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File metadata and controls

184 lines (156 loc) · 10.4 KB


  • Business Priorities and Goals:

  • The primary goal of the dznemptydataset project is to provide developers with a readily available, empty dataset for use in software development and testing.

  • This accelerates development cycles by removing the need for developers to create their own placeholder datasets.

  • It ensures consistency across development environments by providing a standardized empty dataset.

  • The project aims to be lightweight, easily accessible, and require minimal maintenance.

  • Business Risks:

  • Availability risk: If the repository becomes unavailable, it could temporarily disrupt development workflows that depend on it.

  • Data integrity risk: Although intended to be empty, there's a minor risk of accidental inclusion of sensitive or incorrect data, which could lead to unexpected behavior in dependent systems during testing.

  • Security risk: If the repository is compromised, it could be used to distribute malicious datasets, although the impact is likely low given the nature of empty datasets.

  • Dependency risk: Over-reliance on this specific dataset could create vendor lock-in or impact if the project is discontinued.


  • Existing Security Controls:

  • security control: Access control - GitHub repository access is controlled by GitHub's authentication and authorization mechanisms. Implemented in: GitHub platform.

  • security control: Version control - Git version control system tracks changes and provides history. Implemented in: Git and GitHub platform.

  • accepted risk: Public accessibility - The repository is publicly accessible on GitHub, which is an accepted risk to maximize ease of use and accessibility for developers.

  • Recommended Security Controls:

  • security control: Dependency scanning - Although unlikely for this project, dependency scanning could be implemented to ensure no malicious dependencies are introduced if the project evolves to include build tools or scripts.

  • security control: Content scanning - Periodically scan the repository content to ensure it remains empty and does not inadvertently contain sensitive data.

  • security control: Branch protection - Implement branch protection on the main branch to prevent accidental direct commits and enforce code review for any changes.

  • Security Requirements:

  • Authentication:

  • Requirement: Access to the repository for read operations is public and anonymous.

  • Requirement: Write access (if needed for maintainers) should be authenticated via GitHub accounts.

  • Authorization:

  • Requirement: Public users are authorized for read-only access (clone, pull).

  • Requirement: Maintainers (if any) should be authorized for write access (push, merge).

  • Input Validation:

  • Requirement: Not directly applicable as the project primarily serves static datasets. If the project evolves to include any form of input processing, input validation will be required to prevent injection attacks.

  • Cryptography:

  • Requirement: Not applicable for this project as it does not handle sensitive data or require confidentiality or integrity of data in transit or at rest beyond standard Git and GitHub mechanisms.



flowchart LR
    subgraph "Development Team"
    D -->|Uses| S
    S -->|Provides Empty Datasets| D
    style SystemBoundary fill:transparent,stroke:#999,stroke-dasharray:5 5
  • Context Diagram Elements:
    • Name: Developers
    • Type: Person
    • Description: Software developers who need empty datasets for testing and development purposes.
    • Responsibilities: Utilize the dznemptydataset to streamline their development and testing workflows.
    • Security controls: Developers are responsible for securely integrating and using the dataset within their own development environments, adhering to their organization's security policies.
    • Name: dznemptydataset
    • Type: Software System
    • Description: A GitHub repository providing a collection of empty datasets in various formats.
    • Responsibilities: Store and provide access to empty dataset files. Maintain availability and integrity of the dataset files.
    • Security controls: Access control via GitHub, version control using Git.


flowchart LR
    subgraph GitHub["GitHub Platform"]
        subgraph Repository["dznemptydataset Repository"]
            DatasetFiles(DF["Dataset Files"])
    Developers -->|Clone/Download| Repository
    Repository --> DatasetFiles
  • Container Diagram Elements:
    • Name: dznemptydataset Repository
    • Type: Container - Code Repository
    • Description: A Git repository hosted on GitHub, containing the empty dataset files.
    • Responsibilities: Version control of dataset files, storage and retrieval of files, access control.
    • Security controls: GitHub access controls, Git version history, repository-level permissions.
    • Name: Dataset Files
    • Type: Container - Data Files
    • Description: Files containing empty datasets in various formats (e.g., JSON, CSV, XML).
    • Responsibilities: Represent empty datasets, be easily parsable and usable by developers.
    • Security controls: Content scanning (recommended), file integrity checks (via Git).


  • Deployment Options:

  • Option 1: Direct Access from GitHub - Developers directly clone or download the repository from GitHub as needed.

