Objective: To gain unauthorized access to sensitive user data or functionality within a uni-app application, leveraging vulnerabilities specific to the framework's cross-platform nature or its implementation.
[Attacker's Goal: Gain Unauthorized Access to Sensitive User Data/Functionality] | --------------------------------------------------- | | [Exploit Cross-Platform [Exploit uni-app Specific Vulnerabilities] Implementation Flaws] | |
| | | [Critical Node] | ->High-Risk Path->[XSS via [Bypass | WebView] Platform- | Specific | Security | Controls] | | -> High-Risk Path -> [Exploit Platform Specific API Weakness]
Attack Tree Path: Critical Node: [Bypass Platform-Specific Security Controls]
- Description: This represents the attacker successfully circumventing the security mechanisms built into the underlying operating system (Android, iOS, etc.). This often involves exploiting vulnerabilities in the communication bridge between the JavaScript environment and the native code. Examples of platform security controls include sandboxing, code signing, and permission models.
- Impact: Very High. Bypassing these controls grants the attacker near-unrestricted access to the device, potentially allowing them to:
- Steal any data stored on the device.
- Install malicious software.
- Monitor user activity.
- Take control of device hardware (camera, microphone, etc.).
- How it's Exploited (within the context of uni-app):
- Vulnerabilities in the Bridge: The attacker finds and exploits a flaw in the uni-app bridge implementation (e.g., a buffer overflow, type confusion, logic error) to execute arbitrary native code. This bypasses the intended restrictions imposed by the platform.
- Improperly Secured Native APIs: If the bridge exposes native APIs without proper security checks, the attacker might be able to call these APIs directly from JavaScript to perform actions that should be restricted.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Very High
- Effort: High
- Skill Level: Expert
- Detection Difficulty: Hard
Attack Tree Path: High-Risk Path: -> [Exploit Cross-Platform Vulnerabilities] -> [Platform-Specific Bridge Bypass] -> [Bypass Platform-Specific Security Controls]
- Description: This path represents the attacker leveraging a cross-platform vulnerability, specifically targeting the bridge, to ultimately bypass platform security.
- Attack Vector Breakdown:
- Exploit Cross-Platform Vulnerabilities: The attacker focuses on finding weaknesses that exist because of uni-app's cross-platform nature.
- Platform-Specific Bridge Bypass: The attacker targets the mechanism that uni-app uses to communicate between JavaScript and native code. This bridge is a critical point of vulnerability.
- Bypass Platform-Specific Security Controls: (See description above).
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Very High
- Effort: High
- Skill Level: Expert
- Detection Difficulty: Hard
Attack Tree Path: High-Risk Path: -> [Exploit uni-app Specific Implementation Flaws] -> [WebView Vulnerabilities] -> [XSS via WebView]
- Description: This path represents a classic web attack (Cross-Site Scripting) carried out within the WebView component of a uni-app application.
- Attack Vector Breakdown:
- Exploit uni-app Specific Implementation Flaws: The attacker looks for weaknesses that are specific to how uni-app is implemented.
- WebView Vulnerabilities: The attacker targets the WebView component, which is essentially an embedded browser.
- XSS via WebView: The attacker injects malicious JavaScript code into the WebView. This can happen if the application doesn't properly sanitize user input or if there's a vulnerability in a third-party library used within the WebView. The injected script then executes in the context of the application, allowing the attacker to:
- Steal user cookies (session hijacking).
- Access data stored within the WebView's context.
- Redirect the user to a malicious website.
- Deface the application's UI.
- Potentially interact with the uni-app bridge (if the bridge is not properly secured).
- Likelihood: High
- Impact: Medium to High
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
Attack Tree Path: High-Risk Path: -> [Exploit Cross-Platform Vulnerabilities] -> [Inconsistent API Behavior] -> [Exploit Platform-Specific API Weakness]
- Description: This path represents an attacker exploiting differences in how APIs are implemented across different platforms supported by uni-app.
- Attack Vector Breakdown:
- Exploit Cross-Platform Vulnerabilities: The attacker focuses on the challenges of maintaining consistent behavior across diverse platforms.
- Inconsistent API Behavior: uni-app strives for cross-platform compatibility, but subtle differences can exist in how APIs function on Android, iOS, the web, and various mini-program platforms. For example, file system access, network requests, or sensor data handling might have platform-specific quirks.
- Exploit Platform-Specific API Weakness: The attacker identifies an API that behaves differently on one platform and leverages this inconsistency to their advantage. An API that is secure on one platform might have a vulnerability on another. This could involve:
- Bypassing security checks that are present on one platform but not another.
- Gaining access to resources that should be restricted.
- Causing the application to behave in an unexpected or insecure way.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Medium to High
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium