This project, TranslationPlugin, aims to enhance developer productivity by providing seamless translation capabilities directly within their JetBrains IDE. By integrating translation services, developers can quickly understand code comments, documentation, and other text in various languages, reducing context switching and improving workflow efficiency.
Business Priorities and Goals:
- Enhance developer productivity.
- Reduce language barriers for developers working with multilingual codebases or documentation.
- Provide a convenient and integrated translation solution within the IDE.
- Support multiple translation services to offer flexibility and choice to users.
Business Risks:
- Dependency on external translation services: Availability, reliability, and cost of third-party translation APIs.
- Data privacy concerns: Handling of text data sent to translation services.
- Plugin compatibility issues: Maintaining compatibility with different IDE versions and updates.
- Security vulnerabilities in the plugin itself, potentially exposing IDE or user data.
Existing Security Controls:
- security control: HTTPS is used for communication with translation services (implicitly assumed as standard practice for API calls).
- security control: Plugin is distributed through JetBrains Marketplace (implies some level of vetting by JetBrains, although not a full security audit).
Accepted Risks:
- accepted risk: Reliance on the security posture of third-party translation APIs.
- accepted risk: Potential exposure of translated text to third-party translation services (data privacy risk).
Recommended Security Controls:
- security control: Implement input validation to sanitize text before sending it to translation services to prevent injection attacks.
- security control: Consider offering users options to choose translation services with different privacy policies.
- security control: Regularly update dependencies to patch known vulnerabilities.
- security control: Implement logging and monitoring to detect and respond to potential security incidents.
- security control: Perform static and dynamic code analysis to identify potential vulnerabilities in the plugin code.
- security control: Consider code signing the plugin to ensure integrity and authenticity.
Security Requirements:
- Authentication:
- Not applicable for the plugin itself as it doesn't have user accounts. Authentication to translation services is handled by the plugin using API keys or similar mechanisms, managed by the user.
- Authorization:
- Not applicable for the plugin itself. Access to translation services is authorized by the user through their accounts with those services.
- Input Validation:
- Requirement: The plugin must validate and sanitize input text before sending it to translation services to prevent injection attacks and ensure data integrity. This should include handling special characters and encoding.
- Cryptography:
- Requirement: Securely store and handle API keys or other sensitive credentials required for accessing translation services. Consider using the IDE's credential storage mechanisms if available.
- Requirement: Ensure all communication with translation services is encrypted using HTTPS.
flowchart LR
subgraph "JetBrains IDE User"
subgraph "Translation Plugin"
P[Translation Plugin]
subgraph "External Systems"
GS[Google Translate]
BS[Baidu Translate]
OS[OCR Service]
JM[JetBrains Marketplace]
U --> P: Uses
P --> GS: Translates text
P --> DS: Translates text
P --> BS: Translates text
P --> OS: Performs OCR
P --> JM: Downloads plugin
JM --> U: Downloads plugin
style P fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Elements of Context Diagram:
- Name: User
- Type: Person
- Description: A software developer using a JetBrains IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm).
- Responsibilities: Uses the Translation Plugin to translate text within the IDE.
- Security controls: User is responsible for securing their IDE environment and API keys for translation services.
- Name: Translation Plugin
- Type: Software System
- Description: A JetBrains IDE plugin that provides translation functionality using various translation services and OCR.
- Responsibilities:
- Provides translation capabilities within the IDE.
- Integrates with multiple translation services.
- Handles user input and API communication.
- Manages API keys (user-provided).
- Security controls:
- Input validation.
- Secure handling of API keys.
- HTTPS communication with translation services.
- Name: Google Translate
- Type: External System
- Description: Google's cloud-based translation service.
- Responsibilities: Provides translation services.
- Security controls: Google's security controls for their cloud services and APIs.
- Name: DeepL
- Type: External System
- Description: DeepL's cloud-based translation service.
- Responsibilities: Provides translation services.
- Security controls: DeepL's security controls for their cloud services and APIs.
- Name: Baidu Translate
- Type: External System
- Description: Baidu's cloud-based translation service.
- Responsibilities: Provides translation services.
- Security controls: Baidu's security controls for their cloud services and APIs.
- Name: OCR Service
- Type: External System
- Description: An Optical Character Recognition service used for image translation (specific service not defined in input, could be cloud-based or local).
- Responsibilities: Provides OCR functionality to extract text from images.
