Business Priorities and Goals:
- Simplify Android application development using Kotlin Domain Specific Languages (DSLs).
- Increase developer productivity by providing concise and expressive ways to define UI layouts, common Android functionalities, and asynchronous operations.
- Promote the adoption of Kotlin in Android development by offering a comprehensive and user-friendly library.
- Enhance code readability and maintainability in Android projects.
Most Important Business Risks:
- Security vulnerabilities in the Anko library could be inherited by applications using it, potentially leading to application-level security breaches.
- Poor code quality or lack of maintenance could lead to instability and reliability issues in applications using Anko.
- Supply chain risks if dependencies used by Anko have vulnerabilities or if the Anko build and release process is compromised.
- Negative developer perception if security concerns are not adequately addressed, hindering adoption and community growth.
Existing Security Controls:
- security control: GitHub repository with standard security features like branch protection and issue tracking. (Implemented in: GitHub repository settings)
- security control: Open-source development model allowing for community review and contributions. (Implemented in: GitHub public repository)
- security control: Usage of Kotlin language, which has its own security features and coding conventions. (Implemented in: Kotlin language design)
- security control: Reliance on Android platform security model for applications built using Anko. (Implemented in: Android OS and SDK)
Accepted Risks:
- accepted risk: Vulnerabilities might be discovered in the library code after release, requiring patches and updates.
- accepted risk: Third-party dependencies used by Anko might introduce security vulnerabilities.
- accepted risk: Open-source nature means potential exposure of vulnerabilities to a wider audience, including malicious actors, once disclosed.
Recommended Security Controls:
- security control: Implement automated Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools in the CI/CD pipeline to detect potential code vulnerabilities.
- security control: Implement Dependency Vulnerability Scanning to identify and manage vulnerabilities in third-party libraries used by Anko.
- security control: Conduct regular security code reviews, especially for critical components and new features.
- security control: Establish a clear process for reporting and handling security vulnerabilities, including a security policy and contact information.
- security control: Consider signing releases to ensure integrity and authenticity of the library artifacts.
- security control: Publish security advisories for any identified vulnerabilities and their fixes.
Security Requirements:
- Authentication: Not directly applicable to a library. Anko itself does not handle user authentication. Applications using Anko will be responsible for their own authentication mechanisms.
- Authorization: Not directly applicable to a library. Anko does not enforce authorization. Applications using Anko will manage authorization based on their specific needs.
- Input Validation: Relevant if Anko DSLs process external input or user-provided data within applications. Ensure proper validation and sanitization of any input handled by Anko DSLs to prevent injection vulnerabilities in applications using the library.
- Cryptography: Potentially relevant if Anko provides utilities for cryptographic operations (unlikely based on description). If cryptography is used, ensure usage of well-vetted and secure cryptographic libraries and practices. For general library usage, cryptography requirements are delegated to the applications using Anko.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Android Developer"
A[Android Developer]
subgraph "Kotlin Ecosystem"
K[Kotlin Language]
G[Gradle Build System]
subgraph "Android Platform"
AS[Android SDK]
AP[Android Applications]
subgraph "Package Repositories"
M[Maven Central / JitPack]
center_node("Anko Library")
A --> center_node
center_node --> K
center_node --> AS
center_node --> G
center_node --> M
center_node --> AP
style center_node fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
- Context Diagram Elements:
- Name: Android Developer
- Type: Person
- Description: Developers who build Android applications using Kotlin and potentially Anko library.
- Responsibilities: Uses Anko library to simplify Android development, writes application code, builds and deploys Android applications.
- Security controls: Responsible for secure coding practices in their applications, including proper usage of libraries like Anko and handling of user data.
- Name: Anko Library
- Type: Software System
- Description: Kotlin library providing DSLs for Android development, simplifying UI layout, common tasks, and asynchronous operations.
- Responsibilities: Provides DSLs and utilities to Android developers, is built and published to package repositories, and is used as a dependency in Android applications.
