Objective: Compromise Hexo Application by Exploiting Hexo-Specific Weaknesses (Focus on High-Risk Paths)
[CRITICAL NODE] Compromise Hexo Application [HIGH RISK PATH - Plugin/Theme Vulns, Dependency Vulns, Supply Chain] ├───[OR]─ [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Hexo Plugin Vulnerabilities [HIGH RISK PATH] │ ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Identify Vulnerable Hexo Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH] │ │ └───[OR]─ Review Plugin Code on npm/GitHub │ │ └───[OR]─ Fuzz Plugin Input Parameters │ ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Vulnerability in Plugin [HIGH RISK PATH] │ │ └───[OR]─ Craft Malicious Input to Plugin (e.g., in Markdown, Front-matter) │ ├───[AND]─ Trigger Plugin Execution during Hexo Build │ │ └───[OR]─ Include Malicious Content in Source Files processed by Plugin │ └───[THEN]─ Achieve Compromise via Plugin (e.g., Code Execution, File System Access)
├───[OR]─ [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Hexo Theme Vulnerabilities [HIGH RISK PATH] │ ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Identify Vulnerable Hexo Theme [HIGH RISK PATH] │ │ └───[OR]─ Review Theme Code on GitHub/Theme Repositories │ │ └───[OR]─ Analyze Theme's JavaScript and Templating Logic │ ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Vulnerability in Theme [HIGH RISK PATH] │ │ └───[OR]─ Craft Malicious Content to Trigger Theme Vulnerability (e.g., XSS in templates) │ ├───[AND]─ User Browses Site with Vulnerable Theme │ │ └───[OR]─ Publicly Accessible Hexo Site using Vulnerable Theme │ └───[THEN]─ Achieve Compromise via Theme (e.g., XSS, Client-Side Attacks)
├───[OR]─ [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Hexo Dependency Vulnerabilities [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Identify Vulnerable Dependencies of Hexo or Plugins/Themes [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ └───[OR]─ Analyze package.json
and package-lock.json
│ │ └───[OR]─ Use Dependency Scanning Tools (e.g., npm audit
, yarn audit
, Snyk)
│ ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Exploit Vulnerability in Dependency [HIGH RISK PATH]
│ │ └───[OR]─ Leverage Known Exploits for Vulnerable Dependency
│ ├───[AND]─ Dependency Used during Hexo Build or Runtime (Plugins/Themes)
│ │ └───[OR]─ Vulnerable Dependency Loaded during hexo generate
│ │ └───[OR]─ Vulnerable Dependency Used by Theme JavaScript in Browser
│ └───[THEN]─ Achieve Compromise via Dependency (e.g., Code Execution, Denial of Service)
└───[OR]─ [HIGH RISK PATH] [CRITICAL NODE] Supply Chain Attacks Targeting Hexo Ecosystem [HIGH RISK PATH - CRITICAL IMPACT] ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Compromise Hexo Core, Plugin, or Theme Repository/Maintainer Account [HIGH RISK PATH - CRITICAL IMPACT] │ └───[OR]─ Phishing Maintainers for Credentials │ └───[OR]─ Exploit Vulnerabilities in Maintainer's Infrastructure ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Inject Malicious Code into Hexo Core, Plugin, or Theme [HIGH RISK PATH - CRITICAL IMPACT] │ └───[OR]─ Commit Malicious Code to Repository │ └───[OR]─ Publish Malicious Package to npm ├───[AND]─ [CRITICAL NODE] Users Install Compromised Hexo/Plugin/Theme [HIGH RISK PATH - CRITICAL IMPACT] │ └───[OR]─ Users Update to Compromised Version │ └───[OR]─ New Users Install Compromised Version └───[THEN]─ Achieve Widespread Compromise of Hexo Applications
Attack Tree Path: 1. Exploit Hexo Plugin Vulnerabilities (High-Risk Path, Critical Node)
Attack Vector: Exploiting vulnerabilities within Hexo plugins. Plugins are often community-developed and may have less rigorous security checks than the core Hexo project.
- Attack Steps:
- Identify Vulnerable Hexo Plugin (Critical Node):
- Review Plugin Code on npm/GitHub:
- Likelihood: Medium to High
- Impact: Potentially High (if vulnerability found)
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Medium
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- Fuzz Plugin Input Parameters:
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Potentially High (if vulnerability found)
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Medium
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- Review Plugin Code on npm/GitHub:
- Exploit Vulnerability in Plugin (Critical Node):
- Craft Malicious Input to Plugin (e.g., in Markdown, Front-matter):
- Likelihood: High (if vulnerability exists)
- Impact: Medium to High (Code execution during build, file access)
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Medium
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- Craft Malicious Input to Plugin (e.g., in Markdown, Front-matter):
- Trigger Plugin Execution during Hexo Build:
- Include Malicious Content in Source Files processed by Plugin:
- Likelihood: Very High
- Impact: Medium to High (Plugin execution with malicious content)
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Low
- Detection Difficulty: Easy to Medium
- Include Malicious Content in Source Files processed by Plugin:
- Identify Vulnerable Hexo Plugin (Critical Node):
- Potential Impact: Code execution on the build server, file system access, modification of generated site content.
Attack Tree Path: 2. Exploit Hexo Theme Vulnerabilities (High-Risk Path, Critical Node)
Attack Vector: Exploiting vulnerabilities within Hexo themes. Themes, like plugins, are often community-developed and can be prone to client-side vulnerabilities, especially XSS.