- Security controls: Security controls of the chosen OCR service.
- Name: JetBrains Marketplace
- Type: External System
- Description: JetBrains' platform for distributing IDE plugins.
- Responsibilities: Hosts and distributes the Translation Plugin.
- Security controls: JetBrains' security controls for the Marketplace platform.
flowchart LR
subgraph "JetBrains IDE"
subgraph "Translation Plugin Container"
P[Plugin Core]
UI[User Interface]
CS[Configuration Storage]
TM[Translation Manager]
API[Translation Service API Client]
OCR[OCR Client]
UI --> P: Uses
P --> CS: Stores/Retrieves Configuration
P --> TM: Manages Translation Requests
TM --> API: Sends Translation Requests
TM --> OCR: Sends OCR Requests
API --> GS[Google Translate]: Sends Requests
API --> DS[DeepL]: Sends Requests
API --> BS[Baidu Translate]: Sends Requests
OCR --> OS[OCR Service]: Sends Requests
style P fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style UI fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style CS fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style TM fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style API fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style OCR fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
Elements of Container Diagram:
- Name: Translation Plugin Container
- Type: Container
- Description: Represents the entire plugin running within the JetBrains IDE process.
- Responsibilities: Encompasses all functionalities of the translation plugin.
- Security controls: Operates within the security context of the IDE. Relies on IDE's security features and plugin's internal security measures.
- Name: Plugin Core
- Type: Component
- Description: Core logic of the plugin, orchestrates translation requests, manages configuration, and interacts with UI.
- Responsibilities:
- Manages the overall plugin workflow.
- Coordinates interactions between UI, Configuration Storage, Translation Manager, and API Clients.
- Implements core plugin logic.
- Security controls: Input validation, secure configuration management, logging.
- Name: User Interface
- Type: Component
- Description: Provides the user interface elements within the IDE for interacting with the plugin (menus, dialogs, etc.).
- Responsibilities:
- Presents translation options to the user.
- Collects user input (text to translate, target language, service selection).
- Displays translation results.
- Security controls: Input sanitization, output encoding to prevent UI-based injection vulnerabilities.
- Name: Configuration Storage
- Type: Component
- Description: Stores plugin configuration, including user preferences and API keys.
- Responsibilities:
- Persistently stores plugin settings.
- Securely stores API keys (ideally using IDE's credential storage).
- Provides access to configuration data for other components.
- Security controls: Secure storage mechanisms provided by the IDE, encryption of sensitive data (API keys).
- Name: Translation Manager
- Type: Component
- Description: Manages translation requests, selects appropriate translation service, and handles communication with API Clients.
- Responsibilities:
- Routes translation requests to the selected translation service.
- Handles API communication through API Clients.
- Potentially implements caching or rate limiting.
- Security controls: Secure API communication (HTTPS), error handling, rate limiting to prevent abuse.
- Name: Translation Service API Client
- Type: Component
- Description: Handles communication with specific translation service APIs (Google Translate, DeepL, Baidu Translate).
- Responsibilities:
- Implements API-specific communication logic.
- Handles API request formatting and response parsing.
- Manages API authentication (API keys).
- Security controls: Secure API key management, HTTPS communication, input/output validation for API requests/responses.
- Name: OCR Client
- Type: Component
- Description: Handles communication with the OCR service API.
- Responsibilities:
- Implements OCR API communication logic.
- Handles OCR request formatting and response parsing.
- Security controls: Secure API communication (HTTPS), input/output validation for API requests/responses.
Deployment Architecture: Plugin Deployment within JetBrains IDE
flowchart LR
subgraph "Developer Workstation"
subgraph "Operating System"
subgraph "JetBrains IDE Process"
P[Translation Plugin]
DeveloperWorkstation[Developer Workstation]
OperatingSystem[Operating System]
JetBrainsIDEProcess[JetBrains IDE Process]
P --> GS[Google Translate]: API Calls
P --> DS[DeepL]: API Calls
P --> BS[Baidu Translate]: API Calls
P --> OS[OCR Service]: API Calls
style P fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Elements of Deployment Diagram:
- Name: Developer Workstation
- Type: Infrastructure
- Description: The developer's local computer where the JetBrains IDE is installed.
- Responsibilities: Provides the environment for running the IDE and the plugin.
- Security controls: Workstation security controls (OS hardening, antivirus, firewall, physical security).
