This project, clipboard.js, aims to provide a simple and efficient way for web developers to implement copy-to-clipboard functionality on their websites. The core business priority is to offer a reliable, lightweight, and easy-to-integrate JavaScript library that enhances user experience by enabling quick and seamless copying of text content.
Business goals include:
- Simplifying the implementation of copy-to-clipboard functionality for web developers.
- Improving user interaction and content sharing on websites.
- Maintaining a lightweight and performant library to minimize website performance impact.
- Ensuring broad browser compatibility for maximum usability.
Most important business risks that need to be addressed:
- Security vulnerabilities in the library could be exploited by malicious actors, potentially leading to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks or other security breaches on websites using clipboard.js.
- Library incompatibility with certain browsers or devices could negatively impact user experience and adoption.
- Performance issues or bugs in the library could degrade website performance and user satisfaction.
- Lack of maintenance and updates could lead to the library becoming outdated and vulnerable over time.
Existing security controls:
- security control: Source code hosted on GitHub, allowing for community review and contributions. (Implemented: GitHub Repository)
- security control: Open-source license (MIT License), promoting transparency and community scrutiny. (Implemented: LICENSE file in repository)
- security control: Use of standard JavaScript development practices. (Implemented: Implicit in the codebase)
- security control: Dependency management using npm. (Implemented: package.json file)
Accepted risks:
- accepted risk: Reliance on client-side JavaScript, which is inherently exposed to client-side attacks.
- accepted risk: Potential vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies.
- accepted risk: Risk of undiscovered vulnerabilities in the library code itself.
Recommended security controls:
- recommended security control: Implement automated security scanning (SAST and dependency scanning) in the CI/CD pipeline.
- recommended security control: Establish a clear vulnerability reporting and response process.
- recommended security control: Conduct regular security audits or penetration testing of the library.
- recommended security control: Follow secure coding practices and guidelines during development.
Security requirements:
- Authentication: Not applicable for a client-side library. Clipboard.js does not handle user authentication.
- Authorization: Not applicable for a client-side library. Clipboard.js does not handle user authorization.
- Input validation:
- security requirement: Implement input validation to sanitize or encode data being copied to the clipboard to prevent potential injection attacks if the copied content is later used in a different context on the website or elsewhere.
- security requirement: Validate the target element passed to the ClipboardJS constructor to ensure it is a valid DOM element to prevent unexpected behavior or potential DOM manipulation vulnerabilities.
- Cryptography: Not directly applicable for the core functionality of copying text to the clipboard. If future features involve handling sensitive data, appropriate cryptographic measures should be considered.
flowchart LR
subgraph Web_Browser [Web Browser]
A[Website User]
B(clipboard.js Library)
D[Operating System Clipboard]
A --> C
C --> B: Uses
B --> D: Interacts with
C --> Web_Browser
style B fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Web_Browser fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style C fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style D fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Context Diagram Elements:
- Name: Website User
- Type: Person
- Description: End-user who interacts with a website that utilizes clipboard.js. They initiate the copy action.
- Responsibilities: Initiates copy actions on the website. Expects a seamless and secure copy experience.
- Security controls: Client-side security controls within the web browser, such as Content Security Policy (CSP) implemented by the website.
- Name: Website
- Type: Software System
- Description: A web application or website that integrates the clipboard.js library to provide copy-to-clipboard functionality.
- Responsibilities: Integrates and utilizes clipboard.js to enable copy functionality. Provides the user interface for initiating copy actions. Responsible for the overall security of the website, including how clipboard.js is used.
- Security controls: Implements website security measures such as HTTPS, input validation on the website itself, Content Security Policy (CSP), and secure integration of third-party libraries.
- Name: clipboard.js Library
- Type: Software System
- Description: A JavaScript library that provides a simplified interface for copying text to the system clipboard.
- Responsibilities: Handles the browser-specific logic for copying text to the clipboard. Provides a consistent API for web developers.
- Security controls: Input validation within the library to handle different types of input safely. Relies on browser security features for clipboard access control.
- Name: Operating System Clipboard
- Type: External System
- Description: The system-level clipboard provided by the user's operating system. Stores the copied text temporarily.
