Objective: [[Attacker's Goal: Execute Arbitrary JavaScript]]
[[Attacker's Goal: Execute Arbitrary JavaScript]]
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[[Vulnerability in PDF Parsing/Rendering]] [Vulnerability in JavaScript API Interaction]
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[[Malformed PDF]] [Out-of-Bounds] [[Unsafe Function Use]]
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[[Crafted Font]] [[Memory Access]] [[eval() related]]
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[[Font Parsing Bug]] [[Read/Write]]
[[Control Flow Hijack]]
Attack Tree Path: [[Vulnerability in PDF Parsing/Rendering]]
Description: This is the core area where vulnerabilities in pdf.js's handling of the PDF file format reside. The complexity of the PDF specification makes this a prime target. Why Critical/High-Risk: This is the most common entry point for attacks, and successful exploitation often leads directly to code execution.
Attack Tree Path: [[Malformed PDF]]
Description: The attacker provides a PDF file that intentionally violates the PDF specification in ways designed to trigger bugs in the parsing or rendering process. Why Critical/High-Risk: This is the broadest and most common attack vector. It encompasses many sub-categories of vulnerabilities. Attack Steps:
- Attacker crafts a malformed PDF.
- User opens the PDF in the vulnerable application.
- pdf.js attempts to parse the malformed PDF.
- A bug in the parsing logic is triggered.
- The bug leads to a exploitable condition (e.g., buffer overflow, type confusion).
Attack Tree Path: [[Crafted Font]]
Description: The malformed PDF contains a specially crafted font with corrupted data structures or tables. Why Critical/High-Risk: Font parsing is a complex and historically vulnerable area. Attack Steps:
- Attacker crafts a PDF with a malicious embedded font.
- User opens the PDF.
- pdf.js attempts to parse the embedded font.
- A vulnerability in the font parsing engine is triggered.
- The vulnerability leads to an exploitable condition.
Attack Tree Path: [[Font Parsing Bug]]
Description: A specific, identified bug in the font parsing code of pdf.js is exploited. Why Critical/High-Risk: This represents a known, exploitable vulnerability. Attack Steps:
- Attacker identifies a known font parsing bug in pdf.js.
- Attacker crafts a PDF that specifically triggers this bug.
- User opens the PDF.
- The bug is triggered, leading to a predictable exploitable state.
Attack Tree Path: [Out-of-Bounds Read/Write]
Description: The parser attempts to access memory outside the allocated buffer for a PDF object, either reading from or writing to an invalid memory location. Why High-Risk: Leads directly to memory corruption, which is a highly exploitable condition. Attack Steps:
- Attacker crafts a PDF that causes the parser to calculate an incorrect offset or size.
- User opens the PDF.
- pdf.js attempts to access memory using the incorrect offset/size.
- An out-of-bounds read or write occurs.
- The attacker gains control over memory contents.
Attack Tree Path: [[Memory Access (Read/Write)]]
Description: The attacker gains the ability to read from or write to arbitrary memory locations within the application's address space. Why Critical/High-Risk: This is a very powerful primitive that can be used to achieve code execution. Attack Steps: (These steps follow from a successful out-of-bounds read/write)
- The out-of-bounds access allows the attacker to overwrite critical data (e.g., function pointers, object metadata).
- The attacker carefully crafts the overwritten data to redirect program execution.
Attack Tree Path: [[Read/Write]]
Description: This is the direct consequence of gaining memory access. Why Critical: This is the fundamental capability that allows for further exploitation. Attack Steps: N/A - This is a state, not a series of steps.
Attack Tree Path: [[Control Flow Hijack]]
Description: The attacker uses the read/write primitive to modify program data (e.g., function pointers, return addresses) to redirect execution to attacker-controlled code. Why Critical: This is the final step in achieving arbitrary code execution. Attack Steps:
- Attacker uses memory access to overwrite a function pointer or return address.
- The overwritten pointer/address now points to attacker-supplied shellcode.
- When the overwritten function is called, or the function returns, execution jumps to the shellcode.
Attack Tree Path: [Vulnerability in JavaScript API Interaction]
Description: Vulnerabilities introduced by how the application uses the pdf.js API, rather than vulnerabilities within pdf.js itself. Why High-Risk: Even a secure library can be used insecurely.
Attack Tree Path: [[Unsafe Function Use]]
Description: The application uses pdf.js API functions in a way that is not intended or documented, or in a way that is known to be unsafe. Why Critical/High-Risk: This can create vulnerabilities even if pdf.js itself is bug-free. Attack Steps: (These steps are highly dependent on the specific unsafe function use)
- The application uses a pdf.js API function incorrectly.
- The incorrect usage creates a vulnerability (e.g., allows injection of untrusted data).
- The attacker exploits this vulnerability.
Attack Tree Path: [[eval() related]]
Description: The application uses the eval()
function (or similar functions like Function()
) with data derived from a PDF, directly or indirectly.
Why Critical/High-Risk: eval()
with untrusted data is a classic and extremely dangerous vulnerability, leading directly to code execution.
Attack Steps:
- The application extracts data from a PDF (e.g., form field values, JavaScript actions).
- This data is passed to
without proper sanitization or validation. - The attacker crafts the PDF to include malicious JavaScript code in the relevant data.
- When
is called, the attacker's code is executed.