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Project Design Document: MMDrawerController


  • Priorities and Goals:

    • Provide a simple, easy-to-use, and customizable side drawer navigation component for iOS applications.
    • Offer a lightweight alternative to more complex side drawer libraries.
    • Maintain high performance and responsiveness.
    • Ensure compatibility with a wide range of iOS versions and devices.
    • Provide clear documentation and examples for easy adoption.
    • Minimize external dependencies.
  • Business Risks:

    • Usability issues: If the component is difficult to use or customize, developers may choose alternative solutions.
    • Performance bottlenecks: Slow or unresponsive drawer animations could negatively impact the user experience of applications using the component.
    • Compatibility problems: Incompatibility with certain iOS versions or devices could limit the component's adoption.
    • Security vulnerabilities: Although primarily a UI component, potential vulnerabilities could be exploited if user input or sensitive data is mishandled.
    • Lack of maintenance: If the project is not actively maintained, bugs and compatibility issues may arise over time, leading to developer frustration.
    • Lack of features: If project is not supporting features that are supported by alternatives, developers may choose alternative solutions.


  • Existing Security Controls:

    • security control: Code Reviews: The project's GitHub repository shows evidence of collaboration and code review, which helps identify potential security issues.
    • security control: Static Analysis: While not explicitly mentioned, it's common practice to use static analysis tools (like those built into Xcode) during iOS development to identify potential vulnerabilities.
    • security control: Community Scrutiny: As an open-source project, MMDrawerController benefits from community scrutiny, where users can report bugs and potential security issues.
  • Accepted Risks:

    • accepted risk: Limited Input Validation: As a UI component, MMDrawerController likely has limited direct user input. The primary responsibility for input validation rests with the application using the component.
    • accepted risk: Dependency Vulnerabilities: While the project aims to minimize dependencies, any included dependencies could introduce vulnerabilities.
  • Recommended Security Controls:

    • security control: Integrate a Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tool to regularly scan for vulnerabilities in dependencies.
    • security control: Implement fuzz testing to identify potential vulnerabilities related to unexpected input or edge cases.
    • security control: Establish a clear security vulnerability reporting process.
  • Security Requirements:

    • Authentication: Not directly applicable to this UI component. Authentication should be handled by the application using the component.
    • Authorization: Not directly applicable. Authorization should be handled by the application.
    • Input Validation: The component should handle any internal data manipulation safely, but the primary responsibility for input validation lies with the application using it.
    • Cryptography: Not directly applicable, unless the component is used to display or manage sensitive data, in which case the application should handle encryption/decryption.



graph LR
    MMDrawerController["MMDrawerController\n(iOS Component)"]
    iOSApp["iOS Application"]
    ExternalSystem["External Systems\n(e.g., APIs, Backend Services)"]

    User -- Uses --> iOSApp
    iOSApp -- Uses --> MMDrawerController
    iOSApp -- Interacts with --> ExternalSystem
  • Elements Description:

    • User:

      1. Name - User
      2. Type - Person
      3. Description - The end-user interacting with the iOS application.
      4. Responsibilities - Interacts with the iOS application's UI, including the side drawer.
      5. Security controls - None (handled by the iOS application).
    • MMDrawerController:

      1. Name - MMDrawerController
      2. Type - iOS Component
      3. Description - The side drawer navigation component.
      4. Responsibilities - Provides the side drawer functionality and UI elements.
      5. Security controls - Limited input validation, safe handling of internal data.
    • iOS Application:

      1. Name - iOS Application
      2. Type - Software System
      3. Description - The iOS application that integrates the MMDrawerController component.
      4. Responsibilities - Handles user authentication, authorization, data management, and interaction with external systems.
      5. Security controls - Authentication, authorization, input validation, secure communication with external systems, data encryption (if applicable).
    • External Systems:

      1. Name - External Systems
      2. Type - Software System
      3. Description - External systems (APIs, backend services) that the iOS application interacts with.
      4. Responsibilities - Provide data and services to the iOS application.
      5. Security controls - Authentication, authorization, input validation, secure communication, data encryption.