- Security controls: Undergoes security controls during development and build process (SAST, dependency scanning, code reviews), aims to minimize vulnerabilities in library code.
- Name: Kotlin Language
- Type: Software System
- Description: Programming language used to develop Anko library and Android applications.
- Responsibilities: Provides the language runtime and standard libraries for Kotlin development.
- Security controls: Kotlin language design and compiler incorporate security considerations.
- Name: Android SDK
- Type: Software System
- Description: Software Development Kit provided by Google for Android application development.
- Responsibilities: Provides APIs and tools necessary to build and run Android applications.
- Security controls: Android SDK incorporates Android platform security features and best practices.
- Name: Gradle Build System
- Type: Software System
- Description: Build automation tool used to build Anko library and Android applications.
- Responsibilities: Manages dependencies, compiles code, runs tests, and packages applications.
- Security controls: Gradle build scripts and plugins can incorporate security checks and dependency management.
- Name: Maven Central / JitPack
- Type: Software System
- Description: Package repositories where Anko library is published and distributed.
- Responsibilities: Hosts and distributes Anko library artifacts to developers.
- Security controls: Package repositories have security measures to ensure integrity and availability of packages.
- Name: Android Applications
- Type: Software System
- Description: Applications built by Android developers that may use Anko library as a dependency.
- Responsibilities: Provides functionality to end-users, runs on Android devices, and may utilize Anko library features.
- Security controls: Android applications are responsible for implementing their own security controls, potentially leveraging security features of Anko and the Android platform.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Anko Library"
subgraph "Modules"
K[Kotlin Language] --> AC
K --> AL
K --> ASQ
K --> ACR
K --> ACDK
K --> AUI
K --> AUIC
K --> AP
K --> AB
K --> AA
K --> ARV
K --> ADC
K --> AF
K --> AW
K --> AWC
style "Anko Library" fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Modules fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
- Container Diagram Elements:
- Name: Anko Library
- Type: Software System
- Description: Monolithic Kotlin library composed of multiple modules, each providing specific functionalities for Android development.
- Responsibilities: Provides a collection of DSLs and utilities organized into modules for different aspects of Android development (UI, commons, SQLite, coroutines, etc.).
- Security controls: Security controls are applied at the library level, encompassing all modules. Vulnerability scanning, SAST, and code reviews cover the entire codebase.
- Name: anko-commons
- Type: Module
- Description: Module providing common utilities and helper functions for Android development.
- Responsibilities: Offers utility functions to simplify common Android tasks.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-layouts
- Type: Module
- Description: Module providing DSL for defining Android UI layouts programmatically.
- Responsibilities: Enables declarative UI layout definition in Kotlin code.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls, input validation might be relevant if layout DSL processes dynamic data.
- Name: anko-sqlite
- Type: Module
- Description: Module providing DSL for working with SQLite databases in Android.
- Responsibilities: Simplifies database interactions in Android applications.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls, potential security considerations related to SQL injection if DSL is misused in applications.
- Name: anko-coroutines
- Type: Module
- Description: Module providing extensions for Kotlin Coroutines in Android development.
- Responsibilities: Simplifies asynchronous programming in Android applications using coroutines.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-design-coroutines
- Type: Module
- Description: Module providing coroutine extensions for Android Design Library components.
- Responsibilities: Combines coroutines with Android Design Library components.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-ui
- Type: Module
- Description: Core UI components and functionalities within Anko.
- Responsibilities: Provides fundamental UI building blocks.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-ui-commons
- Type: Module
- Description: Common UI utilities and extensions.
- Responsibilities: Offers utility functions for UI development.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-platform
- Type: Module
- Description: Platform-specific extensions and utilities.
- Responsibilities: Provides platform-related functionalities.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-base
- Type: Module
- Description: Base module providing core functionalities for Anko.
