Business Priorities and Goals:
Priority is to improve application performance by reducing image loading times.
Goal is to provide a fast and efficient image caching service.
Goal is to reduce bandwidth costs associated with serving images directly from origin servers.
Goal is to improve user experience by serving images quickly and reliably.
Business Risks:
Risk of service unavailability impacting application performance and user experience.
Risk of serving stale or incorrect images leading to data integrity issues.
Risk of increased operational costs if the caching system is not efficient or scalable.
Risk of security vulnerabilities in the caching system leading to data breaches or service disruptions.
Existing Security Controls:
security control: Code reviews are likely performed as part of the development process. (Location: GitHub repository workflow)
security control: Basic unit and integration tests are likely in place. (Location: GitHub repository workflow)
security control: Project is likely deployed in a cloud environment. (Location: Assumption based on modern software development practices)
Accepted Risks:
accepted risk: Potential for minor service disruptions during deployment updates.
accepted risk: Reliance on cloud provider's security for infrastructure.
Recommended Security Controls:
security control: Implement automated security scanning (SAST/DAST) in the CI/CD pipeline.
security control: Implement input validation for image URLs and cache keys.
security control: Implement access control to the cache management interface.
security control: Use HTTPS for all communication to and from the cache.
security control: Implement monitoring and logging for security events.
Security Requirements:
Requirement: Implement authentication for accessing the cache management interface.
Requirement: Consider API key or token-based authentication for programmatic access.
Requirement: Implement role-based access control (RBAC) for the cache management interface to restrict access to sensitive operations.
Requirement: Ensure that only authorized services or users can invalidate cache entries.
Input Validation:
Requirement: Validate image URLs to prevent injection attacks and ensure they are valid image resources.
Requirement: Validate cache keys to prevent manipulation and ensure proper cache retrieval.
Requirement: Sanitize and validate any user-provided data used in cache operations.
Requirement: Use HTTPS for all communication between clients and the cache service to protect data in transit.
Requirement: Consider encryption at rest for cached images if they contain sensitive data.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Application Users"
subgraph "Origin Image Servers"
B[Image Origin 1]
C[Image Origin 2]
D[Image Origin N]
E("Fast Image Cache System")
A --> E
E --> B
E --> C
E --> D
C4 CONTEXT Elements:
Name: Users
Type: Person
Description: End-users of the application who access images.
Responsibilities: Requesting images through the application.
Security controls: User authentication and authorization are handled by the application, not directly by the cache.
Name: Image Origin 1, Image Origin 2, ..., Image Origin N
Type: External System
Description: External servers that host the original images.
Responsibilities: Providing original images when requested by the cache.
Security controls: Security of origin servers is managed independently. Fast Image Cache system should only access publicly available images or use appropriate authentication if required by origin servers.
Name: Fast Image Cache System
Type: System
Description: System responsible for caching images to improve application performance.
Responsibilities: Caching images fetched from origin servers, serving cached images to users, managing cache invalidation.
Security controls: Input validation, access control for management interface, HTTPS for communication, monitoring and logging.
flowchart LR
subgraph "Fast Image Cache System"
A["Web Server"
\nTechnology: Nginx/Apache]
B["Cache Storage"
\nTechnology: Redis/Memcached/Disk]
C["Management Interface"
\nTechnology: Web UI/CLI"]
E[Image Origin]
D --> A
A --> B
A --> E
C --> A
C --> B
C4 CONTAINER Elements:
Name: Web Server
Type: Container
Description: Handles incoming image requests from users, checks the cache, and serves cached images or fetches from origin servers.
Responsibilities: Receiving image requests, cache lookup, image retrieval from origin, serving images, cache invalidation requests.
Security controls: Input validation for image URLs, HTTPS termination, rate limiting, logging of access attempts.
Name: Cache Storage
Type: Container
Description: Stores cached images and metadata for efficient retrieval.
Responsibilities: Storing and retrieving images based on cache keys, managing cache eviction policies.
Security controls: Access control to the cache storage, potential encryption at rest, monitoring of storage usage.
Name: Management Interface
Type: Container
Description: Provides an interface for administrators to manage the cache, such as invalidating entries, monitoring cache statistics, and configuring settings.
Responsibilities: Cache management operations, monitoring, configuration.
Security controls: Authentication and authorization for access, audit logging of management actions, secure communication (HTTPS).
flowchart LR
subgraph "Cloud Environment (e.g., AWS)"
subgraph "Load Balancer"
A[Load Balancer]
subgraph "Web Server Instances"
B1[Web Server Instance 1]
B2[Web Server Instance 2]
Bn[Web Server Instance N]
subgraph "Cache Storage Cluster"
C1[Cache Node 1]
C2[Cache Node 2]
Cm[Cache Node M]
subgraph "Management Instance"
D[Management Instance]
F[Image Origin]
E --> A
A --> B1
A --> B2
A --> Bn
B1 --> C1
B1 --> C2
B1 --> Cm
B2 --> C1
B2 --> C2
B2 --> Cm
Bn --> C1
Bn --> C2
Bn --> Cm
D --> B1
D --> C1
F --> B1
Name: Load Balancer
Type: Infrastructure
Description: Distributes incoming traffic across multiple web server instances for high availability and scalability.
