization mechanisms.

  • Element:

  • Name: API Endpoints

  • Type: Container

  • Description: REST or other API endpoints exposed by the web application for htmx to interact with.

  • Responsibilities: Receive AJAX requests from htmx, process requests, and return HTML fragments or data.

  • Security controls: API authentication and authorization, input validation, rate limiting, API security best practices.

  • Element:

  • Name: Database (Optional)

  • Type: Container

  • Description: Optional database used by the web application to store data.

  • Responsibilities: Persists application data.

  • Security controls: Database access controls, encryption at rest, regular backups, database security hardening.


  • Deployment Architecture Options:

  • Option 1: CDN Deployment - htmx library is hosted on a CDN and linked in web applications.

  • Option 2: Self-Hosted Deployment - htmx library is hosted directly on the web application's servers.

  • Option 3: Package Manager Deployment - htmx library is installed via a package manager (npm, yarn) and bundled with the web application's assets.

  • Detailed Deployment Architecture (CDN Deployment - Example):

flowchart LR
   subgraph Development Environment
       DEV["Developer Machine"]
   subgraph Build Environment
       CI["CI/CD System"]
   subgraph CDN Deployment
       CDN_S["CDN Storage"]
       CDN_D["CDN Distribution Network"]
   subgraph Production Environment
       WEB_SERVER["Web Server"]
       WEB_APP["Web Application"]
       WB["Web Browser"]
       USER["Web Application User"]

   DEV -- "Code Commit" --> CI
   CI -- "Build & Publish" --> CDN_S
   CDN_S -- "Replicates to" --> CDN_D
   WEB_SERVER -- "Serves Web App" --> WEB_APP
   WEB_APP -- "Links to htmx from CDN" --> CDN_D
   WB -- "Requests Web App" --> WEB_SERVER
   WB -- "Fetches htmx" --> CDN_D
   USER -- "Uses Web App" --> WB
  • Deployment Elements (CDN Deployment - Example):

  • Element:

  • Name: Developer Machine

  • Type: Infrastructure

  • Description: Developer's local machine used for coding and development.

  • Responsibilities: Code development, testing, and committing changes.

  • Security controls: Local security measures, developer authentication.

  • Element:

  • Name: CI/CD System

  • Type: Infrastructure

  • Description: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery system (e.g., GitHub Actions, Jenkins).

  • Responsibilities: Automated building, testing, and publishing of htmx library.

  • Security controls: Access controls, secure build pipelines, secret management.

  • Element:

  • Name: CDN Storage

  • Type: Infrastructure

  • Description: Storage within the CDN infrastructure where the htmx library files are stored.

  • Responsibilities: Storing and serving htmx library files.

  • Security controls: CDN provider's security measures, access controls.

  • Element:

  • Name: CDN Distribution Network

  • Type: Infrastructure

  • Description: Globally distributed network of servers that cache and deliver the htmx library.

  • Responsibilities: Caching and delivering htmx library files to end-users with low latency.

  • Security controls: CDN provider's security measures, DDoS protection.

  • Element:

  • Name: Web Server

  • Type: Infrastructure

  • Description: Web server hosting the web application.

  • Responsibilities: Serving the web application's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

  • Security controls: Server hardening, access controls, web server security configurations.

  • Element:

  • Name: Web Application

  • Type: Infrastructure

  • Description: Deployed web application that uses htmx.

  • Responsibilities: Running the web application logic, interacting with htmx library in the browser.

  • Security controls: Web application security measures, authentication, authorization, input validation.

  • Element:

  • Name: Web Browser

  • Type: Infrastructure

  • Description: User's web browser accessing the web application.

  • Responsibilities: Rendering the web application, executing JavaScript including htmx.

  • Security controls: Browser security features.

  • Element:

  • Name: Web Application User

  • Type: Infrastructure

  • Description: End-user accessing the web application.

  • Responsibilities: Using the web application.

  • Security controls: User authentication (handled by the web application).


flowchart LR
   subgraph Developer
       DEV["Developer Machine"]
   subgraph Source Code Repository
       REPO["GitHub Repository"]
   subgraph CI/CD System
       CI["CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions)"]
       BUILD_S["Build Stage"]
       TEST_S["Test Stage"]
       SCAN_S["Security Scan Stage (SAST, Dependency Check)"]
       PUBLISH_S["Publish Stage"]
   subgraph Artifact Repository
       ARTIFACT["CDN /"]