- Responsibilities: Contains fundamental components of Anko library.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-appcompat-v7
- Type: Module
- Description: Support for Android AppCompat v7 library.
- Responsibilities: Integrates with AppCompat v7 components.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-recyclerview-v7
- Type: Module
- Description: Support for Android RecyclerView v7 library.
- Responsibilities: Integrates with RecyclerView v7 components.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-design
- Type: Module
- Description: Support for Android Design Library.
- Responsibilities: Integrates with Android Design Library components.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-fragments
- Type: Module
- Description: Utilities and extensions for Android Fragments.
- Responsibilities: Simplifies Fragment usage in Android applications.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-widgets
- Type: Module
- Description: DSL for Android UI widgets.
- Responsibilities: Provides DSL for creating UI widgets programmatically.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
- Name: anko-widgets-commons
- Type: Module
- Description: Common utilities for Android UI widgets.
- Responsibilities: Offers utility functions for working with UI widgets.
- Security controls: Subject to library-level security controls.
Deployment Model:
- Anko library is not deployed as a standalone service or application. It is deployed as a library artifact to package repositories (Maven Central, JitPack).
- Android developers then include Anko as a dependency in their Android applications.
- The "deployment" context for Anko is its publication to package repositories and its integration into Android application build processes.
Detailed Deployment Description (Publication to Maven Central/JitPack):
flowchart LR
subgraph "Developer Workstation"
subgraph "CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions)"
B[Build Process]
T[Automated Tests]
P[Publish to Maven Central / JitPack]
subgraph "Package Repositories"
M[Maven Central / JitPack]
DEV --> B
B --> T
T --> P
P --> M
style "Developer Workstation" fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style "CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions)" fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style "Package Repositories" fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
- Deployment Diagram Elements:
- Name: Developer
- Type: Person
- Description: Software developer working on Anko library.
- Responsibilities: Writes code, commits changes, triggers build process.
- Security controls: Uses secure development workstation, follows secure coding practices, authenticates to Git repository.
- Name: CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions)
- Type: Automated System
- Description: Automated build and deployment pipeline using GitHub Actions.
- Responsibilities: Automates build process, runs tests, performs security checks (SAST, dependency scanning), and publishes artifacts to package repositories.
- Security controls: Securely configured GitHub Actions workflows, secrets management for repository credentials, build environment security, automated security checks integrated into pipeline.
- Name: Build Process
- Type: Process within CI/CD
- Description: Steps involved in compiling, packaging, and preparing Anko library for release.
- Responsibilities: Compiles Kotlin code, packages modules into JAR/AAR files, generates documentation.
- Security controls: Secure build environment, dependency management, build process integrity.
- Name: Automated Tests
- Type: Process within CI/CD
- Description: Automated tests (unit tests, integration tests) run as part of the CI/CD pipeline.
- Responsibilities: Verifies code functionality and quality, detects regressions.
- Security controls: Test environment security, test case coverage including security-relevant scenarios.
- Name: Publish to Maven Central / JitPack
- Type: Process within CI/CD
- Description: Process of uploading and releasing Anko library artifacts to package repositories.
- Responsibilities: Makes Anko library available to Android developers through package repositories.
- Security controls: Secure credentials for package repository access, artifact signing for integrity and authenticity, secure transfer protocols (HTTPS).
- Name: Maven Central / JitPack
- Type: Package Repository
- Description: Public package repositories for distributing Java and Android libraries.
- Responsibilities: Hosts and distributes Anko library artifacts.
