Objective: To gain unauthorized control over the application's state or execution flow by manipulating workflow-kotlin
's mechanisms.
[Gain Unauthorized Control of Application State/Execution]
/ \
/ \
[Manipulate Workflow Execution]**CRITICAL NODE** [Manipulate Workflow State]**CRITICAL NODE**
/ | | \ / | \
/ | | \ / | \
[Abuse Render]**CRITICAL**[Abuse Action]**CRITICAL**[Abuse SideEffect]**CRITICAL** ... ... [Inject State]**CRITICAL** ...
/ \ / \ / \ / \
/ \ / \ / \ / \
[1]**HR** ... [3]**HR** ... [5]**HR** ... [11]**HR**[12]**HR**
**HR = High-Risk Path**
**CRITICAL NODE = Critical Node (Parent Nodes)**
**CRITICAL = Critical Node (Leaf Nodes)**
... - represents omitted branches and nodes.
Attack Tree Path: Manipulate Workflow Execution (Critical Node)
Manipulate Workflow Execution
(Critical Node):- Description: This represents the attacker's attempt to control the workflow's execution flow, influencing how the application behaves.
- Likelihood: Medium to High (Aggregated from child nodes)
- Impact: High to Very High (Aggregated from child nodes)
- Effort: Low to Medium (Aggregated from child nodes)
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced (Aggregated from child nodes)
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard (Aggregated from child nodes)
Attack Tree Path: Abuse Render (Critical Node)
Abuse Render
(Critical Node): * Description: Exploiting vulnerabilities related to theRenderingContext
and how the workflow interacts with the outside world (UI, services). * Likelihood: Medium to High * Impact: Medium to High * Effort: Low to Medium * Skill Level: Intermediate * Detection Difficulty: Medium
Attack Tree Path: Inject Malicious Renderings (High-Risk)
- [1] Inject Malicious Renderings (High-Risk):
* Description: The attacker provides input that, when rendered, results in malicious output (e.g., XSS, UI manipulation). This exploits how the application uses the rendering, not a flaw in
per se, but the library provides the mechanism. * Likelihood: Medium to High * Impact: Medium to High (Depends on the context of the rendering) * Effort: Low to Medium * Skill Level: Intermediate * Detection Difficulty: Medium
Attack Tree Path: Abuse Action (Critical Node)
Abuse Action
(Critical Node): * Description: Exploiting vulnerabilities related to how actions are sent and handled by the workflow. * Likelihood: Medium * Impact: High * Effort: Low to Medium * Skill Level: Intermediate * Detection Difficulty: Medium
Attack Tree Path: Inject Malicious Actions (High-Risk)
- [3] Inject Malicious Actions (High-Risk): * Description: The attacker sends unauthorized or crafted actions to the workflow, triggering unintended state transitions. * Likelihood: Medium * Impact: High * Effort: Low to Medium * Skill Level: Intermediate * Detection Difficulty: Medium
Attack Tree Path: Abuse SideEffect (Critical Node)
Abuse SideEffect
(Critical Node): * Description: Exploiting vulnerabilities related to side effects, which are operations performed outside the workflow's state. * Likelihood: Low to Medium * Impact: High to Very High * Effort: Medium * Skill Level: Advanced * Detection Difficulty: Hard
Attack Tree Path: Execute Unauthorized Side Effects (High-Risk)
- [5] Execute Unauthorized Side Effects (High-Risk): * Description: The attacker triggers side effects that interact with external systems in unauthorized ways. * Likelihood: Low to Medium * Impact: High to Very High * Effort: Medium * Skill Level: Advanced * Detection Difficulty: Hard
Attack Tree Path: Manipulate Workflow State (Critical Node)
Manipulate Workflow State
(Critical Node):- Description: This represents the attacker's attempt to directly modify or inject malicious state into the workflow.
- Likelihood: Medium (Aggregated from child nodes)
- Impact: Very High (Aggregated from child nodes)
- Effort: Low to Medium (Aggregated from child nodes)
- Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced (Aggregated from child nodes)
- Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard (Aggregated from child nodes)
Attack Tree Path: Inject State (Critical Node)
Inject State
(Critical Node): * Description: Introducing unauthorized or malicious state into the workflow. * Likelihood: Medium * Impact: Very High * Effort: Low to Medium * Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced * Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard
Attack Tree Path: Deserialization Vulnerabilities (High-Risk)
- [11] Deserialization Vulnerabilities (High-Risk): * Description: The attacker exploits vulnerabilities in the deserialization process to inject malicious objects, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution. * Likelihood: Medium * Impact: Very High * Effort: Low to Medium * Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced * Detection Difficulty: Medium to Hard
Attack Tree Path: Configuration Injection (High-Risk)
- [12] Configuration Injection (High-Risk): * Description: The attacker injects malicious values into the workflow's configuration, influencing its initial state or behavior. * Likelihood: Medium * Impact: High * Effort: Low to Medium * Skill Level: Intermediate * Detection Difficulty: Medium