Since MMDrawerController is a single component, the Container diagram is essentially the same as the Context diagram, with a slight expansion to show internal modules if we consider them "containers." For simplicity, we'll keep it very close to the Context diagram.

graph LR
    MMDrawerController["MMDrawerController\n(iOS Component)"]
    CenterViewController["Center View Controller"]
    LeftDrawerViewController["Left Drawer View Controller"]
    RightDrawerViewController["Right Drawer View Controller"]
    iOSApp["iOS Application"]
    ExternalSystem["External Systems\n(e.g., APIs, Backend Services)"]

    User -- Uses --> iOSApp
    iOSApp -- Uses --> MMDrawerController
    MMDrawerController -- Manages --> CenterViewController
    MMDrawerController -- Manages --> LeftDrawerViewController
    MMDrawerController -- Manages --> RightDrawerViewController
    iOSApp -- Interacts with --> ExternalSystem
  • Elements Description:

    • User:

      1. Name - User
      2. Type - Person
      3. Description - The end-user interacting with the iOS application.
      4. Responsibilities - Interacts with the iOS application's UI, including the side drawer.
      5. Security controls - None (handled by the iOS application).
    • MMDrawerController:

      1. Name - MMDrawerController
      2. Type - iOS Component
      3. Description - The side drawer navigation component.
      4. Responsibilities - Provides the side drawer functionality and UI elements, manages the center, left, and right view controllers.
      5. Security controls - Limited input validation, safe handling of internal data.
    • CenterViewController:

      1. Name - Center View Controller
      2. Type - UIViewController
      3. Description - The main content view controller.
      4. Responsibilities - Displaying the primary content of the application.
      5. Security controls - Inherits security controls from the iOS Application.
    • LeftDrawerViewController:

      1. Name - Left Drawer View Controller
      2. Type - UIViewController
      3. Description - The view controller for the left side drawer.
      4. Responsibilities - Displaying the content of the left drawer.
      5. Security controls - Inherits security controls from the iOS Application.
    • RightDrawerViewController:

      1. Name - Right Drawer View Controller
      2. Type - UIViewController
      3. Description - The view controller for the right side drawer.
      4. Responsibilities - Displaying the content of the right drawer.
      5. Security controls - Inherits security controls from the iOS Application.
    • iOS Application:

      1. Name - iOS Application
      2. Type - Software System
      3. Description - The iOS application that integrates the MMDrawerController component.
      4. Responsibilities - Handles user authentication, authorization, data management, and interaction with external systems. Hosts the MMDrawerController and associated view controllers.
      5. Security controls - Authentication, authorization, input validation, secure communication with external systems, data encryption (if applicable).
    • External Systems:

      1. Name - External Systems
      2. Type - Software System
      3. Description - External systems (APIs, backend services) that the iOS application interacts with.
      4. Responsibilities - Provide data and services to the iOS application.
      5. Security controls - Authentication, authorization, input validation, secure communication, data encryption.


MMDrawerController is a library/component, not a standalone application. Therefore, it doesn't have its own deployment process in the traditional sense. It is integrated into an iOS application, and the deployment process is that of the hosting application. Here are the possible deployment scenarios:

  1. Direct Integration (Source Code): The developer copies the MMDrawerController source code directly into their iOS project.
  2. CocoaPods: The developer uses CocoaPods, a dependency manager, to include MMDrawerController in their project.
  3. Carthage: The developer uses Carthage, another dependency manager, to include MMDrawerController.
  4. Swift Package Manager: The developer uses Swift Package Manager (SPM) to include MMDrawerController.

We'll describe the deployment process assuming CocoaPods, as it's a common method.

graph LR
    DeveloperMachine["Developer's Machine"]
    CocoaPodsRepo["CocoaPods Repository"]
    AppStoreConnect["App Store Connect"]
    Device["iOS Device"]
    Firebase["Firebase (Optional)"]

    DeveloperMachine -- "pod install/update" --> CocoaPodsRepo
    CocoaPodsRepo -- "Downloads MMDrawerController" --> Xcode
    DeveloperMachine -- "Builds & Archives" --> Xcode
    Xcode -- "Uploads to" --> AppStoreConnect
    AppStoreConnect -- "Distributes to (TestFlight/App Store)" --> Device
    AppStoreConnect -- "Distributes to" --> Firebase
  • Elements Description:

    • Developer's Machine:

      1. Name - Developer's Machine
      2. Type - Workstation
      3. Description - The developer's computer where the iOS application code resides.
      4. Responsibilities - Writing code, managing dependencies, building the application.
      5. Security controls - Local user authentication, disk encryption (recommended).
    • CocoaPods Repository:

      1. Name - CocoaPods Repository
      2. Type - Package Repository
      3. Description - The central repository for CocoaPods packages.
      4. Responsibilities - Storing and providing access to MMDrawerController and other libraries.
      5. Security controls - Access controls, integrity checks.
    • Xcode:

      1. Name - Xcode
      2. Type - IDE
      3. Description - Apple's Integrated Development Environment for iOS development.
      4. Responsibilities - Building, compiling, and packaging the iOS application, including MMDrawerController.
      5. Security controls - Code signing, static analysis.
    • App Store Connect:

      1. Name - App Store Connect
      2. Type - Web Service
      3. Description - Apple's platform for managing and distributing iOS applications.
      4. Responsibilities - Managing app metadata, builds, testing, and releases.
      5. Security controls - Authentication, authorization, code signing verification.
    • iOS Device:

      1. Name - iOS Device
      2. Type - Mobile Device
      3. Description - The end-user's iPhone or iPad.
      4. Responsibilities - Running the iOS application.
      5. Security controls - Device passcode, biometric authentication, sandboxing.
    • Firebase (Optional):

      1. Name - Firebase
      2. Type - BaaS
      3. Description - Firebase platform that can be used for beta distribution.
      4. Responsibilities - Distribute application to testers.
      5. Security controls - Authentication, authorization.


The build process for MMDrawerController itself is typically handled by Xcode when it's integrated into a project. However, the library itself likely has a build process for development and testing. This would involve compiling the Swift code, running unit tests, and potentially generating documentation. Since it's a library, the "build artifact" is the compiled component ready to be linked into an iOS application.

graph LR
    GitHub["GitHub Repository"]
    XcodeBuild["Xcode (Build & Test)"]
    CompiledComponent["Compiled Component\n(.framework or similar)"]

    Developer -- "Commits Code" --> GitHub
    GitHub -- "Triggers Build (CI - Optional)" --> XcodeBuild
    XcodeBuild -- "Compiles Code" --> CompiledComponent
    XcodeBuild -- "Runs Unit Tests" --> CompiledComponent
  • Elements Description:

    • Developer:

      1. Name - Developer
      2. Type - Person
      3. Description - A developer contributing to the MMDrawerController project.
      4. Responsibilities - Writing code, running tests, committing changes.
      5. Security controls - Local user authentication, SSH keys for GitHub access.
    • GitHub Repository:

      1. Name - GitHub Repository
      2. Type - Code Repository
      3. Description - The repository hosting the MMDrawerController source code.
      4. Responsibilities - Version control, collaboration, potentially triggering CI builds.
      5. Security controls - Access controls, branch protection rules.
    • Xcode (Build & Test):

      1. Name - Xcode (Build & Test)
      2. Type - IDE/Build System
      3. Description - Xcode used to build and test the MMDrawerController component.
      4. Responsibilities - Compiling the code, running unit tests.
      5. Security controls - Static analysis (built-in to Xcode).
    • Compiled Component:

      1. Name - Compiled Component
      2. Type - Build Artifact
      3. Description - The compiled MMDrawerController component, ready for integration.
      4. Responsibilities - N/A
      5. Security controls - N/A
  • Security Controls in Build Process:

    • Code Review: All changes should be reviewed before merging into the main branch.
    • Static Analysis: Xcode's built-in static analyzer should be used to identify potential code issues.
    • Unit Tests: A comprehensive suite of unit tests should be run as part of the build process to ensure code quality and prevent regressions.
    • Dependency Management (if applicable): If the project uses CocoaPods, Carthage, or SPM, regular updates and vulnerability scans of dependencies are crucial.


  • Critical Business Processes:

    • Providing a functional and user-friendly side drawer navigation component.
    • Maintaining the component's compatibility with iOS updates.
    • Ensuring the component's performance and responsiveness.
  • Data Protection:

    • MMDrawerController itself does not handle sensitive user data directly. It's a UI component. The application using MMDrawerController is responsible for protecting any sensitive data it handles.
    • Data Sensitivity: Not applicable to the component itself. The sensitivity of data handled by the application using the component would depend on the application's purpose.


  • Questions:

    • Are there any specific performance benchmarks or targets for the component?
    • Are there plans to support specific accessibility features?
    • What is the long-term maintenance plan for the project?
    • Are there any plans to add support for other dependency managers (e.g., Swift Package Manager)?
    • What is the minimum supported iOS version?
    • Are there any plans for supporting SwiftUI?
  • Assumptions:

    • The primary use case is for standard side drawer navigation in iOS applications.
    • The component is not intended to handle sensitive user data directly.
    • Developers integrating the component are responsible for the security of their own applications.
    • The project is maintained by the open-source community, with contributions and issue reports welcome.
    • The project aims to remain lightweight and minimize external dependencies.
    • The project is written in Swift (or a mix of Swift and Objective-C).