- Security controls: Repository security measures to protect against unauthorized access and tampering, integrity checks for published artifacts.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Developer Workstation"
IDE[IDE (IntelliJ IDEA)]
subgraph "Version Control (GitHub)"
VCS[Git Repository (GitHub)]
subgraph "CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions)"
BC[Build & Compile]
TEST[Automated Tests]
SAST[SAST Scanners]
DEP_SCAN[Dependency Scan]
ARTIFACT[Artifact Generation]
PUBLISH[Publish Artifacts]
subgraph "Package Repositories"
REPO[Maven Central / JitPack]
VCS --> BC
style "Developer Workstation" fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style "Version Control (GitHub)" fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style "CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions)" fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style "Package Repositories" fill:#eee,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
Build Process Description:
- Developer writes code in IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA).
- Code is committed to a Git repository hosted on GitHub.
- GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline is triggered on code changes (e.g., push, pull request).
- Build & Compile stage compiles Kotlin code using Gradle build system.
- Automated Tests stage runs unit and integration tests.
- SAST Scanners stage performs static application security testing to identify potential code vulnerabilities.
- Dependency Scan stage scans dependencies for known vulnerabilities.
- Artifact Generation stage packages compiled code and resources into library artifacts (JAR/AAR).
- Publish Artifacts stage publishes artifacts to Maven Central and JitPack package repositories.
Build Security Controls:
- security control: Secure Developer Workstations: Developers use secure workstations with up-to-date software and security configurations.
- security control: Secure IDE: IDE with security plugins and best practices enabled.
- security control: Version Control System (Git/GitHub): Code is stored and managed in a secure Git repository with access controls and audit logs.
- security control: Branch Protection: Branch protection rules on main branches to prevent direct commits and enforce code review process.
- security control: CI/CD Pipeline Security: Securely configured CI/CD pipeline (GitHub Actions) with proper access controls and secrets management.
- security control: Automated Build Process: Automated build process using Gradle to ensure consistent and repeatable builds.
- security control: Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Automated SAST tools integrated into CI/CD to detect code vulnerabilities early in the development cycle.
- security control: Dependency Vulnerability Scanning: Automated dependency scanning tools to identify and manage vulnerabilities in third-party libraries.
- security control: Automated Tests: Comprehensive suite of automated tests (unit, integration) to ensure code quality and detect regressions.
- security control: Artifact Signing: Code signing of released artifacts to ensure integrity and authenticity.
- security control: Secure Artifact Storage: Artifacts are published to reputable and secure package repositories (Maven Central, JitPack).
- security control: Build Environment Security: Secure and hardened build environment in CI/CD pipeline.
Critical Business Processes:
- Android application development using Kotlin.
- Distribution of Anko library to Android developers.
- Maintaining developer trust and community adoption of Anko.
Data We Are Trying to Protect and Their Sensitivity:
- Anko library source code: Sensitive as it represents the intellectual property and contains the logic of the library. Confidentiality and integrity are important.
- Build artifacts (JAR/AAR files): Integrity and availability are crucial to ensure developers are using a safe and functional library.
- Package repository credentials: Highly sensitive, as compromise could lead to unauthorized releases or tampering with the library. Confidentiality and integrity are paramount.
- Security vulnerability information: Sensitive information that needs to be handled confidentially until a fix is released and publicly disclosed in a coordinated manner.
- Are there specific security compliance requirements for the Anko project (e.g., OWASP, specific industry standards)?
- Is there a dedicated security team or individual responsible for security aspects of the Anko project?
- What is the process for handling security vulnerability reports from the community?
- Are there any plans for formal security audits or penetration testing of the Anko library?
- What is the expected risk appetite for security vulnerabilities in the Anko library?
- Anko library is primarily intended for UI and general Android development utilities, and not designed to handle highly sensitive data directly.
- Security focus is on preventing common software vulnerabilities (e.g., injection, cross-site scripting - although less relevant for a library, but potential for misuse in applications, dependency vulnerabilities).
- The primary users of Anko are Android developers who are expected to implement application-level security controls in their own applications.
- The project benefits from the security practices inherent in the Kotlin language, Android platform, and GitHub platform.
- The project aims for a reasonable level of security appropriate for an open-source library, balancing security efforts with development velocity and community contributions.