  • Option 2: Package Manager Distribution - Datasets could be packaged and distributed via package managers (e.g., npm, pip) for easier integration into projects.

  • Option 3: CDN Hosting - Datasets could be hosted on a CDN for faster and more reliable download access.

  • Selected Deployment Architecture: Option 1: Direct Access from GitHub

flowchart LR
    subgraph "Developer Workstation"
        DeveloperEnvironment(DE["Developer Environment"])
    subgraph "GitHub Cloud"
        GitHubRepository(GR["GitHub Repository\n(dznemptydataset)"])
    DeveloperEnvironment -- Clones/Downloads --> GitHubRepository
  • Deployment Diagram Elements:
    • Name: GitHub Repository (dznemptydataset)
    • Type: Infrastructure - Cloud Service
    • Description: The GitHub platform hosting the dznemptydataset Git repository.
    • Responsibilities: Hosting the repository, providing access control, ensuring availability of the repository.
    • Security controls: GitHub's infrastructure security, access controls, and platform security features.
    • Name: Developer Environment
    • Type: Infrastructure - Workstation
    • Description: The local machine or development environment used by developers.
    • Responsibilities: Downloading and utilizing the dataset files in development projects.
    • Security controls: Developer workstation security controls, organization's endpoint security policies.


  • Build Process:
  • The "build" process for this project is minimal as it primarily involves creating and committing empty dataset files.
  • There is no automated build system currently in place.
  • The process is manual:
  • Developer creates or modifies dataset files locally.
  • Developer commits and pushes changes to the GitHub repository.
flowchart LR
    Developer(Dev["Developer"]) --> LocalFiles(LF["Local Dataset Files"])
    LocalFiles --> GitCommit(GC["Git Commit"])
    GitCommit --> GitHubRepository(GR["GitHub Repository"])
  • Build Diagram Elements:
    • Name: Developer
    • Type: Person
    • Description: A developer contributing to or maintaining the dznemptydataset project.
    • Responsibilities: Creating and updating dataset files, committing changes, ensuring the quality of datasets.
    • Security controls: Developer workstation security, secure coding practices.
    • Name: Local Dataset Files
    • Type: Data - Files
    • Description: Dataset files on the developer's local machine.
    • Responsibilities: Represent the dataset content before being committed to the repository.
    • Security controls: Local file system permissions, developer workstation security.
    • Name: Git Commit
    • Type: Process - Version Control
    • Description: The process of committing changes to the Git repository.
    • Responsibilities: Tracking changes, creating version history, preparing changes for pushing to the remote repository.
    • Security controls: Git version control features, commit signing (optional).
    • Name: GitHub Repository
    • Type: Infrastructure - Cloud Service
    • Description: The remote Git repository hosted on GitHub.
    • Responsibilities: Storing the project's codebase and datasets, providing access to the repository.
    • Security controls: GitHub's platform security, access controls, branch protection (recommended).


  • Critical Business Processes:

  • The critical business process supported by this project is software development and testing efficiency. Any disruption or compromise could slow down development cycles.

  • Data to Protect and Sensitivity:

  • Data to protect: The empty dataset files themselves.

  • Data Sensitivity: Low. The datasets are intentionally empty and should not contain any sensitive information. However, maintaining integrity (ensuring they remain empty) is important to avoid unexpected issues in dependent systems. Accidental inclusion of real data would increase sensitivity.


  • Questions:

  • What are the specific dataset formats required by the users? (Current repository includes JSON, CSV, XML). Should more formats be added?

  • Is there a need for different "sizes" of empty datasets? (e.g., small, medium, large empty datasets).

  • Is there any plan to evolve this project beyond just providing static empty datasets? (e.g., generating dynamic placeholder data).

  • Who is responsible for maintaining the repository and ensuring the datasets remain empty and available?

  • Are there any specific performance requirements for accessing the datasets?

  • Assumptions:

  • Assumption: The primary use case is for development and testing purposes, not for production systems.

  • Assumption: The datasets are intended to be genuinely empty or contain only placeholder data with no real or sensitive information.

  • Assumption: Ease of access and minimal maintenance are higher priorities than stringent security measures, given the nature of the project.

  • Assumption: The target audience is software developers who are familiar with Git and GitHub.

  • Assumption: The current deployment method of direct access from GitHub is sufficient and cost-effective.