- Name: Operating System
- Type: Infrastructure Software
- Description: The operating system running on the developer workstation (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).
- Responsibilities: Provides the base operating environment for the IDE.
- Security controls: OS security features, patching, access controls.
- Name: JetBrains IDE Process
- Type: Application Runtime
- Description: The running instance of the JetBrains IDE application.
- Responsibilities: Executes the Translation Plugin and provides the plugin runtime environment.
- Security controls: IDE security features, plugin sandboxing (to some extent).
- Name: Translation Plugin
- Type: Software
- Description: The deployed Translation Plugin running within the IDE process.
- Responsibilities: Provides translation functionality to the IDE user.
- Security controls: Plugin's internal security controls, relies on IDE and OS security.
- Name: Google Translate, DeepL, Baidu Translate, OCR Service
- Type: External Service
- Description: Cloud-based translation and OCR services accessed over the internet.
- Responsibilities: Provide translation and OCR services.
- Security controls: Service provider's security controls.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Developer"
subgraph "Source Code Repository (GitHub)"
REPO[GitHub Repository]
subgraph "Build System (GitHub Actions)"
CI[GitHub Actions Workflow]
SAST[SAST Scanner]
BUILD[Build Process]
subgraph "JetBrains Marketplace"
MARKETPLACE[JetBrains Marketplace]
DEV --> REPO: Code Commit
REPO --> CI: Triggers Build
CI --> SAST: Static Analysis
CI --> LINTER: Code Linting
CI --> BUILD: Compile & Package
BUILD --> MARKETPLACE: Publish Plugin
style DEV fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style REPO fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style CI fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style SAST fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style LINTER fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style BUILD fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style MARKETPLACE fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
Build Process Description:
- Developer commits code changes to the GitHub Repository.
- GitHub Actions Workflow is triggered automatically on code commit (or pull request).
- The CI workflow performs the following steps:
- Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Runs a SAST scanner to identify potential security vulnerabilities in the code.
- Code Linting: Runs linters to enforce code quality and style guidelines.
- Build Process: Compiles the plugin code, packages it into a distributable plugin artifact (e.g., ZIP file).
- The built plugin artifact is then published to the JetBrains Marketplace, making it available for users to download and install.
Security Controls in Build Process:
- security control: Automated Build Process (GitHub Actions): Ensures consistent and repeatable builds, reduces manual errors.
- security control: Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Identifies potential security vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle.
- security control: Code Linting: Improves code quality and reduces the likelihood of certain types of vulnerabilities.
- security control: Version Control (GitHub): Tracks code changes, facilitates collaboration, and provides auditability.
- security control: Code Review (Pull Requests): Encourages peer review of code changes before merging, improving code quality and security.
- security control: Secure artifact publishing to JetBrains Marketplace (HTTPS).
- security control: Consider signing the plugin artifact during the build process to ensure integrity and authenticity.
Critical Business Processes:
- Developer productivity enhancement through efficient translation.
- Maintaining developer trust in the plugin and the IDE ecosystem.
Data Sensitivity:
- Text being translated: Potentially sensitive code comments, documentation, or even code snippets. Sensitivity depends on the context of the project and the data being processed. Could range from low (public documentation) to high (proprietary code comments).
- API Keys for translation services: Highly sensitive credentials that must be protected.
Data Sensitivity Classification:
- Translated Text: Medium to High (context-dependent). Potential confidentiality risk if sensitive information is sent to third-party translation services.
- API Keys: High. Confidentiality and integrity risk. If compromised, could lead to unauthorized use of translation services and potentially data breaches.
- What specific OCR service is being used? Is it cloud-based or local?
- How are API keys for translation services currently managed and stored?
- Are there any specific data privacy requirements or compliance regulations that need to be considered (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)?
- What is the intended user base for this plugin (internal company developers, public marketplace users)?
- Are there any existing security policies or guidelines within the organization (if applicable) that this plugin needs to adhere to?
- BUSINESS POSTURE: The primary business goal is to improve developer productivity. The plugin is intended for general use by developers using JetBrains IDEs.
- SECURITY POSTURE: HTTPS is used for all communication with external services. The plugin is intended to be distributed through the JetBrains Marketplace. No specific security audits have been performed yet.
- DESIGN: The plugin is a standard JetBrains IDE plugin. It interacts with external translation services via their public APIs. API keys are managed by the user. The build process is assumed to be using GitHub Actions or a similar CI/CD system.