Responsibilities: Traffic distribution, health checks for web server instances.
Security controls: DDoS protection, TLS termination, access control lists.
Name: Web Server Instance 1, Web Server Instance 2, ..., Web Server Instance N
Type: Infrastructure (Virtual Machine/Container)
Description: Instances of the web server container running the image caching logic.
Responsibilities: Handling image requests, interacting with cache storage and origin servers.
Security controls: Security hardening of the operating system and runtime environment, network firewalls, intrusion detection systems.
Name: Cache Node 1, Cache Node 2, ..., Cache Node M
Type: Infrastructure (Virtual Machine/Container/Managed Service)
Description: Nodes in the cache storage cluster providing distributed and scalable caching.
Responsibilities: Storing and retrieving cached images, data replication and persistence.
Security controls: Access control to the cache cluster, data encryption at rest and in transit within the cluster, monitoring of cluster health.
Name: Management Instance
Type: Infrastructure (Virtual Machine/Container)
Description: Instance hosting the management interface for the cache system.
Responsibilities: Providing access to the management interface.
Security controls: Security hardening, network firewalls, access control, HTTPS only access.
flowchart LR
A[Developer] --> B{Code Changes};
B --> C[Version Control (e.g., GitHub)];
C --> D[CI/CD Pipeline (e.g., GitHub Actions)];
D --> E{Build Process
\n- Compilation
\n- Linting
\n- SAST Scanning
\n- Unit Tests
\n- Integration Tests};
E --> F[Build Artifacts
\n(e.g., Container Image, Binaries)];
F --> G[Artifact Repository
\n(e.g., Container Registry, Package Repository)];
- BUILD Elements:
- Element:
- Name: Developer
- Type: Person
- Description: Software developer writing and modifying the code.
- Responsibilities: Writing secure code, performing local testing.
- Security controls: Secure coding practices training, code review participation.
- Element:
- Name: Version Control (e.g., GitHub)
- Type: Tool
- Description: System for managing and tracking changes to the codebase.
- Responsibilities: Source code management, access control to codebase, audit logging of changes.
- Security controls: Access control (authentication and authorization), branch protection, audit logs.
- Element:
- Name: CI/CD Pipeline (e.g., GitHub Actions)
- Type: Tool
- Description: Automated system for building, testing, and deploying the application.
- Responsibilities: Automating build process, running security scans, deploying artifacts.
- Security controls: Secure pipeline configuration, secret management, access control to pipeline definitions and execution.
- Element:
- Name: Build Process
- Type: Process
- Description: Steps involved in transforming source code into deployable artifacts. Includes compilation, linting, security scanning, and testing.
- Responsibilities: Creating secure and functional build artifacts.
- Security controls: SAST scanning, dependency scanning, linting, unit and integration tests, secure build environment.
- Element:
- Name: Build Artifacts (e.g., Container Image, Binaries)
- Type: Artifact
- Description: Deployable packages created by the build process.
- Responsibilities: Being deployable and containing the application code and dependencies.
- Security controls: Artifact signing, vulnerability scanning of artifacts.
- Element:
- Name: Artifact Repository (e.g., Container Registry, Package Repository)
- Type: Tool
- Description: System for storing and managing build artifacts.
- Responsibilities: Securely storing and distributing build artifacts.
- Security controls: Access control, vulnerability scanning, audit logging, secure storage.
Critical Business Processes:
Serving images to application users quickly and reliably.
Maintaining cache availability and integrity.
Efficiently managing cache storage and resources.
Data to Protect and Sensitivity:
Cached images: Sensitivity depends on the application using the cache. Assuming publicly available images, sensitivity is low in terms of confidentiality, but high in terms of availability and integrity (serving correct images).
Cache metadata: Low sensitivity.
Logs and monitoring data: Low to medium sensitivity, depending on the information logged.
What is the expected scale of image requests and cache size?
What are the performance requirements (latency, throughput)?
What type of images will be cached (public, private, sensitive)?
Are there any specific compliance requirements (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)?
What is the budget for security controls and infrastructure?
What is the expected lifespan of the project?
The primary business goal is to improve application performance.
The application serves publicly accessible images.
Cost-effectiveness is a consideration.
Basic security controls like code reviews and testing are in place.
The system will be deployed in a cloud environment.
Security is important but should be balanced with performance and cost.
A standard web server (Nginx/Apache) will be used.
A distributed cache storage (Redis/Memcached/Disk) will be used.
Deployment will be in a typical cloud environment with load balancers and auto-scaling.
CI/CD pipeline will be used for build and deployment automation.