   DEV -- "Code Changes" --> REPO
   REPO -- "Webhook Trigger" --> CI
   CI -- "Starts" --> BUILD_S
   BUILD_S -- "Builds Library" --> TEST_S
   TEST_S -- "Runs Tests" --> SCAN_S
   SCAN_S -- "Security Checks" --> PUBLISH_S
   PUBLISH_S -- "Publishes Artifacts" --> ARTIFACT
  • Build Elements:
  • Element:
  • Name: Developer Machine
  • Type: Build Component
  • Description: Developer's local machine where code is written and initially tested.
  • Responsibilities: Code development, local testing, committing code changes.
  • Security controls: Developer workstation security, code review before commit.
  • Element:
  • Name: GitHub Repository
  • Type: Build Component
  • Description: Source code repository hosted on GitHub.
  • Responsibilities: Version control, source code management, collaboration.
  • Security controls: Access controls, branch protection, commit signing.
  • Element:
  • Name: CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions)
  • Type: Build Component
  • Description: Automated CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.
  • Responsibilities: Automating build, test, security scanning, and publishing processes.
  • Security controls: Secure pipeline configuration, secret management, access controls for pipeline definition.
  • Element:
  • Name: Build Stage
  • Type: Build Component
  • Description: Stage in the CI/CD pipeline responsible for compiling or building the htmx library.
  • Responsibilities: Compiling JavaScript, bundling, and creating distributable files.
  • Security controls: Use of trusted build tools and environments, dependency management.
  • Element:
  • Name: Test Stage
  • Type: Build Component
  • Description: Stage in the CI/CD pipeline responsible for running automated tests.
  • Responsibilities: Running unit tests, integration tests, and other automated tests to ensure code quality and functionality.
  • Security controls: Comprehensive test suite, test environment security.
  • Element:
  • Name: Security Scan Stage (SAST, Dependency Check)
  • Type: Build Component
  • Description: Stage in the CI/CD pipeline for performing security scans.
  • Responsibilities: Static Application Security Testing (SAST) to identify potential vulnerabilities in the code, dependency checking to identify vulnerable dependencies.
  • Security controls: Integration of SAST tools and dependency scanning tools, vulnerability reporting.
  • Element:
  • Name: Publish Stage
  • Type: Build Component
  • Description: Stage in the CI/CD pipeline responsible for publishing the built artifacts.
  • Responsibilities: Publishing htmx library to CDN or package registries (e.g.,
  • Security controls: Secure publishing process, artifact signing, access controls for publishing credentials.
  • Element:
  • Name: Artifact Repository (CDN /
  • Type: Build Component
  • Description: Repository where the built htmx library artifacts are stored and distributed.
  • Responsibilities: Hosting and distributing htmx library files.
  • Security controls: CDN/registry provider security, access controls, integrity checks for published artifacts.


  • Critical Business Processes:
  • Process: Development and maintenance of the htmx library itself.
  • Process: Usage of htmx library by developers to build web applications.
  • Process: Distribution and availability of the htmx library.
  • Data to Protect and Sensitivity:
  • Data: htmx library source code. Sensitivity: High (integrity and confidentiality of the source code are important to prevent malicious modifications and maintain trust).
  • Data: Build artifacts (JavaScript files). Sensitivity: High (integrity and availability of the build artifacts are crucial for users relying on the library).
  • Data: Usage data (indirectly, through applications using htmx). Sensitivity: Depends on the applications using htmx. htmx itself does not directly handle sensitive user data.


  • Question: What is the primary target audience for htmx? (Assumption: Web developers building interactive web applications).
  • Question: What are the key performance metrics that htmx aims to improve? (Assumption: Perceived performance, reduced server load, faster page interactions).
  • Question: What is the long-term vision and roadmap for htmx? (Assumption: Continued development, community growth, and adoption as a standard web development tool).
  • Question: Are there any known security vulnerabilities in htmx? (Assumption: Based on open-source nature and community review, major vulnerabilities are likely to be addressed promptly, but ongoing vigilance is needed).
  • Question: What security testing practices are currently in place for htmx development? (Assumption: Standard testing practices, but potential for improvement with dedicated security scanning and audits).
  • Question: Are there documented security guidelines for developers using htmx? (Assumption: Need to verify and potentially enhance security documentation for users).
  • Question: What are the typical deployment scenarios for applications using htmx? (Assumption: Variety of deployment environments, from simple web servers to complex cloud infrastructures).
  • Question: What are the performance considerations for htmx in different browsers and network conditions? (Assumption: Generally performant, but potential edge cases and optimizations to consider).
  • Question: How does htmx handle accessibility and internationalization? (Assumption: Accessibility and i18n are important considerations for web applications using htmx, and htmx should not hinder these aspects).