- Responsibilities: Stores the copied data. Provides access to other applications running on the operating system.
- Security controls: Operating system level security controls that manage clipboard access and permissions.
flowchart LR
subgraph Web_Browser [Web Browser]
A[Website User]
subgraph Website_Container [Website Container]
C(JavaScript Application Logic)
D(clipboard.js Library)
E[Operating System Clipboard API]
A --> Website_Container
Website_Container --> E: Uses Browser API
C --> D: Imports/Uses
B --> C: Includes
B --> D: Includes
style Website_Container fill:#fdd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Web_Browser fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style D fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style E fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Container Diagram Elements:
- Name: Website User
- Type: Person
- Description: End-user interacting with the website in a web browser.
- Responsibilities: Initiates copy actions through the website's user interface.
- Security controls: Client-side browser security features.
- Name: HTML/CSS
- Type: Container
- Description: Represents the static content and styling of the website. Defines the user interface elements that trigger copy actions.
- Responsibilities: Provides the structure and presentation of the website. Defines the visual elements for user interaction.
- Security controls: Website's Content Security Policy (CSP) to mitigate XSS. Secure coding practices to prevent HTML injection vulnerabilities.
- Name: JavaScript Application Logic
- Type: Container
- Description: Custom JavaScript code of the website that handles user interactions, event listeners, and integrates with clipboard.js.
- Responsibilities: Handles website-specific logic, including initializing clipboard.js and responding to user copy requests.
- Security controls: Input validation and sanitization within the website's JavaScript code. Secure coding practices to prevent XSS and other client-side vulnerabilities.
- Name: clipboard.js Library
- Type: Container
- Description: The clipboard.js JavaScript library itself, included in the website's assets.
- Responsibilities: Provides the core copy-to-clipboard functionality, abstracting browser-specific API differences.
- Security controls: Input validation within clipboard.js. Regular updates to address potential vulnerabilities.
- Name: Operating System Clipboard API
- Type: External System/Container
- Description: Browser-provided JavaScript API that allows interaction with the operating system clipboard.
- Responsibilities: Provides the underlying mechanism for copying and pasting data to the system clipboard. Enforces browser-level security restrictions on clipboard access.
- Security controls: Browser security model, including permissions and restrictions on clipboard access.
Deployment Architecture: Client-side deployment within web browsers.
flowchart LR
subgraph User_Device [User's Device]
subgraph Web_Browser [Web Browser]
B(clipboard.js Library)
C[Content Delivery Network (CDN) - Optional]
D[Web Server]
A -- Includes --> B
A -- Served by --> D
B -- Optionally served by --> C
style Web_Browser fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style User_Device fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style B fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style C fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style D fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Deployment Diagram Elements:
- Name: User's Device
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: The end-user's computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone where the web browser is running.
- Responsibilities: Executes the web browser and website code, including clipboard.js. Provides the environment for user interaction.
- Security controls: Device-level security controls, such as operating system security, antivirus software, and user security practices.
- Name: Web Browser
- Type: Container/Application Environment
- Description: The web browser application (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) running on the user's device.
- Responsibilities: Executes website code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), including clipboard.js. Provides the JavaScript runtime environment and browser APIs. Enforces browser security policies.
- Security controls: Browser security features, including sandboxing, same-origin policy, Content Security Policy (CSP) enforcement, and browser-level permissions for clipboard access.
- Name: Website
- Type: Software
- Description: The web application's front-end code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) that includes and utilizes clipboard.js.
- Responsibilities: Provides the user interface and application logic for the website, including copy-to-clipboard functionality.
- Security controls: Website security measures, such as HTTPS, input validation, secure coding practices, and Content Security Policy (CSP).
- Name: clipboard.js Library
- Type: Software Component
- Description: The clipboard.js JavaScript library files, deployed as part of the website's assets.
- Responsibilities: Provides the copy-to-clipboard functionality within the user's web browser.
- Security controls: Library-level security controls, such as input validation and regular updates.
- Name: Content Delivery Network (CDN) - Optional
- Type: Infrastructure Service
- Description: An optional CDN that may host and serve the clipboard.js library files to improve website performance and availability.
- Responsibilities: Provides fast and reliable delivery of static assets, including clipboard.js.
