Objective: Achieve Remote Code Execution (RCE) on the Egg.js Application Server
| | [2. Leverage Plugin/Middleware Vulnerabilities] [HR] [3. Exploit Misconfigurations] [HR] | -------|------- -------|------- | [2.1] [HR] [3.2] [HR] [CN] Vulnerable Weak/Default Plugin Credentials Selection (e.g., in config)
| -------|------- -------|------- | [2.1.1] [HR] [3.2.1] [HR] [CN] Popular Admin/Dev Plugin Credentials with Hardcoded Known in Source Vulner- Code ability
[3.2.2] [HR] [CN]
Attack Tree Path: 2. Leverage Plugin/Middleware Vulnerabilities [HR]
- Description: This path focuses on exploiting vulnerabilities within plugins or middleware used by the Egg.js application. Egg.js's modular architecture relies heavily on plugins, making this a significant attack surface.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: High to Very High (RCE, depending on plugin functionality)
- Effort: Low to Medium (Exploits may be publicly available)
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (IDS/IPS, WAF can detect known exploit signatures)
Attack Tree Path: 2.1 Vulnerable Plugin Selection [HR]
- Description: The attacker chooses to target a plugin known to have vulnerabilities or one that is poorly maintained and likely to have unpatched issues.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: High to Very High
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie to Intermediate
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
Attack Tree Path: 2.1.1 Popular Plugin with Known Vulnerability [HR]
- Description: The attacker specifically targets a widely used Egg.js plugin that has a publicly disclosed vulnerability (e.g., a CVE). Exploits for these vulnerabilities are often readily available.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: High to Very High (RCE)
- Effort: Low (Public exploits available)
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie to Beginner
- Detection Difficulty: Medium (IDS/IPS, WAF can detect known exploit signatures)
Attack Tree Path: 3. Exploit Misconfigurations [HR]
- Description: This path involves exploiting common misconfigurations in the Egg.js application or its environment. These are often low-hanging fruit for attackers.
- Likelihood: Medium to High
- Impact: Varies, but can be Very High (especially with credential issues)
- Effort: Generally Low
- Skill Level: Often Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Varies, from Easy to Medium
Attack Tree Path: 3.2 Weak/Default Credentials [HR] [CN]
- Description: The attacker leverages weak, default, or easily guessable credentials to gain access to the application, its database, or other connected services. This is a critical node because it often provides a direct path to compromise.
- Likelihood: Medium (Unfortunately common)
- Impact: Very High (Complete compromise)
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Easy (If exposed) to Hard (If brute-forcing is required)
Attack Tree Path: 3.2.1 Admin/Dev Credentials Hardcoded in Source Code [HR] [CN]
- Description: Developer or administrator credentials are mistakenly left hardcoded within the application's source code. If an attacker gains access to the source code (e.g., through a repository leak or another vulnerability), they can easily obtain these credentials.
- Likelihood: Low (Should be very rare with good practices)
- Impact: Very High (Complete compromise)
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Easy (If source code is accessible)
Attack Tree Path: 3.2.2 Default Database Credentials [HR] [CN]
- Description: The application uses the default credentials for its database connection. These credentials are often well-known and easily found online.
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Very High (Complete database compromise, potential for RCE)
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Script Kiddie
- Detection Difficulty: Easy