- Attack Steps:
- Identify Vulnerable Hexo Theme (Critical Node):
- Review Theme Code on GitHub/Theme Repositories:
- Likelihood: Medium to High
- Impact: Potentially High (if vulnerability found)
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Medium
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- Analyze Theme's JavaScript and Templating Logic:
- Likelihood: Medium to High
- Impact: Potentially High (XSS, client-side attacks)
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Medium
- Detection Difficulty: Medium
- Review Theme Code on GitHub/Theme Repositories:
- Exploit Vulnerability in Theme (Critical Node):
- Craft Malicious Content to Trigger Theme Vulnerability (e.g., XSS in templates):
- Likelihood: High (if vulnerability exists)
- Impact: Medium (Client-side XSS, user compromise)
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Low to Medium
- Detection Difficulty: Easy to Medium
- Craft Malicious Content to Trigger Theme Vulnerability (e.g., XSS in templates):
- User Browses Site with Vulnerable Theme:
- Publicly Accessible Hexo Site using Vulnerable Theme:
- Likelihood: Very High
- Impact: Medium (User compromise via XSS)
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Low
- Detection Difficulty: Very Easy
- Publicly Accessible Hexo Site using Vulnerable Theme:
- Identify Vulnerable Hexo Theme (Critical Node):
- Potential Impact: Client-side attacks like XSS, leading to session hijacking, cookie theft, redirection to malicious sites, or website defacement in the user's browser.
Attack Vector: Exploiting known vulnerabilities in the dependencies used by Hexo core, plugins, or themes.
- Attack Steps:
- Identify Vulnerable Dependencies of Hexo or Plugins/Themes (Critical Node):
- Analyze
:- Likelihood: Very High
- Impact: Potentially High (if vulnerable dependency exists)
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Low
- Detection Difficulty: Very Easy
- Use Dependency Scanning Tools (e.g.,
npm audit
,yarn audit
, Snyk):- Likelihood: Very High
- Impact: Potentially High (if vulnerable dependency exists)
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Low
- Detection Difficulty: Very Easy
- Analyze
- Exploit Vulnerability in Dependency (Critical Node):
- Leverage Known Exploits for Vulnerable Dependency:
- Likelihood: Medium to High
- Impact: High to Critical (Dependency vulnerabilities can be severe)
- Effort: Low to Medium
- Skill Level: Medium
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard
- Leverage Known Exploits for Vulnerable Dependency:
- Dependency Used during Hexo Build or Runtime (Plugins/Themes):
- Vulnerable Dependency Loaded during
hexo generate
:- Likelihood: Very High
- Impact: High to Critical (Code execution on build server)
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Low
- Detection Difficulty: Hard
- Vulnerable Dependency Used by Theme JavaScript in Browser:
- Likelihood: Medium to High
- Impact: Medium (Client-side compromise, XSS-like)
- Effort: Low
- Skill Level: Low
- Detection Difficulty: Easy to Medium
- Vulnerable Dependency Loaded during
- Identify Vulnerable Dependencies of Hexo or Plugins/Themes (Critical Node):
- Potential Impact: Denial of service, arbitrary code execution on the build server, or client-side compromise depending on the nature of the dependency vulnerability.
Attack Tree Path: 4. Supply Chain Attacks Targeting Hexo Ecosystem (High-Risk Path - Critical Impact, Critical Node)
Attack Vector: Compromising the Hexo supply chain to inject malicious code into Hexo core, plugins, or themes at their source, affecting a wide range of users.
- Attack Steps:
- Compromise Hexo Core, Plugin, or Theme Repository/Maintainer Account (Critical Node):
- Phishing Maintainers for Credentials:
- Likelihood: Low to Medium
- Impact: Critical (Full control over project)
- Effort: Medium
- Skill Level: Medium
- Detection Difficulty: Hard
- Exploit Vulnerabilities in Maintainer's Infrastructure:
- Likelihood: Low
- Impact: Critical (Full control over project)
- Effort: Medium to High
- Skill Level: Medium to High
- Detection Difficulty: Hard
- Phishing Maintainers for Credentials:
- Inject Malicious Code into Hexo Core, Plugin, or Theme (Critical Node):
- Commit Malicious Code to Repository:
- Likelihood: Low
- Impact: Critical (Malicious code in source)
- Effort: Low (If account compromised)
- Skill Level: Low (If account compromised)
- Detection Difficulty: Hard
- Publish Malicious Package to npm:
- Likelihood: Low
- Impact: Critical (Malicious package distribution)
- Effort: Low (If account compromised)
- Skill Level: Low (If account compromised)
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard
- Commit Malicious Code to Repository:
- Users Install Compromised Hexo/Plugin/Theme (Critical Node):
- Users Update to Compromised Version:
- Likelihood: Medium to High
- Impact: Critical (Widespread compromise)
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Very Low
- Detection Difficulty: Very Hard
- New Users Install Compromised Version:
- Likelihood: Medium
- Impact: Critical (Widespread compromise)
- Effort: Very Low
- Skill Level: Very Low
- Detection Difficulty: Very Hard
- Users Update to Compromised Version:
- Compromise Hexo Core, Plugin, or Theme Repository/Maintainer Account (Critical Node):
- Potential Impact: Widespread compromise of Hexo applications using the affected component, leading to arbitrary code execution, data theft, or other malicious activities on a massive scale.