- Security controls: CDN provider's security measures to protect hosted assets and ensure secure delivery (e.g., HTTPS).
- Name: Web Server
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: The web server that hosts and serves the website's files, including the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and potentially clipboard.js (if not served by CDN).
- Responsibilities: Hosts and serves website files to users' web browsers.
- Security controls: Web server security configurations, HTTPS, access controls, and regular security updates.
flowchart LR
A[Developer] --> B{Code Changes};
B --> C[GitHub Repository];
C --> D[GitHub Actions CI];
D --> E{Build Process\n(npm install, build, test, lint, SAST)};
E --> F[Build Artifacts\n(clipboard.js, clipboard.min.js)];
F --> G[npm Registry\n(Publish)];
G --> H[CDN\n(Optional Publish)];
style D fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style G fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style H fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Build Process Description:
- Developer makes code changes and commits them to the GitHub repository.
- GitHub Actions CI is triggered upon code changes (e.g., push, pull request).
- Build Process within GitHub Actions CI includes:
- npm install: Installs project dependencies.
- build: Compiles and bundles the JavaScript code.
- test: Runs automated unit and integration tests.
- lint: Performs code linting and style checks.
- SAST (Static Application Security Testing): Runs static security analysis tools to identify potential vulnerabilities in the code.
- Build Artifacts are generated, including:
- clipboard.js (full version)
- clipboard.min.js (minified version)
- Build Artifacts are published to the npm Registry, making the library available for developers to install and use.
- Optionally, build artifacts can be published to a CDN for faster distribution.
Build Process Security Controls:
- security control: Source code hosted on GitHub, enabling version control and code review. (Implemented: GitHub Repository)
- security control: Automated build process using GitHub Actions CI, ensuring consistent and repeatable builds. (Implemented: GitHub Actions Workflows)
- security control: Dependency management using npm and package-lock.json, helping to manage and track dependencies. (Implemented: npm, package.json, package-lock.json)
- security control: Automated testing (unit and integration tests) to ensure code quality and functionality. (Implemented: Test suite in repository)
- security control: Code linting and style checks to maintain code quality and consistency. (Implemented: Linter configuration in repository)
- security control: SAST (Static Application Security Testing) integrated into the CI pipeline to identify potential security vulnerabilities early in the development process. (Recommended: Integrate SAST tools into GitHub Actions workflow)
- security control: Publishing to npm Registry with npm provenance to enhance supply chain security. (Recommended: Enable npm provenance for published packages)
- security control: Code signing of published packages (if applicable and supported by npm). (Consider: Code signing for npm packages)
Critical business process we are trying to protect:
- Maintaining the integrity and availability of the clipboard.js library.
- Ensuring the security of websites that use clipboard.js by preventing vulnerabilities in the library.
- Protecting the reputation and trust associated with the clipboard.js project.
Data we are trying to protect and their sensitivity:
- Source code of clipboard.js: Sensitive, as unauthorized access or modification could lead to vulnerabilities being introduced.
- Build artifacts (clipboard.js, clipboard.min.js): Sensitive, as compromised artifacts could be distributed to users, leading to widespread security issues.
- Project infrastructure (GitHub repository, npm registry account): Sensitive, as unauthorized access could compromise the project and its distribution channels.
- User data (text copied to clipboard): Potentially sensitive, depending on the context of the website using clipboard.js. Clipboard.js itself does not store or process this data, but websites using it should be mindful of the sensitivity of the data being copied.
- What is the specific context for this threat modeling exercise? Is it for the library maintainers, website developers using clipboard.js, or end-users?
- Are there any specific security concerns or past incidents related to clipboard.js that are driving this design document?
- What is the risk appetite of the organization or individuals responsible for clipboard.js or websites using it?
- Are there any specific compliance requirements or industry standards that need to be considered?
- The primary goal is to create a secure and reliable clipboard.js library that minimizes security risks for websites using it and their end-users.
- The target audience for this design document is security-conscious developers and project maintainers who want to understand the security aspects of clipboard.js.
- The library is intended for general-purpose use in web browsers and is not specifically designed for handling highly sensitive or regulated data.
- Standard web security best practices are applicable and should be followed for both the library development and website integration.